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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I am often enough in Nana. These days at least 99% of the girls are over 20. And 90% of that remaining 1% are over 18. There is no problem with underage sex in Nana. Having said that, I am sure one or the other girl would be willing to introduce her little sister to someone who is interested. Or in other words: Nobody will by accident meet a young teenage prostitute in Nana. And those who search for underage girls and boys will always find them. For the record: I ask the girls from time to time how old they are, and after living here long enough I have a pretty good idea myself if they are "old enough". I never tried to find any illegal underage prostitute. But I am sure they exist - not only in Bangkok and not only in Thailand.
  2. In Bangkok I pay about 300B for espresso for mf gf and me per day. That's about 10k per month or 120k per year. It adds up, and not just the coffee. ????
  3. Looking back at the original question: "If you were looking for a new relationship today what age gap would you aim for and why?" 20 years ago I would have answered: 15 years difference. And now, 20 years older, I would answer: 35 years difference. Or in other words: Personally, I think the important part is her age, and not the age difference.
  4. 555 At that time my Englich was really bad, I didn't listen to the lyrics. And I am pretty sure her English wasn't any better. ????
  5. This thread is supposed to be about relationships. It seems you hire someone to do a job - maybe taking care of you. If you tell them up front it is a job for a year, then it's not a relationship. Obviously, you can do that. But it's a different topic to what this thread is about. IMHO with a relationship you start a relationship. And maybe you are pretty sure it won't be forever. But you don't have a clear date in mind or agreed when it will end (except maybe when you are here on holiday).
  6. Why would that be a problem? Does it really matter if a woman is attracted to you because you are tall or have these wonderful blue eyes or you are a celebrity or have money? If she is attached to you and if she makes you happy then all is good.
  7. If it is important, then change it! Don't repeat the same again and again and do nothing about it.
  8. Some steps to analyze issues: Is it important to me? Can I change it? ... If it's not important then ignore it. If you can't change it, then accept it. If it is important and if you can change it, then think about how and do it. It's stupid to worry about things which are not important and which we can't change.
  9. Maybe he was not able to make her happy. So she could have left him of stay with him and get the satisfaction somewhere else. Possibly he was happy that she stayed with him.
  10. I love Bangkok. I've been here since almost 30 years and I don't plan to move anywhere else, ever.
  11. If she thinks she will be happier somewhere else then she should move to that happier place. And if for whatever reason she can't do that or doesn't want to do that then she should learn to make the best out of it. Just moaning forever doesn't make her life better.
  12. I agree. By now I know the story how my gf grew up. Her mother died when she was maybe 5, and later her father didn't really take care of her. I am sure when I met her and told her I will take care of her, that that resonated with what she wanted. And I still take care of her. Lots of what we do has a lot to do with how we grew up.
  13. Where I live is up to me. And she has two options: Live with me where I want to live or leave me. There are so many stories out there from guys who moved to the village of their wife. And then they build a house, on her land, and then life is over. Or at least it is limited to what she wants. I find it hard to understand why guys do this again and again.
  14. No more money, no more good looks, no more sexy body, no more well paid job, whatever. Lots of things change over time. And sometimes it's a problem. But sometimes we don't focus on things so much anymore when we get older. I.e. when I met my gf, she was young and hot. Now she is not young and hot anymore. But I still love her. But coming back to this thread if we would separate for whatever reason then I would look for young and hot again. But I won't leave my gf now only because another one if younger and hotter. I am still happy with her, even when she changed. I am sure I also changed.
  15. I am pretty sure I read somewhere officially that what you suggest is acceptable. But don't ask me for the source of that information.
  16. And your point is? He wouldn't be attracted to her is she wouldn't be 20. So, the age makes the difference. We are all the sum of our "properties". Maybe a guy wants a girl for property A, and she wants him for property B. Same same, not much different.
  17. I was the one who mentioned the 144cm girl. I met her in Nana last Friday. Yes, she was exceptionally short - even for Thai girls. I could easily lift her with one arm. She was cute and nice, and she knew how to dance. The even had C-cup or something in that region. And she was 21 and her English was pretty good. Almost perfect.
  18. Some guys look in the mirror and think about what they can possibly get. And then, when any woman is interested, they go for it - her. Other guys don't think too much. They just look for the hottest girls and try to get one. And maybe they do get one. Why think too much?
  19. It now some time ago that anybody asked, but I remember some years ago when taxi drivers often ask how much money I make. After some time I settled on telling them I make 40k per month. That was a number which they could still somehow "understand". And most of them had the question: How is it possible to spend 40k per month? Yes mate, it is possible, no problem at all... Many girls don't even know how much money they make in a month. They know their "I go with you rate", and that's about it.
  20. It seems you missed that part in the above post: "Ms. Sukapatana (who is Thai playing a Vietnamese)"
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