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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And then there are the "thoughts and prayers". It would be funny if it wouldn't be so sad.
  2. a) There was no god and is no god who created any of this. b) Nobody can change sex. A guy might look (almost) like a woman, but he can't be a woman and have babies or change the chromosomes. And the same the other way around. God and religion helped people many years ago to accept the world. Now lots of answers exist. We don't need an explanation like "god did it" anymore. Some parts of religion helped people to live in peace together. And other parts made them kill each other. I hope one day humanity realizes that god is similar to the tooth fairy and santa claus.
  3. Maybe I would participate in a few sections like DIY. But for the pub anonymity makes sense. And let's keep in mind that we all registered to participate here. And we have IP addresses to trace. So if we would do something very stupid then many of us can be traced. I wouldn't use a VPN to hide to use a forum like this. It's not important enough.
  4. You ask in a Thai forum. Use the Thai way: Fill a big bucket with hot water, maybe wait until it is not so hot anymore. Then take the water with a bowl out of the big bucket and splash it over your body. It works, without the need of a plumber.
  5. It is also my favorite Thai soup, especially when my gf cooks it with extra mushrooms and fresh kati and no water. Delicious.
  6. They don't do anything is likely incorrect. Likely they will install malware like a virus, ransom demand, etc.
  7. And what will happen now? Will he lose his license? Will he have to pay a fine which will hurt? Or is it a fine of maybe 1000B and the next day he will continue as usual? And let's not forget: Maybe of those taxi no meter drivers wait in no parking areas every day. The police know that. And the police do nothing. We don't have to speculate a lot why the police do nothing...
  8. Thanks My idea is that I want a stainless steel or galvanized steel version. Because that will be in part in a wall, and I never want to remove it again. Now I have a flexible tube 200mm which came with the hood. I could use that one. But I suspect over time it will get dirty inside. The fixed bend should be relative easy to clean. But I guess a flexible "tube" can't be easily cleaned and must be replaced. This is what I have and what I guess can't be properly cleaned.
  9. I need something like this for my kitchen hood exhaust, 200mm diameter. Does anybody of you where to buy it online in Thailand or in a shop somewhere in Bangkok? Thanks
  10. With all those comments, in your opinion how many Thai people would try to stop such a fight? I didn't see many fights in this country, but as far as I remember there are basically two reactions. a) The fighting people are not connected to anybody else. The everybody is looking and doing nothing. b) One of two of the fighting people are part of the group. Then soon the groups fight each other. That is only from my limited observation.
  11. That depends if you fancy one or both of those men. ???? The winner takes it all.
  12. If you have to, then do it. But don't be surprised if you get hurt or end up being arrested by the police. It's your own risk.
  13. Probably I would get "involved" by telling the security guards or the management or the police. I wouldn't try to stop such a guy. The reason is that he must be crazy or drugged or drunk to beat her up in public. And people like that are not rational. Telling them to stop won't stop them. And the bad guy might have a knife or a gun or he just uses the next bottle to fight. I think the question is: Am I willing to risk my own health and maybe life to try to break up a fight? And if I am willing to do that, am I able to do that? For me personally the answers are No and No.
  14. It seems you are sure it's about coffee and tea. Solution: avoid coffee and tea!
  15. And then there is the fugitive criminal who will do anything to get back to power so that he can get his revenge.
  16. They should be forced to publish every hour, for at least a month, statements like: We lied to you because we wanted to rile you up and make more money from you. We don't care about the truth, we don't care about our viewers, we only care about money. And this story was no exception. Every detail from our shows is about getting money from you. We don't care about the truth. Please repeat that 24/7.
  17. No whisky or any other alcohol, and there is no balcony anywhere over me.
  18. Living here for almost 30 years, I think the chance is very low. I never avoided going anywhere any time of the day or night because it could be dangerous. Having said that, a friend, about 70 years old, walked once maybe 2am from Soi Cowboy to his apartment in Soi 22, maybe 500m walk. He doesn't look rich, and he is not rich. No fancy watch, etc. He was attacked and stabbed many times. The aggressor didn't stop him and tell him: give me your money or else. He just attacked my friend with a knife. Luckily a taxi driver saw that, and he brought my friend to a nearby hospital. He was admitted to the ICU and lived to tell the story. That incident was never reported in the news. And I am pretty sure the local news avoid reporting stories like that. So be careful - even if 99% of the time there is nothing to worry about.
  19. That reminds me of a preamble in a novel - sorry, I don't remember the title. It said something similar to this: You can't make love with all women in the world. But at least you should try.
  20. I suggest go to a drone forum, if possible for your model or controller, etc. I don't have any up to date links. Last time I played with BetaFlight a couple of years ago.
  21. I live in the middle of lower Sukhumvit. Until yesterday I heard them screaming outside, playing with water. No noise like that until now. And about an hour ago it rained a little - yes, real rain from the clouds. If the situation changes sometimes today and I hear that screaming noise again outside, then I will report it here. Stay dry!
  22. I don't remember seeing any "pretty" in there. Maybe they were pretty 20 years ago when they started to work in that place.
  23. Part of the problem is maybe also what is reported about Thailand around the word. Even reputable media like the BBC maybe report when another tourist died after a pub brawl in a night life area. Or maybe they report about available drugs. But I don't remember seeing or reading any article in the international news about modern Thailand. I.e. the banks and online apps are so much better in Thailand then in many other parts of the world. Do people outside of Thailand ever see anything about that? No. They look at the news and think all of Thailand is like Pattaya. And then when they come here they behave just like that. Obviously they shouldn't do that. But in a way I understand why some people behave like they do.
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