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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Yes, in theory... After looking at lots of videos I decided to buy a relative expensive Prusa 3d printer. The reason is/was that that thing works accurately the way it should work. You tell it to do A and it actually does A. It seems with many cheap printers there are lots of problems which especially beginners don't see, because they don't have the experience. That is headache. So if you want to buy a 3d printer better learn first what you get into.
  2. And then you are surprised that your wireless keyboard doesn't work? I never looked in the manual, but I am pretty sure they are designed maybe for 2 or 3 meter distance, and without a wall in between.
  3. "Debt collectors - any recomendations?" is an interesting headline. I thought it was about how to avoid paying extraordinary interest rates to loan sharks. But it seems you want to collect money. While I understand your principal, I would only consider doing this if it is about a lot of money, maybe a million THB or more. And then only if you have a reasonable chance to get any money. Just the fact that you have a legal agreement, and the other person has money, is far away from you getting that money - not only in Thailand.
  4. Computer, electronics, 3d printing, currently my condo renovation, home automation, later maybe I will build a CNC machine. And obviously enough time to drink espresso and eat good food.
  5. I am also happy to see my gf at daytime, even when the sun is shining. ????
  6. And what about the couples who live together and she cleans and cooks and doesn't go to work? Should she be happy that she gets food everyday? Or should she have a little pocket money for anything she likes to buy for herself? Obviously we can argue about the amount of such pocket money. But then, we can also argue about what she should pay with that money and what he will pay (i.e. going out, etc.). The fact that he gives her money is in itself nothing unusual.
  7. I guess often it's all about the money. Should that young Thai sl$#% get the money or we kids, who obviously deserve it? IMHO the kids should have the happiness of the father in mind. If his young gf makes him happy, fine. But then, I am sure that kids are also more able to detect gold diggers. And I am sure if they do detect such a gold digger then they don't like that scenario in many ways.
  8. That reminds me of a rich guy I know who has a great young girlfriend. His kids don't like it. But the kids still want that he helps them with their investments and the kids still want to inherit everything.
  9. I agree. If a guy is happy with his young girlfriend or wife, then he is happy. Should he marry an old woman only to make other people happy? Sure not! It's not his problem when the other people don't like it. It's their home-made problem.
  10. Reality is, few people ever use the swimming pools. From my high floor apartment I can see several condominium swimming pools. Most of them are empty most of the time.
  11. I guess buying a new condominium is a lot about status. Like look at our beautiful swimming pool(s). And then 2 bedrooms on 35sqm. The luxury...
  12. Let's say we have a couple where the guy makes 100k per month, and she has no decent education and she would only be able to get a minimum salary job for 10k per month. Would it make sense that both work? And if she doesn't work should she asked him for money every time she wants to eat som-tum? Or does it make sense that she has some money to spend? And according to the OP she also buys food from that money.
  13. Maybe, I don't know. Sometimes I hear or see things happening and I don't see it in the news and I wonder why. But to be fair, I look at only a few Thai news sources - which are in English.
  14. I am confused when others doubt this story. Obviously I also don't know if it is true. But what would be the point of writing something like that otherwise? To get applause from people he doesn't know for something he didn't do? Do people get high on something like that?
  15. Maybe she has cancer and will die, and she doesn't know how to tell him. Maybe. Obviously, he should think about if he wants to know. And then think about if he should ask her nicely, or confront her, or whatever. He can have an answer within a couple of days. I think we can all wait that long before we decide, with not enough information, what is going on.
  16. In your case your are right. You just speculated and gave a reason why. But many other member here seem to know exactly what is going on: She must be a gambling addict, she has a Thai boyfriend and she gives him all the money, etc. Yes, these are possibilities. Not more, not less.
  17. I find it amazing how many people in this thread think they know exactly what is going on. We all don't know. We can speculate and guess. But there are more options in this world than a boyfriend and gambling. What is so difficult about keeping an open mind?
  18. Yes, sure. And if your password is compromised on one service then everything is compromised...
  19. Another wannabe expert. Only because you have a vague idea what could possibly happen doesn't mean this is what actually happens. What's the point of your wild speculation? I was here, I also said something? Yeah, sure.
  20. And then she will send him a bill because he destroyed her house. What a brilliant idea - or maybe not?
  21. Sometimes I click on confused when someone makes a comment like: All women in Thailand are only interested in money. I react with confused because I don't understand how a person with at least a little of a brain can think like that. I don't ask: Why do you think so? Because if the person who writes something like that would actually think, then he would know that not all people are the same. I mostly also don't write something like: No, that is not true, some people are like this, and some are like that. What would be the point of writing something obvious? Maybe I think: Why are you writing something stupid like that? But there is no emoji for that. The nearest one is ????.
  22. Lots of people, and especially Thai people, like gambling. Not everybody who plays regularly is addicted. I.e. when my gf is up country then sometimes she plays cards maybe 24h without break. And the next day she sleeps. And then likely no cards for a couple of months. Maybe the wife of the OP is just bored at home, or maybe she wants to talk Thai with her friends for hours, And maybe she gambles. It doesn't have to be an addiction. And maybe she knows that if she tells him that she plays cards then she knows he will be upset. "Thai solution": Don't tell him, tell him some BS story. Is that good. Not really. But maybe it is not as bad as some people think it is.
  23. People change, for the better or worse and the other way around. Gambling: had that problem. No problem anymore. Drugs: had that problem. No problem anymore. A lot depends on how willing both are to compromise and how much they want to be together with each other. I wouldn't start a relationship with a gambling drug addict. But after years of (hopefully happily) living together, I think partners should try first to find a solution. Otherwise, the next partner will come and the same "I walk away from this" "solution" will be more likely. Many of us can change if we want to.
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