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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It's funny when some people here pretend they saw something in real but then they saw edited videos. I saw enough edited videos of gogo bars, even on YouTube. And I saw a lot more in real. I can assure you the YouTube vides show only a small part of what is going on in the gogo bars. And that might be similar with the drag shows. So be careful when you pretend you know what is going on.
  2. It's interesting that you write here that you know it's all harmless but then you say you never visited such a show. So how do you know it's harmless? Just a picture of a family with some ladyboys is not exactly evidence for anything.
  3. About 20 years ago my mother visited me in Bangkok and she wanted to see a ladyboy show. Ok, let's go there. We saw the show. And after the show when we walked out all those ladyboys waited there to get tips and they were ready for pictures together with anybody who wanted that. Now I didn't ask any of them personally if they want to join me or my mother in the evening. But it seems they all were pretty motivated to get tips. So I have some suspicion what else was on offer. But you, probably a regular with those ladyboys, likes to tell me that only gogo dancer do more than dance. Cabaret ladyboys would never do that. Really?
  4. So you call a gogo bar a glorified whore house. But with the ladyboy cabaret you pretend that they do the show and nothing else will possibly happen. I am not sure if you are ignorant on purpose or you have no idea about real life. And yes, it's a no-brainer. I prefer real girls any day.
  5. Which part is so difficult to understand for you. I clearly wrote: "If I would have children, I wouldn't take them to drag shows or ladyboy shows or gogo bars." And then I wrote that if I have to choose the lesser evil then I would prefer to bring the kids to gogo bars. Because in gogo bars they see girls in sexy girl clothes. In the other places there are men in the same clothes. What is worse: When kids see girls in sexy girls clothes or men in sexy girls clothes? or
  6. Lots of normal people, including lots of people from the mainstream left, don't want drag queens for their children. Only radical minded people call anybody who is not in their corner "rightwingers".
  7. There are also lots of gogo bars in Phuket. Lots of people go there. It's just entertainment. If I would have children, I wouldn't take them to drag shows or ladyboy shows or gogo bars. But in the theoretical game that I would have to take them somewhere then I would take them to the gogo bars. Sexy real girls are a lot more natural than men who pretend to be women.
  8. I don't know what is normal and what are exceptions. But it seems at least some of those performances are revolting - at least for me, a straight male.
  9. Should parents take their children also to strip shows? And if not, why not? At the strip shows they will see at least real women with women's clothes and not men with women's clothes pretending to be women.
  10. Mostly I don't like the GOP, and especially Trump and all that. But sometimes they are right = correct. When people see that the radical left want to expose their children to drag queens and the not so radical left let it happen, then people should not be surprised when voters want to vote conservative. Not hard right, but also not woke left. Why is it so difficult for the moderate left to tell the radical left to shut up. Put them into that radical little corner where they belong. We really don't need drag queens for children and people who don't know anymore what a woman is and all that.
  11. I remember the first time when I was in Bangkok, without mobile phones, GPS and all that, I selected in the travel guide a hotel in Sukhumvit Soi 1. I made sure that I knew the house number. I told the taxi driver, and we arrived in Soi 1, and then I discovered that house numbers are random and useless in Bangkok (and I think all over Thailand). After some talking the driver drove me to the Crown Hotel in Soi 6. Interesting times...
  12. Which Australian embassy. There is an unofficial one in near Silom...
  13. Let me guess: administration cost for collecting that fee and keeping all the details in computer systems etc. will cost more. What a great idea... Who comes up with ideas like that?
  14. Thanks! Recently I bough a circular saw. I never used one until now so I searched in YouTube. There are lots of videos with tips and tricks and it seems many of them are made by people who know what they are doing. So I think it's a good idea to look for a video or two for the informaiton. This is one sample of such a video:
  15. It shouldn't be difficult to find someone. I had a couple of bikes over the year from different dealers - specialized on exactly those bikes. They all were used to special exhaust systems. Titanium might be a little more difficult to find but I guess just ask a big motorcycle or tuning shop like i.e. Red Baron. REDBARON BKK: (redbaronbangkok.com)
  16. Could? Lots of not so smart bots influence already millions or maybe even billions of people. Most people want easy solutions, they don't want sophisticated explanations which are not easy to understand. Remember MAGA and Brexit sovereignty and all that.
  17. It seems cameras are everywhere these days. But then it seems many of them "fail" to record - at least at certain moments...
  18. What does that mean? Real Canadians are all good people and those who immigrated to Canada are bad people? Or what?
  19. Credit cards require a signature, or under a certain amount no signature or anything else. Debit cards require a PIN and no signature. I don't know about the rules above certain amounts, I am sure there are extra rules.
  20. That is one of the problems with "our" international news. If Russia or China spy on "us" then that is reported like a big deal. If the USA and other western governments do the same, or worse, that is often somehow ignored. Remember Edward Snowden revelations? And remember how he is hunted by the USA? And Julian Assange, who helped to expose the USA? It's so much easier to pretend the USA and UK and others would never do such things...
  21. Sorry I don't have an answer. I have some recent experience with people who are involved in renovations. It seems proper companies are only interested in big jobs. I.e. if half a hotel should be renovated then they like that. If it's just one condominium or one room, then they are mostly not interested. Then it seems the only people who are willing to do those small jobs are the handymen who would never get a big job. And somehow some of those handymen think they can charge just like the big guys - but without the knowledge, the tools, and the service quality. I was lucky enough to know someone in a hotel who is involved in those big jobs. And that person convinced the (hotel) contractor to work for me. Mostly I am happy with that work. I am sure I wouldn't have been able to hire that contractor by myself. So maybe look if you know someone who is involved in bigger projects who can help you. Good luck! You need it.
  22. I watched already many how to install videos. Until now this is my favorite - just in case someone else want to do that as well.
  23. Out of interest, why would you like to drink alcohol free gin? It sounds for me like a vegetable burger. IMHO a burger without meat is no burger. And Gin without alcohol is not Gin. So what is it all about?
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