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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It seems that will follow me for until I die. But ok, here is my opinion: I like "traditional" relationships. The guy works and makes money. The gf/wife takes care of the house including cooking and cleaning and she has time for me. I earn enough that we don't need a second income. I don't like homework. My gf stopped working since we are together, now for many years. She is a great cook, and she takes care of our apartment. We often go out together in the morning, lunch, evening, whenever. That is obviously only possible because I work mostly from home (since forever), and she has no obligations herself to be here or there. Sometimes I meet friends alone, sometimes she does that, or she drives to the village for a few days, but mostly we are together. Fine with me, fine with her. With my job I go to many offices, and I "meet" many girls and women (and also some guys). I never had the feeling that I would be so much happier with one of those office girls. Many are ok, but kind of boring. I am sure I would miss the fun factor. But that is obviously only my personal opinion. If people want a hard-working woman, please, go ahead.
  2. Have you asked them why? It seems some devices from some providers don't work in bridge-mode, even if it is an option in the menu. My provider, TRUE, supplied me with a different device which does support bridge more.
  3. The father of my gf is over 60. He has what he would probably call a girlfriend. I am not so sure how many guys in this forum would want to have such a girlfriend...
  4. That doesn't mean that the rich girl doesn't want to be invited. Probably she also likes rich girl presents. But then, I never had a rich girl and never wanted one.
  5. How many western guys want a hard-working woman, possibly same age? And how many just want a hot girl to have fun?
  6. How do these women know they want western guys when they don't even know how to meet them? Like: Oh, I saw these nice guys in some Hollywood movies. That's what I want. Until reality hits them. Western guys are different from Thai guys, often in many more ways than the women want or like. And obviously there is no such thing as the typical western guy. We are all different. Good luck, ladies. You need it.
  7. And now try to explain that to about 70,000,000 Americans. They want more of that rotten fish head...
  8. It's always interesting when Republicans clash. Win/win for the rest of us.
  9. Correct. There is no logical reason. This is Thailand. Don't try to find logic where is no logic. You won't find what was never there.
  10. No answer until now so let me try: One earth cable like in your drawing should do the job. But if you want to make sure that even in bad scenarios there are no problems, then separate cables are definitely better. If you ask for Thai regulations: I don't know if it is according to regulations.
  11. I thought Thaksin is a retired man who only cares about his grandchildren. Why should he know about any secret political deals? Or did he lie when he said he quit politics? Is he possible still the leader of PT? Wouldn't that be illegal?
  12. That is kind of my point. If you touch it once intentionally then you know you can touch it without problem. That doesn't mean you have to touch the copper, but "you" are not afraid anymore that it could happen.
  13. I was told about a sticker which a motorcycle rider used to indicate his special connection to the police. Since then I am aware of this kind of communication. Just today I saw lots of taxi-no-meter parking on Sukhumvit. Somehow they all had the same sticker on the back...
  14. It was easy to find a picture of such firewoman in action. But I still wonder where she is hiding the firefighting equipment.
  15. Yes, you are right. My comment was about the time after you checked with a test screwdriver and/or a multimeter.
  16. If you think all is dead, then touch all the wires. Are you scared to do that? Remember, it's all off. What I do sometime is to touch wires with a swipe of my hand. If they are life I will know. But because I swipe my hand the contact will be only for a fraction of a second, no big risk. After I did that, I feel more confident that the wires are really dead.
  17. If you want to be sure switch everything off at the main breaker. IMHO especially in Thailand you can't be sure about anything. Cable colors don't matter, neutral and earth are mixed up, and and and.
  18. What is the goal? If the goal is to integrate criminals at some stage back into society, then, I guess, it makes sense to train them to be integrated. If the goal is just to lock them up, then don't be surprised if they never integrate back into society. I saw that, or a similar documentary, long version, some time ago. It seemed to make sense. And it seems they are mostly successful with that approach.
  19. Out of curiosity, what motivates you to get a tattoo? Or maybe a very specific tattoo?
  20. I would live where I live. Maybe in a newer and bigger condominium in the same area. Maybe I would have an additional place somewhere on a nice beach. But then, I could also stay in a luxury hotel on any nice beach. That would probably be more convenient. I am pretty sure I wouldn't want to move to anywhere far away. Because that would include not knowing the area, not knowing the people, moving away from the people we know and like to see, moving away from the good restaurants which I know already, etc. I don't think place A is so much better than place B. It depends on where we feel comfortable, maybe since many years.
  21. In how many countries are foreigners really welcome? Sure, if the Italian chef moves to town or the skilled foreign doctor that is fine. But how many "locals" really welcome those ordinary people from other countries? Thais are not different from others around the world that they like their own culture and are wary of outside influences. I don't blame them. Some influences are interesting and welcome. But unfortunately, there are lots of foreigners who move to developing countries and who then try to show the locals how to do things "the right way"...
  22. And you will get a confident answer. And maybe it is correct. For the record: I know ChatGPT does amazing things. But it is also known to present wrong information like facts.
  23. I didn't read all the posts until now, maybe that was mentioned already: You can buy a USB voltage and current meter, something like this: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/aideepen-usb-12-led-i1657546591-s4614678191.html That will show you with which voltage and current your phone is charged. It depends on the adapter, cable and phone. And sometimes the adapters and cables don't deliver what they promise. The above link is just a sample, I never used that specific device.
  24. Thanks for your information so far. The picture is from my unit, after we removed the old ceiling and before installing the new ceiling. With the ceiling installed it doesn't look that bad. I guess the same is the case in many buildings. We (my Thai renovation manager) will ask the professional company when they are here. Let's see what they say. Maybe part of their current visit to the building is that they replace sprinklers in the public section, I don't know. Let's see.
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