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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Did you expect that your information is handled private and confidential? I understand that is what it should be. But I think in Thailand it is unrealistic to expect it. After all, TiT!
  2. I had this several times when I use links from other websites. I.e. if I watch a video on YouTube and they recommend a product and in the description is a link. When I click on such a link then often the language and/or currency are wrong.
  3. Maybe @richard_smith237 answered your question. But that error is not one specific error. It can be many different errors. API = Application Programming Interface That error basically tells you: "I can't communicate with the server"
  4. Diamonds are the only stones with something like an official price list for stones up to 5 karat. You get what you pay for - at least from good jewelers. Learn about the 4Cs https://www.diamonds.pro/education/4cs-diamonds/ Here is a link (it's just a sample, I don't know them) about the prices https://www.petragems.com/diamond-prices/
  5. I won't be able to help you with the ladyboys but I like to give you my 2 cents of advice. If you really want to understand them then you should be fluent in Thai or have a Thai interpreter who you trust. Lots of Thais, including Thai ladyboys, speak English. But in my experience most don't know English to a level that they can really express their feelings in detail. Obviously you will be able to get some information from interviews in English, but I doubt you will be able to really understand the nuances.
  6. In the ground floor of the Sheraton Sukhumvit is a shop with a huge selection - and (cigar) smoking room.
  7. Please don't eat them all up there. Bring some to Bangkok. Please!
  8. You made it your community when you moved to the village. I wonder why you did that. You don't have to explain yourself here but it seems strange to me that you moved with her to that village. It doesn't sound like you ever wanted to live there.
  9. I understand what you write and basically I agree with you. But what I learned over the years in Thailand is that there are many things which every Thai person just knows. Some of these things can be explained to farangs, some not. The following is just me making up a story to give you an example of what I mean. Maybe, just maybe the whole village was convinced that Nan the dog was an incarnation of maybe a murderer in that village. Maybe the murderer hanged himself and was reborn as a dog. And obviously nobody liked that murderer/dog. And it would be useless to even try to explain that to that ignorant farang. Everybody knows it and he will never understand it. So they let the dog die and they didn't care. And nobody wanted to have anything to do with that incarnated murderer. Is this story true? Very likely it's not true. But it could be true. And it would be one of those typical Thai stories which only Thais understand. I am pretty sure they had some kind of reasoning why they did what they did. But apparently they didn't think you would understand. It's sad but after all, TiT!
  10. It's sad to read your and Nan's story and I understand that is very upsetting and sad for you. It's upsetting and sad to read it. I think by now you know that what happens when cultures clash. Thais, and especially Thai women, and especially Thai villagers have very different values from the average farang. I don't want to be judgmental about all the difference. Fact is there are huge differences and fact is that you lived in a Thai village and you were obviously not prepared to adjust your living and your values to that of the Thai villagers. I am sure you think what they did was bad and strange. At the same time I am also sure that they think similar about you. Who is to blame? Does it really matter? Fact is that they and their lifestyle and not compatible to you and your lifestyle. I think you should never have settled down in that village or maybe even in Thailand. Lots of things are very different in Thailand. Like it or not, I guess if you want to live here in peace then you/we have to adjust. After all, we are in Thailand and we can't expect that all Thais take on our values and our lifestyle. All the best for you!
  11. Thanks for all your strawberry comments, I appreciate them. I go regularly to Klong Toey fresh market, which is, as far as I know, one of the biggest markets in Bangkok. They have strawberries but mostly they are half white...
  12. I agree with most of what you write. But strawberries in Thailand are just not what strawberries are supposed to be. Where in Thailand can you get strawberries like this?
  13. I didn't see many of his interviews/shows, but a few of them. It seems to me he listens a lot. And he asks questions to go into more details or different directions, etc. And he has a fact checking team in the background. He has interesting guests like i.e. Jordan Peterson. I am currently watching that video. I watched already 2.5 hour of an interview with more than 4 hours. It's interesting. Two intelligent people talk with each other. Jordan Peterson - Joe Rogan #1769 (FULL Episode) (odysee.com) Is Jordan Peterson always right? No. But he has a huge knowledge and it is certainly interesting to listen to him. That doesn't mean we should accept everything he says like the truth. And the same applies to Joe Rogan. He isn't the guy who knows everything. And, as far as I see, he doesn't pretend to be such a guy. Personally I like to listen to intelligent conversation including conversation of people with other opinions. Listen and learn how they think. Maybe they are right and maybe we can learn a little or a lot. I don't like to listen to people who deliberately tell lies like Trucker Carlson or idiots like him. Joe Rogan is not one of the bad guys, he publishes great interviews. The interviews highlight opinions from the people which he interviews, not the truth and only the whole truth. It's good to hear lots of opinions, even if they are not mainstream or not politically correct.
  14. Which part is so difficult to understand? The show shows deliberately people who can't sing. There is no question about that. They sing unbelievable bad, not just not so good. I live in Thailand since 25 years and I heard lots of Thai music. I like a lot of it and I can accept it almost all when the singer can sing (like the original versions). But imagine the worst karaoke performances which you heard. That is the level which they show on TV.
  15. That reminds me about the thread from yesterday about the balconies...
  16. That sounds very black and white. There is a lot of grey in between.
  17. Is there anything unusual about the behavior of the police officers?
  18. I think it's sad that it seems lots of people blame the kids for their situation. Are the kids responsible for the way they are? Or are parents and teachers very much responsible for how kids grow up? I see often adults with their kids in restaurants when the adults put a screen in front of the kid. The kid gets used to it. And if an adult later tries to take away that screen the kid is complaining - sometime very loud. Should we blame the kids for this situation? I don't think so.
  19. My gf selects them and watches them. I don't know the names of the shows and it is not important enough for me to find out. I know in one show are maybe 10 people who are maybe able to sing or maybe not. And then the so called experts guess if they will be able to sing or not. And then comes the moment of truth when they actually "sing". About 50% know what they are doing...
  20. Does anybody know what those traffic police officers actually do? They don't care when lots of bikes all the time ignore red lights. They don't care when cars and bike and trucks ignore zebra crossings. They don't care when people try to drive while playing with their phones. What do they do and what do they get paid for?
  21. And don't forget all those people who make a fortune with those "games".
  22. Maybe you missed the original comment. Talent shows with talented people are absolutely fine. But some shows show intentionally people who can't sing. It's not that they try and are not very good. They just can't sing and Thais make a show out of that. That is the horrible part!
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