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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. One thing I read about is that it also matters how many grout lines exist. I.e. with a floor like in the picture below there are many grout lines and that makes this floor non slippery even if the single tiles might be slippery.
  2. That's why there is an official test and at least good quality (non-slip) tiles show this value in brochures and maybe on the box.
  3. Not existent. I still have to wait until they install it. Maybe another month, but I wouldn't bet on that. Sorry for the delay, I promise I will report it here after they are installed and after I could check them out.
  4. I like this development. Not that I want that more people die. But now people all over Russia will personally feel what Putin is doing. Obviously Putin doesn't care how many more Ukrainians and Russians die, but the Russian people will care when their sons and father die. The rest of the word can't stop Putin. They can try to make life difficult for Russia and Russian people, but Putin will continue to have everything he wants. The Russian people are the only people who can get rid of Putin. I hope they will do that. And better sooner than later.
  5. You still like to blame her. I don't say she is innocent. But if she would have been happy with you then she probably would not have changed her life so radially - or back to what it maybe was years ago. Obviously you can continue to blame her, and maybe divorce and find a new girl. And then maybe one day that new girl "misbehaves". Don't you think it might be better that you think about now what you did wrong and what you can do better? Maybe, if you think hard enough, you will find one or the other part of your behavior which can be improved. Do that! And then, over time, you will be a better man. And maybe one day, you will find a "better" woman. But don't think you will be able to change overnight. It's more than just not drinking anymore. Maybe use the next year to improve yourself. If you do it right, then at the end of the year you will ask yourself: Why didn't I do that much earlier?
  6. Background story: He tried already to get all those supermarket cashiers. Nobody wanted him, not even the old and ugly. ????
  7. That is one of those moments when we need this: You are so deep in your hole, and you don't even realize that you are the problem. What else must happen before you ask yourself: Is it me? Should I have done things differently? Should I talk to a professional to sort out my life because I obviously can't do it myself?
  8. And she prefers being a prostitute with many guys instead of being a prostitute only for one. Maybe you should ask yourself: why? And think primary about yourself. For me it seems you deserve what you got. I wish her good luck.
  9. The last two coups would not have happened if Thaksin and his family wouldn't be so greedy and behave like they are above the law. If lots of uneducated farmers want to vote again for the criminals, then I can't change that. But they also shouldn't be surprised if history repeats itself. If they want a competent and honest government then they should vote for competent and honest politicians (as much as that is possible). That shouldn't be too difficult to understand...
  10. Good! I hope you crawl deep into your cave and don't come out anytime soon. ????
  11. It seems millions of Thais still support the criminal fugitive and his criminal family. I hope they all come back and go to jail. What an awful thing to support criminals.
  12. Good luck there are still some people out there who are not completely crazy.
  13. OneMoreFarang warns of possible backlash if Thaksin, or one of his clones, will come to power for another term.
  14. There is a big difference between propaganda and discussing reality. And obviously that is not only about Putin. We also can't trust all those "western" politicians.
  15. What an ignorant comment! What do you think would happen after Moscow and Petersburg are reduced to ash? Do you think that Putin would stop? Did you think at all?
  16. I don't understand your problem. If she wants to move to London let her move. And you get a gf and enjoy life in Thailand. Win/win!
  17. That was probably Jack Golf. I guess you know that already, they are out of business since a long time, even a long time before Covid. Sorry, I don't know about any other similar company.
  18. Thanks. That is a theoretical possibility but it's not my intention to do that. I live in a high floor and the compressors are obviously outside and one wrong step means certain death. I am too old for that s#%$%. I like the idea of delegating things and someone else should do it. But as we all know, sometimes Thai, and not only Thai, technicians are not as good as we hope. And it's a good idea to check what they are doing.
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