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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. The "problem" for lottery winners is that they have suddenly a lot more money than previously. That is a huge difference from people who over the time of their life accumulated more and more money. It seems having suddenly a lot more money makes life decisions difficult for many people.
  2. My new ACs are Daikin Zetas. They use R32 coolant. https://www.daikin.co.th/en/product/zetas-inverter-ftkz-vv2s/ Daikin writes: R32 is an environmentally friendly coolant used by Daikin for the first time in Thailand. It seems Daikin sells these units only in Thailand and they have only Thai manuals. The guy who installs it works since 20 years with ACs, but I am not so sure that he is up to date with his knowledge and diligent with his work. So it wouldn't surprise me if he will ignore this detail and just (try to) use just the same coolant which he always used. My question is: Are there measures in place like a different valve size on the AC which makes it "impossible" to use the wrong coolant? Or would it be easy for an unexperienced or lazy technician to put the wrong coolant in an AC? And if it is possible to use the wrong coolant, would it be easy to replace that wrong coolant later? Or is it like using gasoline and diesel in a car? If you use the wrong one, then you have a big problem? Thanks
  3. I never used Opera. I just googled it, and this might help: https://tweaklibrary.com/how-to-save-and-manage-passwords-on-opera-browser/
  4. You obviously have no idea what IoT is. I thought maybe you confused it with AI. And I don't really care which color your pills are, they obviously don't help much.
  5. Probably some (security) setting. If you tell us which OS and browser you use (i.e. Windows 10 and Edge) then we should be able to help you.
  6. It is easy to block individual devices with a firewall.
  7. IoT - Internet of Things AI = Artificial Intelligence Not same, very different! And being ignorant doesn't make the situation any better.
  8. Maybe the police should talk with the police. Why are so many taxi-no-meter in front of hotels and tourist attraction when officially nobody is allowed to park there? And why does the police not write tickets and make sure they drive away? There is basically only one possible answer. Someone pays someone to look the other way. TiT
  9. The picture from the article looks like a picture from an amateur. I am sure a good photographer can make them look much better.
  10. Probably many bikes will look too small for you. Is that your concern? I am about your size and one of my bikes is a 150cc Suzuki Raider. Is it too small? In a way, yes. But I can easily use it without any problems. I think we all get used to what we (have to) use. Sure, there could be other bikes which fit better, but if you don't plan long trips then I wouldn't worry about that too much.
  11. Obviously in the middle of Bangkok. Somewhere between Nana and Soi Cowboy. And just in case I feel like I need some up country feeling then I am sure I will be able to find a girl from Buriram. ????
  12. Obviously farangs would never do that. That reminds me of my friend John: One more flight to Singapore and one more night in that luxury hotel and the contract will be signed, sure....
  13. 56k in hope to meet a girl. Wow! We definitely need a picture or that girl. She must certainly be the best 10 girls I ever met combined in one.
  14. I tried to be helpful. I know what I wrote is not what you were hoping to read. Fact is for whatever reason you seem to be unable to see a specialist while many others in this forum are able to see specialists. And that obviously brings up the question: What is different? I wrote in my first post your attitude might be a problem. I don't know you and obviously I don't know what is going on. But something is going on...
  15. What a strange pseudointellectual post. "So much knowledge is unnecessary, so people do not use their brains, and the brain goes fallow." Really? "Perhaps most of the heavy lifting has already been done, and what's left to discover is knowledge that merely fills in minor gaps. Newton, [...]" I wonder if Newton thought that sometime in the future Einstein will come. I am sure he didn't think there is nothing to discover anymore. Today we have so many discoveries and inventions which nobody ever dreamed about. Just think about the internet and especially the WWW and mobile phones and apps. Nobody missed all that before it was invented. I don't know what the future will bring but lots of intelligent people will make it better.
  16. Yes, exactly that. And then that look on their face: This guy must be stupid. Why does he want to give me that small money. What an idiot!
  17. Yes, some people, like computer experts, think about the risks. But most people don't know about them and don't want to know about them and just ignore them. It's like facebook or something like this: People should think about what they post and they should think about who can see this information. But many people just post everything for anybody to see. What could possibly go wrong...
  18. Best documentary ever ???? I heard about that movie only this year and because it was highly recommended I watched it. Great! It's supposed to play 500 years in the future (from when it was created). Now I got the impression that it too not even 10 years. Amazing, and sad at the same time. Here is the opening scene, also very relevant for this thread.
  19. Any judge has to follow the existing law. Even if he and/or many people think that law is incorrect and should be changed. It's the law! I read another article about this, and it sees that is exactly what happened. The judge had to do this because he had to follow the law. He can't just say: in this case we ignore the law. Obviously some laws are unfair and should be changed. But until they are changed or canceled, they still exist, and judges have to follow them.
  20. Don't expect consistency from Bob. He still didn't tell us what happened with the love of his live from Koh Changy.
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