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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Thanks for your post. I wonder how many tourists know about Thai politics and care about Thai politics. I guess tourists want to have a good time and no demonstrations and no hassle, etc. I would be surprised if tourists stayed away because of the not so democratic government in Thailand. I am pretty sure at least some tourists would stay away if the red shirts or yellow shirts would be on the streets again. The way I see it, and confirmed by bar managers who work here since decades, the night life is different than before mostly because of mobile phones, dating apps, etc. Some time ago tourists visited bars to meet girls. And girls worked in bars to meet customers. Now a big part of that business is online. Bars are not needed anymore to bring those people together. And that obviously brings a lot less business to the bars - and in part different business than previously.
  2. I hope one day Musk will think before he opens his mouth. But I don't have much hope about that ever happening.
  3. Why is anybody missing that serial liar who on air supported that other serial liar who still wants to be president? Do people still believe any of them? Why? Or do these people prefer to live in ignorance? The earth is flat, let's look for people who confirm my opinion. Yeah, sure.
  4. As far as I know the principle is known as supply and demand. When lots of people want the same, then it can be sold at a higher price. And if only few people want it at a specific time, then the same is sold for a lower price. I think that makes a lot of sense - not only in Thailand.
  5. What is your concern? Busy? Girls? Do you want one or all of them only for yourself? Or do you want to be in crowd in every bar? What's your idea?
  6. I think the best of it is that it gives you peace of mind. I think I mentioned it above, a friend who has PR told me: He can sleep under a bridge, and nobody can throw him out, ever, as long as he doesn't do anything criminal. I think for people like my friend and me, who decided (for now) that we want to spend the rest of our life in Thailand, it's good to know that nobody can take away that right. No new regulations or whatever. Once PR = permanent residency.
  7. If you are married and work, then you have both options. It seems that makes things easier. But personally for me that is not reason enough to marry.
  8. Somehow I would be surprised if Thai politicians decide to use something which exists and works compared to something new which will cost a lot of money and will bring lots of opportunities for "commissions".
  9. That depends on the quality of that entertainment.
  10. But it's still a good idea to have a decent health insurance, or a lot of money for emergencies. Many of us don't want to be another go-fund-me.
  11. It seems there are restrictions how the money can be spent. As far as I know it has to be spent within a certain radius of where the person lives (registered address?). And I think it can't be used for alcohol, etc. So there will be some (new?) computer system involved to make this possible. Who will develop that system? Where will it be installed and who will pay for the installations at the vendors? Somehow I would be surprised if every little shop will have this system. And what will be the result? No extra money to mom and pop shops, more money to the bigger (chain) shops. And likely lots of lucrative contracts to develop it, set it up, maintain it, and and and. Now who will get all this extra work? And who will pay for it? And who will get the commissions? It's all pretty obvious - but most Thaksin voters won't understand and won't care.
  12. Obviously that is a hot topic. Who doesn't want to get 10k extra money - especially if that is similar to a full month salary for many people. And this is one of those promises which is easy to implement - a lot easier like reducing traffic death or building a new highway or anything like that. And, as far as I know, the majority of Thai people don't pay any income tax. So for them there is no question of where the money comes from. Just give it to us, take it from those others, who cares. It's sad that such a policy seems to be no reason to dissolve a political party. When will other parties promise 20k? Or 10k every month?
  13. Have a look at your dishwasher manual. Likely there will be some description and drawing how it should be installed.
  14. Some new inverter units are not so dump. They sense where one or more persons are, and maybe they direct the air flow to these people, or away from them, depending on what the users want. Some units detect if nobody is in a room and they make switch the unit to a higher temperature to save energy and money. Most of those features won't make the AC more powerful. But they might safe energy and have other useful features.
  15. If a young or middle-aged woman starts a relationship with a 70-year-old guy, then this taking care and who will die first question is obvious. But how about if a 50-year-old guy starts a relationship with a 25- or 30-year-old woman? Do they both think about what will happen when he is old? Or do they look at each other and they don't think about getting old?
  16. I have no personal experience with this. But it seems to me that for many Thais the salary alone is not so important. There are lots of people who want to be police officers even when everybody is complaining that their salary is so low. And then there are doctors, teachers, people who work in the local or central administration, etc.
  17. I am not so sure that sex is another issue. Just looking at all those adult couples out there, young and old. Do they all get horny when they see their partner? Is the 50 yo guy still attracted to the body of his 50 yo wife and the other way around? I think love and sex can and do happen in many ways and forms. It seems some people only care about the body of the other person. Others fall in love with this kind and maybe ugly and old person, and they are happy to be intimate together. I guess most of us know couples where we ask ourself: Why he she together with him? Or why does he love her? But somehow, they seem to love each other, maybe for years. It's complicated.
  18. Imagine there would have been humans on earth when the last ice age ended. What would they have predicted? Rising water levels and total destruction within 50 years or so? Somehow it seems life adapted to different climate - since a very long time.
  19. If someone wants to play hotel, then he shouldn't be surprised if the guests behave like if they are in a hotel.
  20. Window ACs are cheaper to install. They don't need any pipes. Wall and ceiling ACs can be installed more strategically where you need them.
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