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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I just saw a video about the movie Idiocracy. Somehow the creatures above would fit perfectly...
  2. One look at her (picture) should be reason enough to deny her entry.
  3. Thanks. Ok, that has nothing to do with what I had in mind about the BOI. It sounds interesting for people who have enough money or income. Unfortunately, I am not on that level.
  4. To do what? Investing in Thailand? Or does the BOI now have a way to apply for permanent residency or something similar? The keyword is permanent. Now I work and have a business visa, and in theory I could have a business visa from a BOI approved company. But when I stop working then I don't have that visa. And I prefer to have permanent residency without having to apply for extensions, maybe under changing rules.
  5. What? What component are sensitive against electrostatic discharge? I know something could in theory happen. But after 30+ years and building hundreds of PCs I never had that problem. It's possible to have an additional SSD connected, but maybe headache with the installation. Disconnecting one SSD for each installation is worst case 5min work, including opening the PC. Do that one time for the initial installation and avoid headache. And then never again.
  6. It's always amazing to read comments like that from newbies.
  7. A lot depends on how much you need your PC or a PC. I have several PCs and my important data is in the cloud. If one PC fails, I can use another one. And for me and my job it's essential like that. If someone doesn't have a problem if the PC doesn't work for a week that is a different situation.
  8. Then use two SSDs - and dual boot. Or, if you prefer to do it manually, select in the BIOS from which SSD you want to boot. Important for this setup is that you install it initially with only the one SSD connected which you want. Keep the other SSD disconnected until all is setup. And then to the setup of the 2nd SSD, again only with that SSD connected.
  9. You have to change about 90% of the PC. Buy a new one.
  10. I think the damaged is done. Thaksin, or one of his cronies, promised the mostly poor people 10k per person. Most of those people don't pay income tax, so they are not the people who have to pay for this, so it's unlikely that they care where the money comes from. If the EC would not allow this policy, then what will happen? I am sure Thaksin will spin it in a way like: We wanted to give you all that money, but now those bad guys don't allow us to do that. I hope Thaksin's party will be banned before the election. Otherwise too many uninformed and mentally challenged people will vote for them again. And we will have the same consequences again. Block the criminals before it's too late!
  11. To be sure we talk about the same thing. I know the BOI as Borad of Investment. If a foreigner or a foreign company want to invest a lot of money in Thailand and if some criteria are met, then they might get BOI status (sorry, I am not sure about the correct term). If a company has BOI status, then they pay less or no tax, work permits are easy, etc. But it seems it is not so easy to follow all those BOI rules and provide them constantly with the necessary documents. That is my knowledge from talking to managers from BOI approved companies and from companies who thought about doing that but at the end didn't do it. To be fair, my information is years old. I don't know if this changed considerably over the years.
  12. Same specs is relative. Same specs like the same amount of power? Or engine size? How about weight, suspension, and many more details? When I bought my first new BMW, I also tried a Toyota Supra. IMHO the Supra gave me the impression of less quality and not so good control. I am sure different people have different opinions. I tried different cars, but I was never the expert. If I would buy now a car to have fun, independent of the price (within reason), I would buy a BMW. And if I would want to buy a comfortable car, I would also buy a BMW - another model. I drove a Mercedes 500 some time ago for maybe 3 months. Nice. But different from a BMW. I like the BMW more. I guess it all depends on our personal experience. And if we like something and have good experience, then we want more of the same - if we can afford it.
  13. Oh yes, more than one. And it wasn't really expensive. I lived in Munich. ????
  14. A friend, who has Thai PR, summed it up like: You can sleep under a bridge, and they still can't throw you out. Not that I want to sleep under a bridge but it's good to know that permanent is permanent unless one becomes a criminal.
  15. Did you ever drive a BMW? Try it, it's fun. I had a couple of them and tried some more. It's fun - at least if you have good roads.
  16. Here are your clay bricks: Clay Brick Hand Made 6x14x3 cm cheap price | OneStockHome
  17. If you want to try a lot, then setup your computer with dual-boot, or more. Then you can have one main OS and one or more others for testing software - all on the same computer, independent from each other.
  18. Maybe have a look here: https://www.onestockhome.com/en/ They have almost anything.
  19. With some people it will give you status. But even if you ignore that completely it is just fun.
  20. 555 BOI is difficult to get. And then it's a lot of work and conditions to keep that status.
  21. Why don't you just read what I wrote and try to understand it. It is not necessary that you blow it up to whatever fantasy you have. Thaksin never tried to unite Thailand. He always deliberately divided it. That is his mo, same as the orange guy in America.
  22. I will follow this thread. Let's look what others write. I plan to do this probably next year. My continuous employment record didn't survive Covid. This is why I have to wait a little. I contacted already a law firm which was recommended to me by a business owner who hired them for his PR. It seems one important part is how well the lawyers know the people who make decisions. I am sure there are many people who can help you. But how much experience do they have? And how well connected are they if some paperwork is missing or not optimal? The above guy told me he paid something extra to smooth things out a little. It seems his Thai interview was of the kind: What is your name? Do you like Thai food? ... I am sure that is a part where problems might happen and when it's good to know how to react to certain demands. Personally, I am willing to pay a well-connected lawyer to do this for me. It's not cheap but it's a one-time process. Getting it done without hassle is, at least for me, more important than saving 100k.
  23. I know there are different theories why the coups happened. Living in Bangkok, I can tell you I was not surprised about the last two coups. Thaksin, and later his little sister and the violent red-shirts, made more and more problems. And the police, as usual, did nothing. People, at least in Bangkok, were really fed-up with the situation. I think it's important to notice that when Yingluck was elected, people accepted that. Give her a chance and let her show her priorities. At the beginning that was ok, and then her brother got a diplomatic passport. And then, sometimes later, MP votes at 3am or about that time to whitewash Thaksin. That was the beginning of the end. Everybody knew it. So in case another Shinawatra comes to power again, let's look what Thaksin's nominee will do. How long will it take before they try to bring him back without going to jail. And if that happens, or better, when that happens, then IMHO the consequences are almost certain.
  24. Please tell me, what do you expect in areas with jungle in Thailand? Do you expect warning signs that it is wet and maybe slippery and that there are wild animals? Do you expect that someone puts nice footpath into the jungle which are not slippery, maybe with ropes left and right and bright lights at night? Or would it be better if people think about what they (want to) do? And people should be careful. And they should be especially careful when they go to an unknown area. And even more careful when it's dark. IMHO it is crazy to expect that everything everywhere should be so secure that even idiots can't do anything wrong. Let Darwin do his job.
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