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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Call the bank and ask them. And not every bank has the same regulations.
  2. yes yes, I know Quick Assist works within Windows 10 and 11. I never tried it with any other version.
  3. Quick Assistant works great, is integrated in Windows, and it's free. Personally I prefer it. Previously I used TeamViewer for years without problem - except the limitations if you don't buy a license.
  4. When TeamViewer is installed there is the option that it always runs in the background or is only used on demand. If someone doesn't need it all the time then I would only install it for usage on demand. If you want to use it, open it. Otherwise it's not active and no risk. For Windows PCs I use the integrated Quick Assist. It works fine, is easy to use, and is part of Windows.
  5. I think a teacher could take such a presentation to talk about why the student decided to make such a presentation and where he got the "facts" from. And then they could discuss if the information was accurate and where to get better information. I think it's better to openly discuss controversial issues instead of suppressing them and pretending they don't exist. When people talk to each other they might learn from each other.
  6. And did all of them agree to those jobs? Or were they hired with inaccurate promises. I heard from enough women in Thailand who worked in such jobs in other countries because they wanted to do that and make a lot of money.
  7. My gf explained to me that they have to vote. If they don't vote, and then later they have some official business, then it seems that gets more complicated or might even be denied if they didn't vote - independent who they voted for. I think there is also a law that politicians can't be elected if they didn't vote in the last election.
  8. How much is a vote worth or how much are politicians willing to pay for it. They wouldn't pay 1000B is they wouldn't make at least double that - or a lot more.
  9. My mantra is ABT. Let's look how that works out. Thailand definitely needs change - and not just from the last government. Otherwise history will repeat itself. And that would be bad for everybody.
  10. Maybe it's time for your hotel worker friend to look for a better hotel. In some luxury hotels in Bangkok everybody (except management) gets about 20,000 THB per month from the service charge alone, plus salary.
  11. For how much longer should the 30-baht health care be a reason to vote for Thaksin or one of his cronies?
  12. Ok, do you know anybody who you know committed a crime but who was not (yet) convicted. Please report to the police and let us know what happens.
  13. The definition of a criminal is a person with a criminal conviction. Thaksin was convicted several times. Prayut was, as far as I know, never convicted. So by definition he is no criminal. If Prayut will ever be convicted of a crime then he is a criminal. It's not really that difficult.
  14. The behavior of your wife is not unusual. Many people, including many people in western countries, behave like that. It makes sense to locally vote for the best candidate who you trust (as much as possible) and who you think will help the locals.
  15. It's time that his supporters understand that a criminal is a criminal. Even if millions of people like him. He is a criminal and he avoided jail for many years. It's time that he goes to jail. If his supporters don't like it, then they should cry in their red villages.
  16. I am sure even that would be a deterrent for many - if they would get a fine like that every couple of days.
  17. 1 All of the above. 2 All of the above. IMHO most Thais won't change because they understand that driving drunk or too fast is a bad idea. It seems to me they just don't think about it and don't care. I heard several times from Thais that a relative or friend just died in an accident, maybe on a bike drunk and without helmet. And does that inspire the people at the funeral to wear helmets? Does it inspire them not to drive or ride drunk? No. Maybe they will buy another amulet or some flowers for their vehicle for protection. If the traffic police would actually do their jobs and fine people all the time with fines which hurt, then I am sure people would drive better. But they would only do it because they don't want to pay fines and not because they think that changing their driving attitude would be a good idea.
  18. He was convicted to jail, a couple of times. If he returns, he will be escorted to prison. That's it. Or should the PM think about every criminal who is arrested?
  19. She makes almost as much as a Bangkok dancer who works an hour or two for half a month...
  20. Yeah, sure. But does it make any sense? Does it make any sense from your point of view as a Brit?
  21. I had already a 14.4 modem card built into my first self-assembled PC, way faster. ????
  22. I think it is amazing that something like that is news in mainstream media. How many of the readers will even have a faint idea about the physics? It's like discussing the registers in a CPU or the chemical reactions from rocket fuel. Only experts will understand it. And they won't look at those news in mainstream media. For everybody else it's just: Look at that nice picture (which in most cases is something made by an artist and no actual picture). Strange.
  23. That reminds me of my friend who is now almost 80. When anybody asks him about his age, he tells them: over 50. ????
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