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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Why 8pm? Next thing maybe at noon time because there is more light to see?
  2. That's the problem! Many consumers have the choice between fresh food and processed food. With lots of sugar and salt or not so much. Sugary drinks or water, etc. Lots of people make bad choices. And even if there are labels and warnings and experts who tell them what is healthy and what not, people still eat and drink lots of unhealthy things. Most people are not smart. And most people don't want to listen and learn. So what do smart people do? Do they try to explain to the not so smart what they should do and fail with that message? Or do they sell to the stupid people what they want? And the stupid people are happy.
  3. I lived here from the first day Thaksin was in charge until today. Thaksin deliberately alienated Thai people against other Thai people. In some way similar to that orange American president. Hate the others! And the others are the bad guys. And you are with me or against me. There was a time when everyday there was another dividing story about him in the news. And then came the coup, his little sister, the red-shirts, and and and. Headache, a lot of it. If his party comes to power again, we can expect more of the same. More division, more fighting, and maybe another coup. No, please not again!
  4. The area in the picture looks like it is not near to any road. And it's not an area where someone has to walk to come from A to B. It looks very much like an area where people only go if they want to go there. If someone decides to go to a lonely area, what does he or should he expect? Should he expect bright light? Should he expect a sign in multiple languages which explains that there could be sharp objects in the sand and waves and maybe other danger? If anybody is in doubt, then don't do it. Or maybe go at daytime when the light is good and open your eyes and expect the unexpected.
  5. Yes, Thais are different. This is why many of us like to live in Thailand. And I agree that there are some of the different parts which I don't like.
  6. I prefer soldiers who try to unite the country to Thaksin who divided the country like no other and now he wants revenge.
  7. And what do smart people do if they don't see and don't know where they go? They don't go there. It's not really that difficult.
  8. Really? Did I ask for any advice about his interactions with girls? And did I ask about any advice in the other tread where I mentioned him? And yes, it's the same guy. In general, I am not too shy to write about myself, even if others don't like it - see earlier in this thread.
  9. OLED = Organic Light-Emitting Diode There are lots of OLED screens, but I am pretty sure that is not what your post is about. Maybe tell us a little more what you think about to be sure people are not confused.
  10. I think many "normal" women don't understand the part that many guys just want to have sex with some (other) girls from time to time. Hello darling, let's go, do it, bye bye. If he ever asked for her name likely he doesn't remember it an hour later. BGs understand that concept and they understand that does not challenge their relationship - most of the time.
  11. If it can't break, why did it break previously?
  12. That's the idea. The question is obviously what compromises they are willing to make. Will they not work with Thaksin and will they not work with the military? Let's see.
  13. As long as Move Forward supported Thaksin they were no alternative. Are they now anti Thaksin? Thailand needs a decent alternative to Thaksin and Prayut.
  14. I never thought I would agree with Jatuporn. But it seems Thaksin doesn't pay him enough and now Jatuporn doesn't support the fugitive anymore. The prediction is obviously not difficult. Whenever Thaksin opens his mouth the chance that he tells the truth is very low.
  15. He did his job properly. You and others obviously didn't do that. And he knows what to expect from the travel insurance. Other people, probably including you, would just later complain that the insurance didn't pay what you imagined they should pay. Now if you would have read the policy ... I like the guy already.
  16. Some time ago I discovered Urban Dictionary Urban Dictionary: snorfing I don't remember that last time when I didn't find a definition of some strange word.
  17. The hobby psychologist in me tells me the room the way it is tells everybody: Stay out! Leave me alone! I don't think the son wants that anybody walks into that room. So he makes sure nobody wants to walk in there. It seems he didn't grow up with a loving relationship with his mother. And it seems lots of Thais think kids just grow up by themselves, as if parents and other people have no influence at all. Surprise, good parents and other people make a huge difference. But when that didn't happen for 15 years then I see hard times coming. You can't just fix a situation or person like that.
  18. No, not necessarily. I have a version on a stick which keeps my personal files on the stick. But that doesn't have to be like that. It depends on the setup.
  19. If you can afford it, yes. When I was young, I had a couple of BMWs. They were fun and all that. Recently I rented in Europe a brand-new BMW 320. Wow, nice! They are fantastic cars. But in Thailand they cost a lot of money. And if you have a nice car then you don't want that Somchai from the garage work on them. So you go to the BMW dealer and get all the BMW parts and all the BMW prices. That can add up, a lot. Personally, I don't own a car in Thailand because for me in the middle of the city is just doesn't make any sense. And if I would buy a car here in Thailand, I wouldn't buy a BMW because what you said above: It cost probably 3 times as much than a Japanese car - and not just the purchasing price.
  20. OneMoreFarang

    Isaan Woman

    Thanks I guess I am just too much a city person. If the next 7/11 is more than 300m away, that is too far for me. Now I have at least 5 7/11 and 10 restaurants in 500m walking distance...
  21. I don't think tattoos are legally binding. I guess any hospital personal will only follow your wishes if they get that in writing and maybe certified by some official. Obviously they want to avoid future trouble.
  22. I thought it would be helpful for you to see the shipping cost from different companies. And if you see that i.e. FedEx is the cheapest then look up the FedEx cost for your actual location.
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