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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. For once, this is an interesting question. I thought about it for a few minutes, and I have no answer. I guess that means nothing really bad happened in my entire life. Good luck, more or less, so far.
  2. Maybe it's easy for me to say this, I grew up without a mobile phone and a bike with clutch and I had both my hands maybe 99% of the time on the handlebar. Now I still have both my hands 99% of the time on the handlebar. For me, that is the only way to ride a bike. If I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and if I expect an urgent and important phone call, then I stop my bike and then take the phone out. Why? Because that just the way it feels secure to do that. I wouldn't want to have a phone in my hand while riding. And I definitely wouldn't want to look at a phone at the same time when I look at the road. Why do mostly younger people do that? I guess if they try that for the first time, they must feel uncomfortable and realize they can only concentrate on one of the other. And after they (tried to) brake hard the first time they should also realize that braking hard with one hand on the handlebar just doesn't work. So why do they still continue with that dangerous habit? IMHO people who do this must be intellectually challenged, otherwise they wouldn't do it.
  3. Thanks I shortened the link for you, often you can delete everything after the "?" in the original link. https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005003982971400.html I don't want to have just one meter like that. I will maybe have 10 of them on everything that uses significant power (including multiple ACs, oven, hobs, water heater, etc.). And, maybe after some ESP32s, I will see the detailed power consumption in Home Assistant.
  4. Thanks, I am aware of these ducts. And you inspire me to misuse them in the way that I will tie single isolated cables to these plastic parts. But I don't think that is what you had in mind. To be sure let me describe why I have this cable clap rail in my mind - now I know the name ???? The cables come from cable trays and trunks in the condominium into the breaker box. And in the breaker box I connect the cables to terminal blocks (from Phoenix Contact) like in the pictures. I want to physically fix the cables to the box so that if someone (or gravity) would pull on those cables that the cables can't move much. So there won't be any strains on the connection between the individual wires and the terminal blocks.
  5. Thanks a lot for this! Now step #2: Where to buy it? I check a couple of online stores and didn't find anything like that. The link is from a company in Turkey. I never ordered anything from there...
  6. Only one condominium. With (possible, planned) 100% home automation. The above pictures are from a video, just examples. I want a big box for two reasons: In many small boxes all cables are cramped next to each other. It's difficult to get an overview and even more difficult to add or change anything. I prefer a big box which is half empty compared to a cramped smaller box. And maybe I will use a couple of current transformers similar to this to monitor which devices (i.e. which AC) uses how much power. They also need space.
  7. One problem with narrow walls like this is if you want to hang anything on such a wall. If it's only a few cm thick and half of that is a hole, then wall plugs don't have much to told on.
  8. I just bought a big breaker box. The best big boxes which I could find online were all out of stock. So now I ordered a big box which can be uses as a breaker box but was not specifically designed to be one. What my box doesn't have but what it should optimally have is some support for all the cables which go out of that box. This is an example of metal which is formed in a way to easily fix cables with cable ties. Does anybody of you know if this cable support has an official name? And is it possible just to order cable support rails like that? I mark what I want in red in below pictures: Thanks
  9. I go to the same dentist in Bangkok since over 10 years. I always see her in her private clinic. She used to work in BNH but now not anymore. She told me what they charge to the patient and what she gets. When I remember it correct then she received about 25% of what the hospital charges. Lots of dentists and other doctors work in hospitals and in private clinics. Same work, very different prices.
  10. A crown for < 10,000 THB? Obviously it's always nice not to pay too much. But in my limited experience there is no such thing as a (good quality) cheap crown in Thailand.
  11. I have very good experience with this place at the corner of Sukhumvit Soi 29 https://opticland.com/
  12. Go to a photo shop. They are used to high resolution printing.
  13. I heard another rumor. They have already people who are called police. And they spend a lot of time in places collecting money so that later they can pretend not to see those places.
  14. I wonder if she only posted this on fb or if she also informed the authorities.
  15. I searched for the most important place in Pattaya and I extracted this sentence from that article. ???? "Soi 6 is slowly reopening many of its bars and is in much better shape in terms of venue selection than a few months ago."
  16. Put them all individually in cages to fight each other.
  17. No, the destroyed goods never had that value. The "real" goods might have a retail price in that amount. One reason fake products exists is because many of those brand name products are vastly overpriced. If those products would be sold for reasonable prices, related to what it cost to produce them, then many pirated products wouldn't exist. And yes, I know there are a few exceptions.
  18. RandolphGB wrote: The land, may have value, but if developers can't build on the land because it's sinking and the structures are toppling over, the land is pretty useless. From one of the property pages, looking for land in lower Sukhumvit: 340 sqm offered for 76 million, 2000 sqm offered for 500 million. So much about "no value" And about building: In Bangkok (and many other places) pillars are in the soft soil and they go down into the hard soil (or rock or whatever). And that makes it possible to build even tall high-rise buildings. And they are not "toppling over". Also think about the Skytrain and Underground Train. Would they exist if what RandolphGB writes would be true? No! And before anybody argues that Thais just do this, and they don't know what they are doing I can assure you that at least the MRTA was designed and build by international specialists. I know because I was often enough in their offices in the 199x.
  19. This is no direct answer to anybody here. But I thought it's an interesting quote. "I don’t know that I am not racist. But what I do know is that I am trying very hard not to be." Jordan Peterson said that (about 46:30) in this video. I think that is what happens to many of us. We don't think we are racist but maybe other people think we are racist and call us racist. And I think in that way the intention of the person is important. Do I want to be racist when I say something? Or do I say something, and some people (in a certain time period) consider that racist?
  20. If I work 8h a day on such a weekend together with my gf then we would have 16 minutes time for each floor level. That might work. ????
  21. He is an expert in repairing Apple devices. And over time he became an advocate for right to repair. And he lived and worked in NY for many years. Louis Rossmann - YouTube
  22. In theory you are right. And some parts with 2400 height will fit. But 2400 height combined with 1500 width is definitely impossible for these lifts.
  23. I watch lots of Louis Rossman videos. And I "know" a few people who lived there.
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