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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Maybe I am, maybe I am not. I am too independent to try to squeeze myself in a box. I guess by some definition most of us here are lone wolfs. Most forum members left their home country to live in an exotic country far away. Some of us had work lined up or existing friends over here. Or they moved together with friends. In my case I decided I want to live in Thailand. Nobody was waiting here, and nobody came with me. It was an adventure.
  2. That reminds me of a guy back in Europe some time ago. He visited people who wanted to sell their house. And he took a shoe box full of cash with him. Open the box: Do you want the cash? He was pretty successful doing that.
  3. I think it's somehow funny that something like "fake meat" exist at all. If people want to eat meat, fine. If they want to eat plants, fine. But why try to make plants look like meat? It doesn't make sense.
  4. Luckily that is the average which includes lots of overweight old women over 30. ????
  5. I saw such a show once, by accident, in Bangkok over the river. It was like fireworks. But they you realize that it's impossible to do what they did with fireworks. If you have a chance to see it, I suggest go. Likely you will be impressed.
  6. And why did she start a relationship with Mafia-Golf? Did he impress her with Mafia-money? I hope he will be punished. And I hope she learns from her mistakes.
  7. I find it almost funny to read articles like this not even a day after the unofficial results. Where does all this knowledge come from? With how many voters in how many locations did you talk? How many surveys all over the country did you analyze? Or was it more like: I talked with my collogues and we all think the same? We obviously didn't include those others with those strange opinions.
  8. I live in the middle of Bangkok. If owners have to rent a place in a good location, then I guess it will be difficult to sell the coffee cheaper and still make money. And there is a limited amount of people who are willing to spend 3000B or more per month just for coffee.
  9. I started a similar thread not long ago. Probably you will find some answers: And other one:
  10. By now he promised at least 100 times that he will retire. Empty promises, like always. He also promised that he will be an honest PM when he started many years ago. He said he had already so much money that he didn't need more. And then he transferred his shares to his maids and gardeners and called it an honest mistake...
  11. They, including me, are willing to pay that money for good quality coffee. Unfortunately, lots of coffee shops don't provide that quality.
  12. He should go to America. With all those work HR people over there he should be able to get almost any job. Who can compete again a brown gay Muslim on the woke scale?
  13. Let's see if Thaksin will return. If I would bet then I would bet he won't return. The main reason is that if he would return that would be major headache for Thailand. And few people in Thailand want that headache. If he dies in the desert the problem with fade. Good.
  14. Obviously there is a risk, there is always a risk of something. I buy all the meat which I eat at home in Foodland. And it seems to me they take care to have a proper cooling chain. Sometimes I see meat at the fresh market in the open. I never tried it. I don't want to risk it.
  15. Where do you get the idea from that I want more of the military? I don't want it and I never wrote I want it. I don't want more of Thaksin, and I thank the military for removing him and his sister - because the courts didn't dare to do it. I am happy that the majority voted for a relative new party, there is hope that they will do a better job than all the previous governments. Let's see.
  16. I eat rare beef (never frozen) regularly since many years in Thailand. Never had a problem.
  17. Then you bought it in the wrong places or prepared it not the way it should be. Thai beef, at least from Foodland, is just fine.
  18. Foodland, about 500B per kg.
  19. He was interrupted enriching himself and dividing the country. It's interesting that you think it would be fun to see more of the same.
  20. And I am sure the winner or the election will know that a coalition with a Shinawatra would be a big problem. In the moment am pretty confident the new mother will have lots of time for her baby. Win/win.
  21. Ok, thanks, I apologize. It's easy to misinterpret: "this mob". Enjoy the night. I will have my first espresso in a couple of hours and I am looking forward to that.
  22. What was again the date when the father of the PT candidate wanted to return to Thailand? I think next week or so. I wonder if he will come - and go to jail. It's really sad. ????
  23. Did they buy those toys for one million baht? Or did they try to sell them at that price and bought them for maybe 10% of that?
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