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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I am sure you know the typical Thai salaries. My gf didn't go to university, her parents had no money for that. She could get a job with minimum salary or maybe a little more. If she would have such a job then she would work all day and probably be another hour or two in the traffic to and from work. Should she do the cleaning and cooking after her fulltime job? Or should I do it? Or should we hire a maid? My income is a lot higher than her income (in a normal job) could ever be. I prefer that I work and she uses part of the day for house work and prepares nice meals for us and she is not tired because she works too hard. Summary: I don't want that she works for that little money. We don't need 10% more income. And I am sure I am not the only guy with that conclusion.
  2. I am waiting for the day that one of those idiots goes to court with the argument that he is simply too stupid to understand what he was doing. I am pretty sure many of them have a real chance with that argument.
  3. I learned that my idea of "reasonable" was way below what I had to pay. Even many not so qualified people asked for money which I thought was far above any reasonable level. So, by now I adjusted my sense of what I think is reasonable.
  4. Maybe I have the right guy for you. Currently he is renovating my apartment from scratch. He is the contractor, Thia, and he organizes all the working teams i.e. for tiles, plumbing, etc. I don't want that he gets distracted now with a new project. He should finish my place in a month or two and if you are then still interested send me a PM maybe start of December this year. I spend my time thinking about what I want and looking for the right guy/company. What I didn't think about in advance, but what I now think is very important, how good those contractors are in accepting criticism. We can all aim for perfection, but it's unlikely we get it. For me, I accept that there will be mistakes. The important part is that the contractor listens and accepts (reasonable) critic and fixes the issues. It seems many contractors and workers don't like that at all. And then you could be in a situation that the current worker does not want to repair what he did wrong, and a new worker (team) is not willing to continue a half-done project. Good luck! You need it.
  5. Or maybe she finally wants to retire after maybe hundreds or even thousands of guys.
  6. And obviously we all point at you. I wish I would be young and handsome like that guy. 555
  7. That conclusion is wrong. They exist in Bangkok, just not everywhere. And I guess maybe 10% of the girls in the better bars actually know how to dance. And with the right motivation they do exactly that. Tequila and tips are your friends. That reminds me: Look if you can find out when and where is the next NanaPong dance competition in Bangkok. You will like it! And come early, otherwise you won't be able to be anywhere near the stage, and believe me, that's where you want to be. ????
  8. I was a couple of time in Green Mango and I really enjoyed it. To be fair that was almost 30 years ago, but, as far as I know, the club still exists. ???? https://www.greenmangoclub.com/
  9. Did you learn that from your parents or in church? You should try it a few times. When she gives you a bj and you see stars and think you are in heaven then you are doing it right. ????
  10. No, absolutely not. The hooker with way more fun - at least if you pick the right one. ????
  11. At least I don't pretend that all the Thai beauties are lining up to go out with me and have sex with me. And unless you are a Korean boy band member it is unlikely that what you write here has much resemblance with reality. But go on, dream your dream that you are the man.
  12. Maybe you missed it, this thread is about "Bars with the best gogo dancers (best not most beautiful)" and taking those girls out for an hour or a night. For girlfriends and love and romance there are other rules. Isn't that obvious?
  13. But not in Thailand. I am pretty sure mobile phones arrived here before Starbugs.
  14. And how many of these legit Thai girls want to f$## you within the hour? And how many do what you want? And how many hope to get a boyfriend or husband? Now if I feel like fun I go to a gogo, select whichever girl I want, tell her what performance I expect from her, and if we agree then the fun can start. And if not, no problem, just ask the next girl. And all for an amount which does not break the bank. Now enjoy your legit girl. Nice dinner, some more drinks, come to my apartment. Ok, maybe next time. Ok, I come with you. You want what? NO! I am not that kind of girl...
  15. Yeah, I tried that about a month ago. And what did I see? Old and/or ugly and/or fat women with no clothes. I would have preferred them with clothes. That place was good a long time ago, and maybe it will be better again. But at least for me, after that last visit, I will wait a little before I try it again.
  16. One little detail we should not forget is that there are very few land line phones in the villages up country. For many Thais their first phone ever was a mobile phone - because that was the only available option.
  17. I don't remember the years. My phones in Bangkok were: After the pager my first mobile was a Siemens, just for calls and text messages. Then an Ericson which was also able to receive emails and WWW. I remember I got the news about the coup in 2006 on that phone - when the Thai news didn't report anything. That phone was supposed to be able to sync with Outlook, but it never really worked. My first smart phone with touch screen was with Windows mobile - finally the synchronization worked. I think that was also my first phone with camera. I think that was in 2010. I am sure some girls had more sophisticated phones.
  18. They are smart phones - compared to many of their users.
  19. Do you really think I remember the details after > 20 years? She wasn't so exiting that I visited her again. But at that time I had at least one girl a day for a purple. The good old times.
  20. Don't forget pagers I had the advanced version which showed not only numbers but also text. ????
  21. At that time, I didn't care, and I didn't mind. ???? And probably by now I would still tell her to watch her soap opera. Because if she wouldn't watch it, she would not be happy and probably speculating what happens in the soap opera. So, she would also be distracted and unhappy. Go ahead ...
  22. ESPHome and Home Assistant, and NSPanel and a lot more...
  23. He mentioned the Angelwitch show earlier. That reminds me of the guy on stage with the pretty girl rubbing against him. And then he is blindfolded, and the finale follows... ????
  24. The grapevine was perfect. In 1996 I had a gf in G-Spot in Nana. She knew I was in Nana before I could make it to her bar which was maybe 100m away from the entrance. At that time the girls had the perfect communication network - without mobile phones or any technology. I also remember my first visit in a Thai massage place with lots of girls in the fishbowl watching Thai soap opera. I picked a girl and we went up the stairs to a room. The first thing she asked me if I mind if she continues to watch the soap opera on the TV in the room while I f@$#%$ her... And that was the time when we saw each other and agreed when we see each other again. Like: I see you tomorrow 2pm at the beach entrance of Royal Garden. And she was there, because there was no mobile phone to confirm or cancel or anything like that. And last but not least: When the girlfriend was for a week up country she was there up country without any communication. We could go out and no phone calls or messages at night: where are you? And obviously also no updates to her from her friends that her boyfriend was just seen here and there. Very different times.
  25. In my limited experience places which are designed for Thai guys have the kind of girls Thai guys want. And places for farangs have the kind of girls farangs want. And there is not much overlap. In places for Thai men you won't find any small cute brown Buriram girls. They have girls which are relative white and not super slim. And the behavior of the girls is different because it mirrors what the Thai guys want. Summary: I gave up with those places a long time ago because there are not the kind of girls which I want. And I am pretty sure I am not alone with that conclusion.
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