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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Since when is justice a democratic decision? It's about who breaks laws - even if lots of people like the lawbreaker. Do I really have to explain that?
  2. Ok, I did it for you. Just in case you want to try it yourself go to en.wikipedia.org search for something like Thaksin Click on the relevant link And then maybe search on that page for conviction It's not really that difficult. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaksin_Shinawatra#Convictions_and_exile you are welcome
  3. Thank you, your honor. No further questions. Don't bother replying to this. I will block you now because I really don't need to see more of your ignorance.
  4. I looked this video series. It covers lots of details.
  5. No, the answer is unfortunately not obvious. Thaksin and his family are convicted criminals. And the military removed those corrupt governments. Now what will happen when people vote again the same corrupt family? Guess! If the people want peace then maybe they should not vote for known criminals.
  6. English. And up to now I think they are clear and with lots of pictures. But obviously I don't want to find out later on that I should have done xyz which was not written in the manual.
  7. It seems you make the same mistakes like many others. The current government is bad, so let's vote for another one - any other one. The problem is that the alternative(s) might not be better. Thaksin divided the country like nobody before him. He is responsible for the red mob and the MiB and lots of dead people. If another Thaksin clone will come to power again nobody should be surprised if history is repeated again. What is so difficult about not voting again for the same known corrupt criminals?
  8. Thanks, I have the inserts with the thread as well. So I will use them. I don't know what material the "wood" is. It's a cabinet from bathroom Kohler. The legs have a thick aluminium base. The hex bit seems to fit perfectly.
  9. I know that Thaksin and at least some people in his family are criminals. He and his sister would be in jail if they wouldn't have run away. Obviously you can join those people who just shout "political prosecution" or you can look at facts and realize that he and his sister were very corrupt criminals. And nobody doubts that his daughter will deliver more of the same. Do you want corruption? Do you want criminals running the country? Then go ahead and vote for her. And just in case you want an honest government then look for honest alternatives. I know that is difficult in Thailand. But just voting again for the same corrupt people will not change anything.
  10. Where do you get your information from. Truth today or the drums in the red village or does the missus tell you what to think? Having a brain is a good start. Using it from time to time is even better.
  11. Key cards are available with many security levels. Obviously high security is more expensive. But does it really work? We have such a system in my condominium, and it happens often that people who "forgot" their card just walk through with somebody else. And mostly the security does nothing. I guess that is also the case in many other buildings. High security cards won't change that.
  12. It is 100% sure that the government is corrupt if people vote for corrupt politicians. It might be difficult to find decent honest politicians. But if people want an honest government, then that is what they should vote for.
  13. Let's not forget that most people in those villages up country don't pay any income tax. They don't really care if taxes are wasted - it's not their money. And they are stupid enough to vote for the daughter of the fugitive criminal and hope she will do what he tells her to do and then they are surprised when they get a corrupt government. My advice: If you want an honest government then don't vote for criminal corrupt crooks or their family members.
  14. Thanks for the detailed advice. Currently I am more on the DIY side, but I haven't made up my mind until now. The funniest part of your reply is this: "The one job I do hate is the telescopic extractor hood. So try to get the electrican to do this." Almost anything in my apartment is done by the contractor. With one exception: I do the electrical installation. ???? The contractor agreed already he will do the exhaust part of the hood.
  15. Thanks. For the sleeves the holes much be obviously bigger. I have a drill, no problem. You write: "gluing in the sleeves" Is that necessary and/or common? I used the sleeves before on a little unimportant project and I just put them in a tight-fitting hole and all worked fine.
  16. I bought a bathroom cabinet with optional "legs". The legs came together with screws for wood and in the bas of the cabinet are little holes. In general, I am not a fan of little screws for wood because it's easy to fasten them too much. I like the idea of metal sleeves and screws. They are easy to remove and insert again. Are there any disadvantages from those metal sleeves? What would you use to mount those legs? Here are pictures of the predrilled holes in the cabinet, the screws which are supplied, and the metal sleeves and screws which I consider.
  17. I intend to buy an IKEA METOD kitchen. Now the question is if I should let them assemble it or do it myself (with other people for support). My question is how difficult the work is. I assembled already other IKEA furniture and that was fine. I have not much trust in many Thai technicians. I am sure they will be able to build the kitchen. But I worry that they use too much power on the screws so that they are lose again and things like that. The kitchen should be stable for many years, and I don't want to have trouble later. I have the tools and in principle I am sure I will be able to put things together. But I didn't do that 100 times like the IKEA teams. I worry a little about the exact alignments of doors and drawers and things like that. It seems to be not easy to get this right. What is your experience with IKEA and their teams building kitchens? Do they do quality work or just rush the job? And what is your experience with assembling IKEA kitchens or other furniture? Did everything go right? Did you wish you would have asked them to do it. Obviously I have to pay if they assemble it. This is not the issue here. I am willing to pay if they do quality work. That is what I am concerned about. What is your experience?
  18. I would love to read a background story about why these raids happen and who has this let's-do-this idea. Is it some police officer who wants that everybody gets a night OT payment? Or is it some politician in Bangkok who tells them to show they are doing something? Or maybe someone from the tourism authority? Who has these ideas and what is their actual goal?
  19. I have to admit I thought about grey. A little grey or a little more grey...
  20. Thanks for your post and also thank for all the other useful comments. I understand what you write, and obviously you are right. But unfortunately that doesn't bring me nearer to the question of how to choose one or more suitable colors for my condominium. I don't want to get all the walls printed, furniture and plants inside, and then think: I don't really like this. Let's try again...
  21. They should be forced to do that. Or they should go to jail. And obviously that won't happen in Thailand anytime soon.
  22. And some professionals do it because they like science and they do their best. And sometimes pharmaceutical companies develop and produce great medicine. I think it's wrong to assume they are all bad.
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