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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Maybe there is a camera but he got a BJ from the locker attendant and he asked them to switch off the camera. ????
  2. I am sure some of those people are desperate, now I don't know any of them, so I don't really know. I wrote my above comment because I guess not many of us ever run around with a diamond Rolex stepping out of a Bentley. I experienced a little part of that life and in a way it was interesting to experience it. But I wasn't so impressed that from then on I worked to be one of them. I am satisfied with a G-Shock watch. ????
  3. I suggest go to the IKEA website. They have a kitchen planner which should make it easy for you to plan. They also have information about "rules" for kitchen layout. I think it's called the working triangle. That is not an IKEA invention but it's all together on their website. Obviously that doesn't mean you have to buy anything from IKEA. But maybe you are interested in some of their parts. They sell everything separately - if you like. I.e. you can buy cabinets, doors, drawers, etc. all separately. So if you like you can buy drawers and doors for your concrete cabinets and any other accessories. Whatever you do I would make sure that you use standard sizes like mostly 600mm wide units. That should make it easy to find any accessories which you want.
  4. Thank. Yes, it might have been the minister of interior. I know it was someone high up in the government. So if the government changes things might take a long time.
  5. On my Bosch there is no click-click-click and no big click. But it just works.
  6. Like it or not, but people with a Bentley and a diamond Rolex are often treated with a lot more respect than the rest of us. Long time ago I had a friend who owned an old Bentley and he was selling 2nd hand luxury watches. He was also wearing those watches. From time to time I was out with him and it was amazing what difference that made. Somewhere a long que in front of the latest hottest club? No problem, please sir, we open the red gate for you, please go in, someone will bring you to the VIP section. This kind of treatment, everywhere. I have to admit it's nice to be treated like that.
  7. Really? There are at least three issues here. a) she collided with a human on the street b) she drove over him, maybe with two wheels one after the other c) she didn't stop after that IMHO b) and c) are the real bad parts. It is impossible to drive over "something that big" and not notice it. And then it is criminal to not at least look what just happened. Guilty!
  8. So that's it? Was she arrested? Was she charged with killing a human? She shouldn't be allowed out on the street and be a risk to everybody else.
  9. That is obviously an option. But actually the smell is not the problem for me. She washes the hair, maybe several times, I don't know how often. Her hair doesn't smell like chemicals. But only because my nose can't smell it obviously doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
  10. Thanks a lot. Mostly my gf buys the color somewhere in a Thai market and does the coloring by herself. By now she knows how to do that and she does a great job as far as I can see. Sometimes she buys the color and goes to a little one person hair "saloon" and it's done in that shop. I guess that doesn't make much of a difference. I am pretty sure I could convince her to buy color in a proper shop like Foodland or maybe Boots or something like that. And maybe she can also buy/order something from Paul Mitchell. My concern with products like that, like with cosmetics, is that brand names are just much more expensive for basically the same product. If your gf who works with this knows that Paul Mitchell or another brand is much better, then I guess my gf should use that in the future.
  11. Sometimes I have difficulties with sleeping and somehow I think it is worse when my girlfriend, who sleeps next to me, just colored her hair. Is there any known problem with hair color? Maybe some brands contain "bad" chemicals? Sorry, I am not familiar with the different types of hair color so I can't give more detailed information.
  12. You could call them and ask. Or would that be too easy?
  13. Lock her up! Maybe she didn't see the painter. But driving a car over someone and not noticing it is basically impossible unless she was drunk, drugged, or something like that. Any normal driver who drives against a big "obstacle" would brake right away. She didn't. Guilty. And yes, there should have been a sign or someone looking after the painter, but that doesn't change anything from my comment above.
  14. Yes, Thaksin and his clones were elected by the people, and they though he would work for the people. And he worked for the people, a little, and for himself and his cronies a lot. I have to repeat myself: I am also not a big fan of the current government. But personally I like them a lot more than Thaksin and his clones. Without the red-shirts life is so much better. One big problem with all those Thaksin goons is that they work for Thaksin and will work to get him back to Thailand. And that is like declaring civil war. Do we really need another repeat of history? I don't think so.
  15. I have no firsthand experience, but a friend did this successfully a couple of years ago. His residency was approved, but then, nothing. Nothing for a long time. Because the PM had to sign that and because at that time the political situation changed the PM at that time didn't think that is really important. That's why, after approval, my friend had to wait years to get the official documents. So whatever you find out, remember that someone has to sign it and you can't exactly force that person to do that...
  16. Thanks, I looked at their website and searched for Hilti and nothing like this came up. The next store is an hour away and I avoid going there in person if not necessary.
  17. Does anybody of you have a link to this or similar product online in Thailand or HomePro or any other supplier? Or a shop anywhere in Bangkok? Thanks
  18. They are Thaksin's goons and that makes them unacceptable. It's not really that difficult.
  19. I wonder how often Thaksin thinks how wonderful it would be to still live in Thailand. And maybe he thinks about that he should have been more careful with his crimes. It's almost sad. Almost.
  20. Sorry, no, at least not in my condominium. When I drill a hole anywhere in above wall or a structural concrete wall there is a HUGE difference. And I use a proper Bosch Hammer to do that.
  21. Maybe, but maybe not. It depends a lot where you drill in those bricks. Maybe have a hole but obviously not everywhere. The first three holes I drilled were perfect examples. With one hold I drilled and drilled and it was like a solid brick. With the second hole not far away from the first I drilled maybe half the time in a solid structure. And with the last hole it was like drilling for maybe 1cm and then just "falling" into a hole. All in the same wall not far from each other. I suggest don't assume all is the same after you drill just one hole.
  22. I don't know if you see a different picture than I see. But the red things with the hole in the middle in my picture are bricks with holes inside.
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