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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. A long time ago, when disk space for mp3 files was still an issue, I listened to file in 128kbps, 192kbps and higher. On "normal speakers" in normal environments (like AC running in the background), I couldn't hear a quality improvement with better compression. With expensive headphones (about 3oo USD at that time) I could hear a difference. The source only becomes and important issue if you have a high-end setup, especially speakers.
  2. Good idea, I never saw that old video. I only knew this version:
  3. Billy Idol on full volume with > 200km/h on the Autobahn.
  4. At least you should offer him to compensate him for his expenses and time.
  5. Sure, cables and connectors make a difference. But mostly it's about using a big enough copper cable and gold-plated connectors. Lots of fancy cables are just eye candy. Luckily my system is all digital up to the active speakers (with digital input). The cables with XLR connectors cost a couple of hundred THB.
  6. Can he explain? Or can he, or anybody else, measure a difference? Too many so called audiophiles believe they can hear a difference, but they can't measure any difference. Modern measurement techniques are extreme good. And 20kHz or even 100kHz is nothing demanding. And even if cables would be 0.001% inaccurate, how about speakers? This is a sample from a very good and very expensive speaker. And this is considered very good. Now think about the measurements of a cable...
  7. My gf used to gamble a lot. When the police came and wanted money, she paid. When the police come again and arrested her, she paid more. And at that point she decided playing cards is fun but paying too much money to the police and getting arrested is no fun. Summary: Most of the time she doesn't play anymore. In general with my gf, I have no problem if she plays cards from time to time. She is good at it and mostly she wins. And she knows that I won't pay for the police. If she gets arrested, then it's her problem to get out of the mess.
  8. Maybe that was mentioned already: Gambling, including playing cards, is illegal in Thailand. If the cops see it, then they arrest the gamblers - also up country in the villages. Or the gamblers have to pay the police not to get arrested. So if you want to stop any game, call the police and let them arrest her and her friends. Maybe that is "incentive" enough for her to stop.
  9. Don't waste that money. Read or watch what Amir has to say: www.audiosciencereview.com
  10. I think part of the problem is that we have to decide how good is good enough. I.e. I would say I am happy with my long-term gf maybe 90% of the time. In parts of the remaining 10% I really think I don't need this s#$%. But she is smart enough to behave again sometime soon. I never asked her about which percentage of my behavior she likes or not... I don't think there are perfect relationships. We have to decide when good enough is good enough and if it makes sense to chase for something better which maybe doesn't exist.
  11. About the same age I also thought about building my own speakers. But I never did it. Now I just decided to buy some professional JBL speakers. I think that was a good decision. ????
  12. That is obviously fine and your choice. What I find sometimes disturbing is that some smart and/or educated people think that no smart and educated person would go to bars. And no smart and educated person would play with bar girls. There are lots of smart, well educated, and rich guys who (regularly) go to bars. And many of them play with the girls. I didn't try to analyze scientifically why they do what they do. I guess part of it is that they just want to relax and have fun. Have a beer, (maybe) have a girl, listen to music, talk with the guys and relax. It seems especially the relax part is much easier in a bar than somewhere else.
  13. Is your time and location setting correct? If you would use i.e. NY as location but you set your time to the correct time for Bangkok, then you will have problems, at least with some websites. Apart from that, don't install any new utils and apps to make the situation better. Delete any software which you don't need and likely things will be better.
  14. What is your definition of "they cannot get a lady back in their own country"? I didn't want any fat woman with an attitude. In farang-land, at least where I came from, are very few slim young women who don't have an attitude problem. And then there are obviously about a hundred guys who are interested in that special women. At home I looked for a girl with <=50kg, I guess they were less than 10% of all females. When I arrived here the majority of girls had <50kg, and they were nice and didn't have feminist attitude problems. In the hindsight I am very happy that I didn't lower my standards back in farang land. Because if I would have done that then I am sure at some stage I would have realized that there are other countries with pretty girls without stupid western attitudes.
  15. I don't think there is a corresponding temperature range. If there is little in a pot or pan then it will get very hot. If a pot is full then it won't get so hot. Just think about the power like: It's cold, add power and it's warm, add power and it's very warm, add power and it's hot, add power and it's very hot, ....
  16. I understand your words. But... At least for me, "very intelligent" means MENSA IQ level like the following picture of that organization. Do you spot any "very attractive women"? I guess what you write about clothes and my limited view on what I find attractive is also true. Maybe it's just my personal taste.
  17. Do they exist? I know some very intelligent women, and I know some very attractive women. But I don't think I know any very intelligent women who is also attractive. It seems to me that very intelligent women don't even try to be attractive. But to be fair I met so few very intelligent women that statistically it's not likely that they are also attractive.
  18. From their homepage: "This website is managed by Siam Legal International - a law firm in Thailand" Just keep in mind that it is not a government website.
  19. This is a book which is recommended by many people who are interested in music reproduction. After the first couple of pages readers realize that reproduction it's difficult. After some more reading they realize it is very difficult. If you are interested in the subject then I can highly recommend it. I learned some things reading the book. And mostly I learned that basically I know nothing and should better listen to the experts.
  20. About all those applications and the charges from lawyers, accountants, agents: In my limited experience it is often a headache to know which documents are currently required. And even when we know which documents are required, then it might still be a problem to present them correctly. Not long ago I was in a Thai embassy to apply for a tourist visa. Before I applied, I looked at their website to see which documents then want. And I looked at their application form. Some things are not obvious. And with a business visa things are a lot more complicated. Most of us just want to get things done. If we can do them ourselves, fine. But if we have to go several times, get several times documents which we didn't know about or didn't understand, wait outside, wait inside, answer questions which seem to have no connection to our application, wait some more and hope all will be fine, ... then at some point we ask ourselves: Wouldn't it be smarter to pay someone money to do all that for us? Many of us pay, and maybe we pay "too much" to avoid headache and time wasted.
  21. If she lives with you permanently then you should have a good idea what she is doing. Lots of Thai girls have no Thai bf and don't want one.
  22. I guess what you write are the fees. If you apply for a Non-B or work permit that requires many many documents. I guess that is where the lawyers and accountant fees come from to prepare all these documents.
  23. Here are some numbers which lawyers and accounting companies quoted recently: Non-B application: between 20k to 35k Work permit application: between 15k to 60k Work permit renewal: between 12k to 25k I won't name any companies.
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