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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Or maybe too small and it wouldn't stay in position. ????
  2. I don't like what these reporters did and hopefully they will be fined so that they will never do it again. But all those reporters who like to show blood and dead bodies wouldn't exist if there wouldn't be so many people who want to see exactly that. Here, look at some bloody dead bodies, maybe a little pixelated, and "enjoy" it. It seems there are too many of those people who like to see all the bloody details. And this website is also not innocent. Sometimes I see here a headline like: "3 people die in a car crash - video included in the article." I wonder how many people click on that and how many people would just click on a written article without pictures or video. Personally, I read the headlines about the recent shooting. I didn't look at any pictures or videos. Because what's the point? 30 dead people are 30 dead people. I don't need to see pictures of the bodies and the room where they were killed or a row of caskets. It's sad that lots of people somehow look at those pictures as some kind of entertainment.
  3. Today it has become much easier to solve problems because you can always find information online. I agree with @CharityWhitney that there should be at least one person with a good feel for design who understands the principles. I didn't hire an interior designer because I don't want to have a design apartment like for a catalog - if that makes sense. But it still should look nice. Recently I looked for bathroom tiles. I found tiles which I like. But then I thought I want only part of the wall with those tiles. But what to do with the other part of the wall? Other tiles? Which tiles? What my design experienced (but not interior design architect) project manager told me was the following: I selected already the "main" tiles which will bring a certain look for the bathroom. Now I should make sure that any other tiles don't add another design feature. The additional tiles should somehow be non-intrusive, not with big pattern or something like that. We walked through Boonthavorn with a sample of my main tiles to find something fitting - and finally we found it - with almost no pattern. I would never have done this myself in that way and I certainly would have selected something which doesn't really fit together. I write this just as a small example. I am pretty sure things like that can't be easily learned from the internet - even after a lot of reading and watching videos.
  4. In principle I agree with that. But I don't know if it works that way. Another option might be to ask the condominium manager to join you - and you pay him/her a fixed fee but no commission. That manager likely knows all the details.
  5. And I thought if I act like him, I will win, and get the girl, sure. ????
  6. And let's not forget all those pretty young women who marry millionaires. But then, as far as I know they are officially not called prostitutes. They obviously marry for love. ????
  7. Really? I think there is a HUGE difference if someone (any age) has sex with a 17 year old teenager or a pre puberty child of maybe 12 years or younger. To name a foreign example of Berlusconi with his darling Ruby. She was under 18 at that time. But I think we must forgive him that he didn't see that right away. But look at any pre puberty child and it is very obvious that nobody should touch such a child. And there is no: Sorry, I though the 10 year old looked like she is 18...
  8. Thanks, I just saved that video to my PC. With all that woke s#%# I guess it won't be long before this won't be available anymore.
  9. Search and find https://www.fazwaz.com/condo-for-rent/thailand/chon-buri/pattaya?zoomLevel=12&monthly_price=20000,25000&center=12.9095006451792,100.94361933317143&bound=13.029943725338976,101.07803019132572:12.788999505359763,100.80920847501713
  10. If I have to explain it to you ... ???? Which of the words don't you understand?
  11. And do you think if you would have visited a qualified doctor you would have received worse advice (and treatment)? Obviously, it's possible to receive qualified advice in a forum, but is it smart to follow any advice because somehow it sounds good? Another example is advice in the computer forum. I am a computer professional since forever and sometimes I give advice here and sometimes I read advice from others. And sometimes it's good advice and sometimes bad advice. And it happens regularly that I visit people with computer problems, and they often have stories like: I had this little problem and I looked at the internet and I followed that advice. And then they have a bigger problem... At least for me that is a reason not to follow advice from people who I don't know if it is important.
  12. child trafficking It seems most of them were teenagers and not children - especially no pre puberty children. This is obviously still not right. But I think there is a HUGE difference between teenagers over 15, who likely have anyhow sex, and "children".
  13. There was a time when people with medical issues visited a doctor or at least a pharmacy. Is that not in fashion anymore? Is it now a question for an online guess game?
  14. I didn't pay any bribe. The guy who walked with me worked previously in that immigration office and he knew everybody. "My guy" is now up country enjoying his retirement, but I am pretty sure similar people still exist. I know the rules have changed and I guess there is also a good part of flexibility for each officer. My point was and is: Look for an expert and sort it out. Such experts exist and IMHO it's a lot better to find the right person than risk being detained.
  15. I would look for a visa agent who you can trust. A long time ago I had two years overstay. I was introduced to a guy who previously worked in immigration. I walked with him into that "pay fine" room in immigration, 5 minutes later we were in front of the officer, I paid 20k and all was done. I didn't have to leave the country. In another case I know a guy had a few days overstay. He walked alone into immigration to sort things out before his flight in a couple of days. He had his flight ticket with him. The immigration detained him there and then and delivered him to the airport on the day of his departure. I think it's as usual in Thailand: Talk to the right people and all will be sorted. To be fair my experience with my overstay was maybe 20 years ago. But I am sure the principle is still the same. Go there with well connected people.
  16. Great, and maybe you are strong and fit and know how to fight. On the other hand, if you are not as strong and fit then maybe you end up in a hospital - if you are lucky enough that someone calls an ambulance.
  17. Thanks for the thread, I still have to watch most of them. This was one of my favorites when I was a little younger. I guess most of you know it.
  18. And would you use it? To do what? Let's say maybe a drug addict would randomly attack me and let's assume I would carry a knife with me. Let's say the attacker kicks me. Would I then take the knife out? Would I hope the attacker sees that knife and runs away? And what if he doesn't run? So next time that guy tries to kick me again I try to stab him. Do I want to injure him or do I want to kill him? If I injure him, would that stop the fight? Let's not forget we have a crazy drug user in front of us who needs his shot? Will he just back down? Or will he continue with the fight? And then? Let's say I handle that knife perfectly and stab him in the heart. He is lying on the floor bleeding. And then? Explain that to the police in Thailand? My point is that escalation is more likely to make the situation worse - in many ways. If someone would attack me I would probably (try to) give him my money. Here, take it. That's not the hero move. But likely I will live another day and I don't have to go to the hospital. And I prefer to pay 10,000 B and stay healthy.
  19. Thanks. He is ok now - except that he is back in the UK. ???? I am sure he walked the same route roughly the same time many times. Normally no problem...
  20. Probably about 2am. On the way from Soi 23 to Soi 22. The attacker was on the Sukhumvit entrance what used to be Crown Hotel near Soi 29.
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