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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That reminds me of trains, which are operated by engineers.
  2. There are countries and languages where the same word is used for riding a bike or a bicycle or driving a car. And for that reason, people from those countries, including me, sometimes use the wrong word. And the good news is that the native English speakers still understand it.
  3. Really? Imagine one day the daughter of that father tells him you were not as nice to her as she expected...
  4. They promote it as helping the poor. And they always make sure there is enough spillover for all the middlemen. The problem is obviously there is nothing the opposition can do. Should they argue with logic? Good luck with that one.
  5. Why would you even think about investing 22 million THB if you don't know the answer to these questions? And I don't mean answers from random people in a farang Thailand forum but researched answers from experts. It's like: Should I invest big money in oil? A friend told me lots of people use that. Yeah, sure, ...
  6. possibly? It's obvious that they want to buy votes. The difference is that this time they don't want to pay themselves but use tax payers' money. Ban them!
  7. When I walk from Soi 3 to Soi 7, then I must walk past Soi 5. But I don't have to walk to the end of Soi 5 just to look what is there. That is optional.
  8. Is your AC clean? If the AC indoor unit in my bedroom is not cleaned every couple of months, then it doesn't get cold anymore. After cleaning it, it feels like a new AC. P.S.: I have pets, I am sure that is one of the reasons why it has to be cleaned.
  9. AI can't guess a random password like #sdfDWLfsfdfs*&$#578 If you use a password like "Bangkok" then don't be surprised if it is "hacked".
  10. Make sure that the cables to any devices which use a lot of power are big enough. The required size of the cables depends on the Amps. If a unit has i.e. 5000W then it uses 22.7A with 220V. And with 195V it would use 25.6A. W = U * I You can also lookup brownout and possible consequences.
  11. Come on Bob, you always have such wonderful stories for us. Please elaborate, I am sure it will be funny.
  12. It's wonderful that Arthur is doing his best. But that doesn't negate reality. Or why else are all leading sport performers young and not old?
  13. Yes, let's deal with the here and now. There is a chance that the daughter of Thaksin will be elected to be Thai PM. And if that happens we can be sure that she will follow the orders of her father. And we can be sure that she will try to whitewash him - just like his sister did a couple of years ago. And we all know Thaksin wants revenge. All that is happening right now. I would be delighted if Thaksin would live or die in the desert and if we would never hear from him again. But that is unfortunately not what is happening. Who wants that history repeats itself? Look at what happened when the criminal and his family were in charge. Never again!
  14. Yes, he was lawfully elected. And he broke a couple of laws and he misused his position in power to enrich himself. That is why he was convicted, several times. And that is why he should be in jail. You can look up the details why he was convicted. Guilty without doubt.
  15. Really? I always thought only convicted criminals should be called criminals. Others, who you suspect are criminals, are suspected criminals. If you have any evidence to convict them, please bring it forward. The evidence against the people who ruled Thailand previously was already used to convict them.
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