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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. When you paid the 15k, what did you agree? It seems you agreed that you will rent the property. Even if it's not written, it's a contract. What else was agreed? Did the agent or owner assure you that you can change your mind (within time x) and then you will get all your money back? In your post you didn't write that you talked with them about this. And now it seems you think there should be a least a couple of hours time where you can change your mind. Why do you think that? And imagine a situation where you were happy to have a rental agreement. All fine, you are ready to move it. And then, a day later, the agent contacts you and tells you he wants to give you your deposit back because now someone else will rent it. Would you accept that? Or would you insist you paid the deposit, and this is why only you are legally allowed to rent it? I suggest for next time ask them what happens if you or they change their mind. And maybe there are some other conditions. At least talk about them and better, write them down. Just assuming something is the way you hope it should be doesn't make much sense.
  2. Maybe you should have followed the news over the last years. They would know that he was tried in court and found guilty - several times. That is why we can officially call him the fugitive convicted criminal.
  3. A fugitive criminal promised the people that they will get double the current minimum income in a few years. He forgot to mention that with that also all the prices will go up and Thailand will be less competitive compared to the neighbor countries. But the gullible Thai voters will obviously vote for the criminal and his promises. Sad!
  4. dominated by old grudges between the military and the criminal fugitive Thaksin I corrected it for you.
  5. I had a similar problem - and no real solution. I looked at several calculators. Some want to know the size of the windows, location of the windows (direct sunlight), etc. That obviously makes sense. But I didn't see any AC calculator which asks about the desired room temperature. I.e. do you want in the living room 26 degrees Celsius? Or 24? Or cooler? Obviously the AC has to work harder if someone wants 22 degrees inside temperature while the sun is shining in the windows in the afternoon. So I think one question you have to ask yourself is how cold should it be. If you have visitors from Siberia in your guest house who think 22 degrees is warm then better buy a bigger AC. Or maybe you don't need a big AC if the family from Thailand stays there and is happy with 26-degree room temperature.
  6. Not bad, I like it! Maybe every forum here should have a cover picture. I doubt anybody will come up with anything better "green". Thanks!
  7. FYI, I check on my Windows 10, I have also multiple versions of that file - and no problems or warnings.
  8. First I would run the Windows update, that maybe will fix these issues. Next, Windows troubleshooter. If you are not sure, publish a list of the programs which you have installed. You can make a screenshot.
  9. Listen to Bjørn Lomborg and others who look at reality and don't panic. Sorry, it is a 4-hour interview. Some things are too difficult to explain in a TikTok video.
  10. Some time ago a friend gave me a book about many of those phrases. It was divided into section like nautical terms, etc. We use so many of them all the time and most of the time we have no clue where they come from.
  11. Are you sure you want to go the whole nine yards?
  12. Do you think anybody will take you more serious if you only add enough !!!!! and ??????
  13. Will those real housewives visit the bars to understand what their husbands like?
  14. That reminds me of my War of Terror T-shirt with George W Bush. My Thai gf was wearing it once at the time when the USA invaded Iraq. She received lot of bad looks from all those holy Americans...
  15. You don't get the part that they just don't care. They drive where they want and don't give a f#$# about anybody else. Obviously that is no reason to shoot her. But hopefully she will remember this for her next time on the road.
  16. Out of interest, why would you wear it? Most people won't recognize it. Maybe Russian will recognize it and some will agree and some wont. Do you want to discuss this with them? Or do you want that they feel bad about their leader? And maybe people from Ukraine will recognize it. Do you think they will say: Finally someone supports us, everybody else likes Russia? Or what? What's the point?
  17. How many people do you think would have any idea what that t-shirt is about?
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