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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I better don't answer your comment appropriately, otherwise I will be banned. I will just block you so that I don't have to read more of your drivel.
  2. Is it now my job to list the crimes which can easily be found online? If people want to look at his convictions, they can easily do that. And if people want more details about each conviction, I am sure they will be able to look it up. I experienced his crimes over the years. It was obvious at that time that they were crimes. I don't have to look up any details for that. I think it's almost funny when some people think he didn't really commit REAL crimes, he just stole a billion here or there, nothing unusual. Thaksin could have defended himself. He could have sent lawyers with evidence to defend himself. It seem he knew he was guilty and didn't even try to show evidence that he is innocent. And now some people believe it when he claims he is innocent. That's what he says but evidence is against him. People could look up these details, if they would be interested in the truth.
  3. What a stupid comment! It seems you want a government with a criminal in charge. How smart is that?
  4. The onboard computer might realize that there was recently a (big) problem with the ABS. It might not start to protect the rider from a malfunctioning braking system.
  5. We can legally call a criminal a criminal if he was convicted. Thaksin was convicted, and not just one time. That means legally he is a criminal. Just look up his convictions and then tell me what you think are REAL crimes and what you think are not so real crimes. I didn't know there is such difference. If you think calling a convicted criminal a criminal is bios, then maybe you should think about that. It's your problem if you don't accept that he is a criminal fugitive. Not my problem.
  6. I experience Thaksin and his proxies for many years. I really don't want to see more of the same.
  7. To be fair, there could be a minor error which can easily be fixed. I think if you come back and they apologize and promise you to prepare the documents again, this time correct, within a week or so, then I think that might be ok. But if you return and they tell you something like work first and in a month, we can try again, then I would conclude they don't care - avoid!
  8. How desperate are you? A good employer should be able to provide the correct paperwork - they should have an expert (internal or external) who prepares the documents. And then there are employers who don't really care. And then there are employers who pretend they want to give you a work permit, but they know already it won't happen.
  9. I know some people just love Trump, and he can do and say whatever and they will still love him. But how many undecided voters are still there? How many people does he motivate to vote for him with all those lies? And how many people (try to) watch this as a reminder never to vote for this guy?
  10. Are that the guys who tell us about their success with crypto?
  11. I never asked them. I went to a decent school. My sister went to school, university with diploma and made her PhD. My parents didn't have to pay anything for that education, and it was reasonably good education. In Thailand the situation is obviously very different starting with (pre) school and then university. For one of my international customers in Thailand the company paid more than a million THB per year for the school of his three young children. Another customer told me he paid 600,000 THB per term for a top school in Thailand for his daughter. I don't know at what level of fees schools are good in Thailand. Talking to parents they all agree that the cheap schools are just bad.
  12. If people want kids, fine. But it seems some people underestimate how much it cost to raise them properly. Personally I am just not willing to use half my income or more for kids. If other people want to do that, fine.
  13. The walls and windows and furniture are clean, I don't see any crawling creatures on the floor, it's not really so bad. Maybe a few hours work for a professional cleaner.
  14. I didn't have an implant yet, but I can tell you what my Thai dentist told me. She quoted about 80,000B for the whole procedure for one molar tooth in her private clinic. Normally her prices are reasonable, and she has a good team and works in Bangkok since probably 20 years or more. She told me there are lots of doctors out there who offer implants much cheaper. Bad material and bad work. It seems some implant companies make something like a weekend seminar how to do it, and then these doctors sell the procedures and do them. So be aware of "cheap" solutions. And in case you don't know this already: Try to find a decent dentist with a private clinic. Many dentists who work in hospitals also have their private clinics. The difference is that hospitals charge a lot more for the same doctor and material. Obviously, the hospital wants to make money.
  15. That's interesting. Why is a Non-O retirement incompatible? I thought people can retire and then apply for a Non-B visa if they want to work again. Or not?
  16. I have a POCO and I am happy with it. Before that I had a Redmi.
  17. Who or what gave you the idea to expect logic in Thailand? There is no logic. Don't try to find it because it was never there. After you accept this simple truth, life is so much easier.
  18. 9k is not a small bill but many bars have several of those bills per night and some higher bills - with official prices. Some guys like to buy a lot of drinks for lots of girls and maybe for hours.
  19. I didn't write it. I suggested that 5 rounds of drinks for 5 girls will do the job to get such a bill in some bars.
  20. In theory it would be a good idea to think about the future with AI. There are certainly lots of possible risks. But what will any restrictions do? Who will restrict AI and where? If there are laws in Europe and the USA, what will happen in the rest of the world? Will China and Russia and North Korea follow those restrictions? Will the military follow any restrictions? I think the best thing governments can do is try to be top in the field of AI. Try to be better than everybody else. Because the bad guys will use it for bad things. And the good guys won't be able to stop that without better AI.
  21. Great for you. Maybe you know other kids from those schools. Did they all get decent jobs? Or are what you describe exceptions? What I hear from ordinary Thai schools is bad or worse. But maybe I just have the wrong sources.
  22. It's always interesting to read these expert opinions. I won't ask you for details because I know you don't have any details.
  23. And bad schools produce most of the time minimum wage earners.
  24. Next you will write about the life of the average billionaire... How many of them do you know? And from how many do you know their life story?
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