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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. That is not so easy to answer. Some years ago I had an unusual frame. I asked in maybe 10 shops about new lenses. In 9 shops they told me they can't do it. In the 10th shop they told me they will do it. And then after two failed attempts they gave up. Then, sometime later, I found a new optician. He had no problem with that frame and i.e. curved prescription lenses which other opticians pretend don't exist. It's complicated...
  2. Sometimes a dead person, relative or not, comes to my mind. Maybe I remember some good times together or something I learned from that person, or maybe how annoying that person was. And then I continue with life. Life is changing all the time. Some people die, some people are just not in our life anymore, and we meet new people. It's up to us to make the best out of our lives and any situation. Stagnation won't bring happiness. Life does change - it doesn't matter if we want that or not.
  3. I agree. The girl will always get pressure. Pressure from the family to bring more money. And pressure from the farang to spend less money (on the family). She is often in the bad situation to decide which pressure is easier to handle.
  4. Even with funeral cover that doesn't mean that money will be paid a day or two after the death. It's normal that someone has to advance that money before (maybe) it will be returned.
  5. It doesn't have to be fishy. If you give a poor Thai person 60,000B then many will have this feeling that that is soooooo much money that it can't possibly be spent in no time. If you would have explained to her that you give her 700B per day, then she would have understood that that is a limited amount. Mathematics, even basic mathematics, is not really a strength of many people here. Some time ago I gave cash to my gf every couple of days, or maybe once a week. Not because I don't trust her, but she will more likely spend money if she has 10000B in her pocket compared to 1000B. And I am sure that is the case for many of the girls. Now I think it depends on how much you love her and how much you can afford and how much you might blame yourself for giving her a lot of money without explaining to her that so much money is not really so much money if it should be good for 3 months. Maybe it's just something you both had to learn. Or maybe she wants all your money. Both are possibilities.
  6. Keeping in mind typical fees in Thailand, like maybe 1000B or 5000B what is the amount of such compensation? I.e. if A can prove that B saw C two times in a short time hotel, what is the compensation? 2000B? Or maybe 20k? I can't imagine such compensation is 6 digits or more. And what's the point of involving lawyer if it's maybe 20k?
  7. That is a good point. Whenever someone from the family visits the doctor the doctor is free. But the transport to and from that doctor has to be paid. And maybe some medication and other supplies are not part of what any insurance pays.
  8. I don't know the legal details, but it might be true that the 30B insurance, or even a normal employee insurance, does not pay if a motorcycle was involved. Some time ago I rode slowly with my motorcycle with my gf on the back of the bike. With very slow speed we collided with another bike and my gf fell down. It was not really clear who was responsible. I agreed with the other rider that we don't blame each other. A little later my gf told me her leg hurt. Ok, let's go to the hospital. There the doctor looked at it and then the question came up: how did it happen? And the moment when she told them she fell from a motorcycle they wanted to know lots of info about that bike. We didn't have any info because we didn't write down any license plate number of name of the guy or insurance company. Then they wanted to know my name and insurance and and and. I didn't see a reason to give them that information, I thought she has a health insurance and that's it, that insurance will pay. But they repeatedly asked again and again for that info. I have to admit I forgot what we did at the end, this was years ago. But it seems that they want to get money from the motorcycle insurance. I don't know what happens if there is no such insurance.
  9. It seems you are assuming that because some puddles are not deep, they are all not deep. Maybe you are right, but maybe you are wrong. In Thailand enough people discovered that some of those little puddles were actually deeper than they expected.
  10. I found this shop on Lazada Lots of wires up to 10 sq.mm and maybe more in many colors, starting from 3m length https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/koratelectric https://www.lazada.co.th/products/thw-1x10-sqmm-bcc-450750v-10-11-2553-i3761776578-s14286402612.html?
  11. There was a time when I could answer that with a confused-icon. Sorry, I don't understand what you try to say.
  12. And of course, all rules and their enforcement are negotiable with your friendly BiB.
  13. I like to buy a couple of meters of thick electrical wire. Up to 4 sqmm or maybe 6 sqmm is available in the usual stores. But thicker wire, and maybe in color, is maybe available at Lazada, but not easy to find. I just tried to find 10 sqmm like this (or with fewer strands), but I can't find it. Some suppliers show what looks like copper cable but in the description it's aluminium. Other supplier offer also fashion, etc. I would like to get a link to a shop (their own website or i.e. a shop in Lazada) which offers a variety of wires, different colors, maybe just a few meters or a roll, etc. Any suggestions? A real-life shop anywhere in Bangkok would also be fine. Thanks The last picture is from an online shop in China. I don't think it should be necessary to import wires from there and wait 10 days.
  14. It can't be long before there will be some "news" from Meghan how difficult others make her life because that old woman died. Meghan is obviously the center of the universe - when will those people around her understand this and treat her with the respect she deserves?
  15. Sorry, I don't know a contractor. But I am somehow surprised that you want a smooth bathroom floor. Mix that with a little water and you slip and lie on the floor...
  16. Ok, not very artistic, but when I saw those "witches" with broomsticks yesterday I had to take a picture of this. ????
  17. He has some promotional code for them, sometime in the last 1/2 year. But I don't remember which video. 2STROKE STUFFING - YouTube
  18. Property for Sale in Phuket - FazWaz I think they give a good overview, even if they show also not available units. With this you should be able to find possible buildings according to your criteria. And once you know the buildings, then you can go directly to the building and do some more research.
  19. That's another reason to move to Thailand and date a girl half your age. Even if you are both orphans you won't be brother and sister. ????
  20. It seems now we have (also) a different problem: I see more and more Thai people walking over zebra crossings which have traffic lights while the light for pedestrians is red. And they don't walk like just sneaking over even when they know it's red. Some of those people seem to have that misconception that now they can always walk over zebra crossing, even if there is red for pedestrians. Personally I see fewer police officers on the roads like years ago. Where are they all? Because if they would be on the streets and if they would stop drivers and riders and fine them then I am sure more people would follow the laws. But this being Thailand that somehow doesn't happen. TiT.
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