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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Obviously there are better and worse. But the principle is the same for all LiPo batteries.
  2. How many people are aware of the risk? And how many people know that water makes such fires only worse? As far as I know most people are ignorant about the risk. They wouldn't put a canister of gasoline in their home. But a bad lithium battery is a bigger risk than that.
  3. At least that part of your post is correct. ????
  4. TRUE offered the device which can be set to bridge mode free of charge.
  5. Most (all?) ISP in Thailand don't use usernames and passwords anymore. The serial number (or similar) in the router is used for authentication. If you use another router, then you are not authorized. What you can do, at least in theory, is using the ISPs device in bridge mode and then connect your equipment. I do that with a TRUE cable modem and then I use TP-Link OMADA devices. But not every router works in bridge mode, even if that is an option in the interface. Now I have another TRUE connection in another apartment. The existing router shows bridge mode, but it doesn't work. I asked TRUE about that, and they will change the existing router to another model (from CISCO) which works in bridge mode.
  6. Ask a Thai person on minimum salary.
  7. There is an easy solution. Ask your favorite bar girls. In the middle of the city there is one area at the end of Sukhumvit 22 before it turns left. And in areas like Sukhumvit 71 and 77 there are lots of options.
  8. Was the last "once in a century" flooding, maybe a century ago, also linked so the so-called climate crisis? Or was it just a once in a century flooding at that time? The big difference with floodings and other weather-related catastrophes these days is that there are far fewer victims then decades and centuries ago.
  9. It seems to me that lots of crimes are not reported in the media. That gives many people the idea nothing happens.
  10. The election is over, a new round of "war" begins What a stupid headline! It seems some people want to declare this a war and that a war and something else a war. Stupid! There are lots of things which can happen in politics. That is nothing unusual. There is no war!
  11. It's interesting that you think you know me better than I know myself. But then again, this is Asean Now, experts like you always know better.
  12. Before the election he said he will return to Thailand in the week after the election. Where is he? Did I miss the news of his arrival? I don't see him coming back anytime soon if ever. With Move Forward there might be a new start, relative clean, and without much baggage. If Thaksin would return, we can be pretty sure that he wants the be in the center of the stage. And people who want peace don't want that. My prediction is Thaksin will cry in the desert how unfair this all is. How sad. ????
  13. Tilac, I don't want to work in the bar anymore. You know that I am a smart girl. I want a coffee shop and then I earn money to support my family. Please tilac, you can afford this little investment.
  14. If you would have read my posts then you would know that I hate Thaksin and I am grateful to Prayut that he helped to remove the criminal. That doesn't make me a fan of Prayut and it doesn't make me a fan of the military. The enemy of my enemy is not automatically my friend. It's not really that difficult to understand. I am happy that the people clearly voted for something new and not Prayut and not Thaksin. Great!
  15. No. That is not what I see. I see that he is trying to lick someone's feet so that he doesn't have to go to jail. As usual, it's all about him and not about the Thai people.
  16. Why don't you go to embassy in Phnom Penh and apply for a tourist visa? If you get one, then you know they will let you into Thailand. And if not then you know they won't let you in.
  17. Maybe the sponsor of the red-shirts should learn from that and tell them to stay home in their red villages.
  18. That reminds me that I have an orange motorcycle. I guess I have to be careful now.
  19. Lots of soldiers died. The soldiers died while doing their duty. RIP to all of them. If the fugitive criminal wouldn't have organized those thugs, then nobody would have died.
  20. They should have declared those red-shirts a terrorist organization at that time. No red-shirts, no problems. And never forget!
  21. I just drove along Central World. I saw a lot of police and some red-shirts in their full "uniform". What is going on?
  22. I think there are two possible problems with the chain (or maybe more). A) It was lubricated and after a lot of usage the chain stretches and that will also make the sprockets bad, because the chain doesn't fit anymore into the groves (or whatever those things are called). Then the chain and sprockets have to be replaced. Because a new chain on the bad sprockets wouldn't be new for long. B) The chain was not properly lubricated. The chain is not stretched, but the links are not "flexible" anymore. Then, I guess, only the chain has to be replaced and not the sprockets. My issue is B. I didn't lubricate the chain as often as I should have.
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