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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Probably he thought that he is more exiting than those girls. ????
  2. Good luck they still have some pretty girls in Nana - at least in some of the bars.
  3. I don't think we have a crying emoji reaction in this forum. I guess one must be an American to understand those people over there.
  4. Yes, that is obvious, at least to most of us. But there still seem to be about 70,000,000 Americans who want to see him again as president. That is the scary part.
  5. I don't know if it ever was "nutty, flavoursome". I live in that area since almost 30 years. Did it change? Sure. But as far as I see it, it is still similar to what it was a long time ago. Now there are just more new condominiums, restaurants, shopping malls, etc.. I still see some of the same people which I saw there in 1995 - including in Took Lae Dee in Foodland Soi 5.
  6. I would tell him one: Don't do that! And I would also tell him: If you ever misbehave again when we are out together, I will walk away and leave you alone. If that doesn't work, walk away! I have to admit when I arrived in Thailand many years ago, I thought I am in the wild west. Just one example: I danced with my then Thai gogo "gf" on the stage in her bar. I thought that is great, we had so much fun... In the hindsight that was just stupid, but all together still harmless. Some people still think they are far from home and can do whatever they want. They have to learn. And fast!
  7. In my limited experience it's all about asking, and not telling them. Do not: This is really too hot; you must exchange the ACs. Do: I think it's not really cool in here, what do you think? I tried all the functions on the remote, can you show me how to make it cooler? Maybe show them you put the remote on 22, and 30 min later the room temperature is still 25. And maybe later: Can we exchange the ACs to make it cooler? I would be very surprised if you get new ACs installed free of charge. I guess best case, if they are all brand new, maybe you can convince them to install new ACs and they remove the 3 days old ACs and you only pay the difference in price to the new units. Maybe, just maybe, something like that might be possible. But I think that is the best you can hope for.
  8. I am sure you get the best answers when you give us some information like how old you are, maybe nationality, income, can you put (a lot of) money in a bank, etc.
  9. And then there is the Dunkelflaute - dark and no wind... Dunkelflaute - Wikipedia
  10. I am sure you can go to YouTube and enter the words in the search field. Just do it! I know that normal people have difficulties to believe what happens, I also had difficulties to believe it. But it seems it does happen.
  11. Thanks If they don't want to pay and if they want to follow their religion, fine. But why can't other people pay for their own abortions? And why can't other people follow other religions or no religion at all?
  12. That obviously makes sense from Trump's point of view. The Trump inspired mob wanted to hang Pence. And Trump did nothing to stop them. Maybe Pence didn't like that.
  13. I am not an American, and I am not a women. I am confused why many Americans seem to be obsessed with anti abortion. What is so difficult about letting women decide themselves what they want? And if every life matters so much, why do they have the death penalty over there? And why so many deadly crimes? And why don't they support the mothers of those unborn babies to be able to raise them in a healthy environment? What's the point of having unwanted children with (single) parents who don't have the money and/or the patience and time for those kids? Maybe all those religious people should not only talk about the bible but also live and support people in need.
  14. It seems some left radicals want drag shows for kids, inside schools. And lots of people, including lots of concerned parents, don't like that. And then the politicians on the right make laws to regulate this, and maybe they overdue it a little. Personally I am no fan of the radical right. But I am also no fan of the radical left. As far as I know there was a time when adults could look at drag shows, but people wouldn't take their kids to those events. And now it seems some schools force kids to attend those events - at least that is what I see on YouTube. Nobody should be surprised that there is a backlash against current radical left agenda.
  15. Good that they found him and arrested him. Recently there seem to be many stories that men are arrested because they defrauded women. Are also any women arrested for defrauding men? Or is this something Thai women don't do?
  16. And what does that have to do with a steak? Nothing!
  17. And if you have 3 professional chefs then there will be at least 4 opinions about salt. Personally I salt is just before I put it in the pan and pepper it on my plate. All done within 10 min. Bon appétit.
  18. It's amusing to read the comments here. It seems to be another version of: my one is different.
  19. For me, rare is the way I like it. And the top one still looks red and not blue to me. But maybe that is just the name.
  20. I have to admit there are exceptions. I love Bearnaise sauce.
  21. blue? I like bloody, but I don't think I ever saw blue in a steak.
  22. I buy local ribeye steak in Foodland, about 400g for one steak. Salt, put it in the pan for maybe 3min on each side. Pepper. Done. Not very good, but good enough. And it cost maybe 250 THB.
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