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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And I am sure the winner or the election will know that a coalition with a Shinawatra would be a big problem. In the moment am pretty confident the new mother will have lots of time for her baby. Win/win.
  2. Ok, thanks, I apologize. It's easy to misinterpret: "this mob". Enjoy the night. I will have my first espresso in a couple of hours and I am looking forward to that.
  3. What was again the date when the father of the PT candidate wanted to return to Thailand? I think next week or so. I wonder if he will come - and go to jail. It's really sad. ????
  4. Did they buy those toys for one million baht? Or did they try to sell them at that price and bought them for maybe 10% of that?
  5. Western media try to explain Thai politics in a minute, or maybe maximum up to 5 minutes. That just doesn't work. And about the BBC: They showed their utter ignorance in 2010. There is absolutely no reason to believe they know what is going on in Thailand.
  6. James Hoffmann - Wikipedia "Hoffmann first came to prominence after winning the World Barista Championship in 2007" And your credentials are... ?
  7. Option 1: The manufacturer of your notebook, i.e. Lenovo. Option 2: Fortune Town, 3rd or 4th floor. There are a couple of small shops. It seems many are specialized. Go to any of them and likely they will tell you where to go - one of the shops in the same building.
  8. What some people call the "climate emergency" is nowhere on that list...
  9. I visited a specialist in Chula a couple of times. She worked some time ago exactly one hour a week in BNH and she was better than all the other eye doctors in that place. She told me I should come and see her in Chula. And she told me to tell the reception that she invited me, otherwise maybe they wouldn't even let me make an appointment. Waiting for hours, in crowded non-AC rooms, is the norm. I would do it again if I want to see her because she is a great doctor. But normally I prefer to pay money compared to waiting for hours.
  10. There is a lot more to it than just an expensive coffee maker. One issue is warm up time. Switch on that wonderful and expensive espresso machine and wait at least 1/2 hour to let it warm up. My favorite coffee place in 5 minutes away on my bike. With fresh roasted coffee and all the good equipment. I don't have a coffee machine at home.
  11. I like to drink good tasting espresso. I don't want to spend my time with looking at all the details which have to be right to make it perfect. But I watched some videos and read some article about the perfect espresso. And it seems the experts agree that the taste suffers if the water is too hot or too cold and if the pressure is too high or too low and and and ... In the few places where I think the espresso is excellent I receive a cup which is too hot to drink when I get it. I didn't count the minutes but I guess after 3 to 5 minutes it's ready to drink. Fine. I relax and enjoy the wonderful aroma.
  12. If you are not willing to spend 5 minutes more in a coffee shop, every day, then you do something wrong. Relax! Try again.
  13. You need the hot temperature, about 94-degree Celsius, for the best taste.
  14. I guess there is a problem with the CAN-BUS. Because on modern bikes basically all sensors are connected to the CAN-BUS. So it doesn't really matter is the connector from sensor A has a problem on sensor B. It influences the CAN-BUS and if the traffic on that bus has a problem, then the bike has a problem and it's time for the dealer or an electronic expert.
  15. I wonder how many people go to a coffee shop, drink the coffee, and walk out after that. It seems in many coffee shops the idea is to order a coffee, wait a little, drink a little, sit a little longer, maybe have another coffee, and then, maybe after 30 minutes or more, leave. There are of course people who buy a coffee to go. But most people who sit want to sit for a while and relax.
  16. Someone hired these people. And probably they were not ready to pay more money for better staff. You get what you pay for.
  17. It seems too many people think it's easy to open and run a coffee shop. It's not. And they have to sell a lot of coffee to make money. And there is no such thing as cheap good coffee. They can sell cheap and bad coffee. Or expensive and hopefully good coffee. I think there are more than enough cheap and bad places so I would be surprised if any new places can get away with that. And it seems there is a limited number of people who are willing to pay >100B for a good coffee.
  18. And let's not forget: The tomato police did exactly nothing against those red-shirts who built huge barricades and intimidated people in the middle of the city. If the police would have done their job, then the military wouldn't have to do it - military style.
  19. For all those people who don't like my comment above and then quote only part of it. Please read this part again. And if you still don't understand it, then read it again. We all look and read news, and we have our personal experiences. Maybe they match, maybe not. I walked almost daily through the yellow shirt protests on Asoke. No problem, no danger. And years before that I had ask the red-shirts thugs at their barricades if they let me through to visit my customer. That was a very different experience. Other people might have other experiences, I don't deny that.
  20. Do termites like MDF or HDF? As far as I know they like it less than other types of wood. But I am not so sure they don't like it at all. In my condominium are lots of termites. In my newly renovated apartment they don't exist - at least until now. I don't want to invite them...
  21. What about them? If people commit crimes, then prosecute them and convict them. The color of their shirts shouldn't matter. Personally I saw lot of aggressive red-shirts on the streets of Bangkok. And I saw peaceful yellow-shirts. That obviously doesn't mean that one group was always aggressive and the other always peaceful. But that was what I personally observed. And I lived and still live between the areas of the main protests.
  22. I learned about that from my father maybe 50 years ago. That is normal behavior (at least for carburetor engines) since forever. I think it's time for you to learn a little more about bikes and engines. And especially: If red lights turn on, like the "oil lamp" then let a professional check it ASAP. Because otherwise you might ruin your engine to a level where it becomes real expensive to repair it - or buy a new one.
  23. And I wonder how many parents changed their behavior after that. I guess about 0.0%.
  24. The previous government was not voted out, it was removed by coup. And lots of people want an incarnation of the previous government back as the new government. I don't think I ever read that any politician promised fewer traffic death. I remember Thaksin promised to solve the Bangkok traffic problem within a couple of months. One of his strategies was to extend the time for green light at intersections ... (no, I am not kidding)
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