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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. What is a high quality woman? Young, pretty, cute, sexy, honest, no headache, no high maintenance, ... I don't care if she is rich, from a rich family, from a "good" family, is highly educated, has a career, etc. Let's concentrate on the important parts.
  2. Bla Bla Bla Politically motivated? If a politician robs a bank and he is prosecuted for that and convicted, is that politically motivated? Or is it just a robber who was also a politician? There is no doubt that Thaksin is a criminal. The evidence is obvious and in the open. Everybody who claims he is innocent is blind or ignorant or lying. Thaksin undermined the Thai police, prosecution and judges. This is why he could get away with his crimes for so long. At some stage enough was enough and the military removed him the only way which was possible to remove him. They should get medals for removing that criminal. If Thaksin would have been honest and if he would have worked for the people and if he wouldn't have been so greedy then he could still be PM. But he was very corrupt and greedy and he did everything to stay in power. He should not be surprised that the military removed him. And let's not forget when the military removed him and the soldiers were on the streets for a few days many Thais gave flowers to the soldiers because they were happy that finally someone removed that corrupt criminal.. Maybe you don't want to know about reality and maybe you continue to close your eyes and support your criminal hero. But that doesn't mean he is innocent. Just study the news from the time when Thaksin was in charge and speak with people who experienced Thaksin. But then again you don't want to see reality so better keep your eyes and ears shut and pretend you know the truth.
  3. How often did he tell the public that he has nothing to do with politics anymore? And how often did Pheu Thai pretend he is not their leader anymore? How can someone like that talk about important decisions about government in Thailand? The obvious answer is: He and his party were lying all the time. He is involved in politics and he wants to continue with his involvement. And any article about him should include that he is since years a wanted criminal. He was convicted to jail many years ago. And there are many unfinished lawsuits which likely will add many years of jail time on top of that. Anybody in Thai politics who continues to work together with a convicted criminal should be excluded from Thai politics. Thailand will never have an honest government with criminals and people who support criminals. And because I am sure there will be some replies to this: I mean all convicted criminals.
  4. a) tell her to hire an agent b) tell her to ask here in this forum c) are you sure she wants to follow your instructions when your dead? ????
  5. Now it would be interesting to see a study how many people were obese at those times and now... And about Mars: I find it annoying that I have to buy 3 of them today if I really only want to eat 1 "real" Mars.
  6. And I thought Thais need to have a group of likeminded people around them and the lottery vendor to talk about the lottery numbers and dreams and predictions and whatever. How will they do that online? Per video conference?
  7. I also remember those good old times.
  8. Which influence is better? American's or Chinese or a little of everything? Personally I don't know. But I know that with American wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and their whole "we decide what is wrong and what is right" attitude they don't exactly present a picture of a peaceful country. And then Trump. The good thing is that until now he didn't start a war. But he did lots of other crazy things and if he will get back to power then we can be pretty sure more bad things will happen. So even if China is bad, is unstable and unreliable America better?
  9. Look at the picture above. That looks like about 20 little plates with beef.
  10. As far as I know at least some of them have conditions in their fine print. And/or they don't allow some guest to return. I.e. I know about a manager who banned a guest because she was one of those people who eat a lot, then vomit and eat a lot again. No, you are not welcome anymore!
  11. Maybe you don't understand the concept of these kinds of restaurants. Sometimes you have a fixed price and you can order and eat as much as you want. If you order 10 plates and eat 10 plates that is fine. If you order 5 plates and eat 4.5 of them that is also fine. But if you order 10 and then you eat only 5 then that is not fine. And I think that makes a lot of sense. If you are not sure how much you want to eat then order 1 or 2 plates. And if you like it then order more, and if you still want to eat more than order more and eat more. But if you order 10 plates and then don't eat most of it then you, the customer, are wrong. Why should all the other customers pay more for the few customers who are just a$#$holes?
  12. It seems Chris Rock made a bad joke about Will Smith wife, and according to new articles that wasn't the first time. I am pretty sure from now on Chris Rock won't do that anymore. And Chris Rock feels like it then he should go to the police and complain about Will Smith. Personally I think now they both know where they stand. Nobody got really hurt. Case closed.
  13. Sure. They like to see her dancing and watch the videos. And those videos include music. ????
  14. I like Lisa. Great look, she knows how to move her body, she can sing, and maybe she is even a nice person. And as far as I am concerned she can do with her life whatever she wants. It's up to her. But what I think is funny when people see her as Thai role model who loves Thailand so much (that she didn't visit for 3 years). It reminds me to Tiger Woods and how some Thai people want to make him more Thai than he is.
  15. So she traveled all over the world but she didn't have time to visit "home" in the last 3 years. Life must be really hard for famous people, they can't even visit home...
  16. Why did she not come to here home and her home country for the last 3 years? Was she sick and couldn't travel? Would nobody let her in? Was she scared for her life? As far as I know she could have traveled to her home country and her home province and her home anytime. But she didn't. Is that what people do who love their "home"? Obviously all this is up to her and is she prefers to live somewhere else that is perfectly fine. But please don't pretend she is a princess or has such a strong connection with the country, etc.. She isn't and she hasn't.
  17. Sure, there are lots of people who take drugs. And there are definitely drug users who rob people, sometimes violently, to get money for their next fix. The important part with this is they want money or something valuable. If they want it then give it to them, don't be a hero! Otherwise you might get hurt badly or die because you wanted to keep your expensive phone. Stupid! But the incident described above, if it was reported correctly, was beating somebody up, badly. It seems that was no robbery. Likely there was a reason for that. That doesn't mean it was a good reason, maybe it was even an imagined reason. But in general it seems Thais are not randomly aggressive.
  18. Remember, this is Thailand. Obviously it would be nice if all people would be civilized and they would sort out their disputes peacefully. But that is not what is happening here, and everybody who lives here for some time knows this. Personally I never experienced any random violence in Thailand. Maybe a robbery, but that is not about violence, it's about robbing a person. It seem with violence the attacker(s) are often provoked or at least they think they were provoked. I.e. use one of those 4 letter words with the wrong person and you are in trouble. Or (try to) play with their girlfriend and many other such things. Just don't do it!
  19. It's no report. Those are interviews with questions and answers and lots of opinions. Nobody claims to know everything. You could just look at it...
  20. If you want to know lots of details and are willing to spend two hours on this then I can recommend these videos. I watched them both and I am sure there will be further updates.
  21. I like the idea of democracy. But looking at Trump and Boris and others I find it frustrating that so many uneducated stupid ignorant people vote for guys with a big mouth who are obviously incapable of doing any important job and definitely absolutely incapable of doing the top job in their country. Or in fewer words: Democracy doesn't work when idiots vote for idiots.
  22. There is more than enough information out there for anybody who wants to know more about that war. And at the same time we all must realize that there is nothing we can do to make a difference. To be able to change the mind of Putin it would be first necessary to understand him. Is he thinking rationally? I don't think so because if he would do that then he wouldn't have invaded Ukraine. How to convince a madman to change his mind and behavior? Good luck with that one.
  23. For what? Listening to her father? Or does she really think she will be able to decide anything by herself? 555
  24. Put off-road tires on a normal bike and that will solve 80% of the problems. I.e. I have Suzuki Raider 150. With the right tires that should be able to handle lots of bad roads.
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