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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I guess that is a reason not to visit that smelly province. ????
  2. I think sometimes I see signs and he talks about who organizes the races and places. I guess with that information it should not be too difficult to find out more details.
  3. Update: Someone said they will observe a ceasefire. That doesn't mean it will happen. The communication with their front units seems to be very bad.
  4. If anybody is still not vaccinated, after three years' time or so, without medical reason, then I think it's no problem to keep those out. Vaccination denier are mostly reality deniers (and/or MAGA fans). Who wants them?
  5. Who? No name, no picture, and I don't plan to google it.
  6. It seems "my version" is now a real possibility. I just read that attempt #8 failed. What was that definition of insanity again?
  7. Have a look at this channel CB Media - YouTube The guy covers lots of motorsport events in Thailand including those boat races. Probably you can find some info in his videos. Apart from that he has also a couple of stupid videos. So better skip those.
  8. *Removed post edited out* I think woke is a bad sickness. But the crazy ignorant right wing MAGA crowd is even worse. There is enough room for centrists between those extremes. But unfortunately, the divided press and society brings people to the extremes and not together. That is obviously sad because they could live happily together.
  9. If more Americans would be educated and if more of them would use their brain and if more of them wouldn't be so fanatic religious, then things might be different. But as long as they only believe and don't care about facts and are too stupid or lazy to inform themselves not much will change. Personally I don't really care about the USA. They deserve their politicians. But the rest of the world is suffering because of them.
  10. Somehow I remember those reports from my first visit in Thailand about 30 years ago. It seems nobody paid attention.
  11. I never heard about that. Can you pay tax for a vehicle at 7/11? And if yes, do you get that tax sticker from them or is it sent to the address?
  12. You, as an experienced and advanced member could try to explain it to me. I live here only for 25 years; I obviously need guidance from someone with deep local knowledge.
  13. Ok, you know shop without salaries. I know shops with salaries. And what do we learn from that: They both exist. And I am pretty sure people who do the massage will think in which of those shops they want to work, most likely they will choose the place where they make more money.
  14. It doesn't matter what I think. Nobody asks me if they should let you or anybody else into Thailand. I tried to explain the reasoning behind regulations. Countries normally do what is in their interest. I.e., lots of countries make it very difficult for Thai people to visit them. They even make it difficult for young and healthy people.
  15. Only cancel him? Prosecute him! Put him into jail! He should have known in 1976 that people in 2022 don't accept such language. ????
  16. I think it makes sense for Thailand, like any other country, to make decisions based on what is good for the country. Let's say Thailand would get a million tourists with health insurance, and they could get 10% more without health insurance (in part because those people are old and in part because they have medical conditions and in part because people are not willing to pay for the insurance). Does it make sense for Thailand to welcome only the healthy people with insurance or should they welcome everybody? I obviously understand that people like to visit Thailand, even if they are old and even if they have medical problems. But because I understand that and because some people want that doesn't mean that is what is best for Thailand. Let's compare this to the UK. Let's make a survey how many people like to welcome immigrants. First survey, ask UK voters. Second survey, ask those people who are on the way to the UK, maybe in a small boat on the channel. There will be different results...
  17. No, I am not, in general. I always wonder where such insider wisdom comes from. How many massage places exist in Bangkok? I am sure thousands. With how many people who work there or own such places did you talk to? Likely not even 1%. I also talked to some of them, and I heard of amounts between 50 to 200B per massage which they receive from the shop. Nobody ever told me they only receive tips. Does that mean this is statistically relevant? Obviously: no.
  18. Then please explain to an ignorant person like me what a (Thai) ghost is. My gf introduced me already one of them: Pee Pahom - the ghost which moves the blanket at night. I have to admit I didn't see him/her/it until now.
  19. I guess in a way it is good to see that not only stupid farangs have difficulties with the thinking when their blood is in another part of their body.
  20. I guess many of us "laugh" about such strange reasoning. But ... I remember many years ago I visited the family of my gf. One night everybody was drinking a lot and her small brother got totally wasted. I remember sometime in the middle of the night he was shouting around like a maniac. I stayed away from him and just listened to it from a distance. The next day I talked to my gf and I mentioned that her brother was obviously absolutely drunk and behaved like an a$hole. Then she explained to me that that wasn't really her brother. He was week because he had drunk a lot. And because he was week some bad ghost could take possession of his body. So what I observed was not her brother, it was the bad ghost... I didn't try to argue with her. I keep that information in my TiT knowledge box.
  21. Quality news is still available for free, i.e. The Guardian. How can people expect to get quality news for free? Somehow has to pay those journalists, editors, etc. I think it's only fair if people pay their fair share. And for students and other people with little money there are often special prices available.
  22. You are obviously not one of them. Otherwise you wouldn't call it "espousing pro-rape attitudes".
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