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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Air conditioner indoor units have drainage pipes connected to drain the water. On new installation they are often hidden. But if maybe years later a new unit is installed then then maybe the existing drain pipes don't fit anymore and sometimes ugly pipes are visible on the wall. I saw there are drainage pumps which can be installed near the unit and then those pumps allow that the pipe is hidden in the ceiling. But the pumps are visible (and possibly noisy). Are there better options? Are there i.e. certain brands or models which have such a pump build in or another mechanism to allow that drain pipes are hidden in the ceiling? If those units exists, what are they called? I looked at several air-con manufacturer pages and I didn't see anything like that advertised. This is just a sample picture which shows a pipe and such a pump.
  2. That obviously happens. But I think what we should also keep in mind is that many people are not willing to pay for professionals. Looking at malls and hotels, etc. there are people out there who do good jobs.
  3. There are some conditions. If you are young and healthy and have no symptoms then you can stay at home. For other conditions I recommend follow Richard Barrow on Twitter. He just published all the conditions. He is a great source because he makes sure he only publishes facts and he does it faster than anybody else.
  4. Thanks! That describes in part what I am doing already with some additional tips which I will keep in mind. Some people in this forum might have noticed that I asked already lots of questions since a couple of months. And up to now I didn't start with my project. I want to make sure I know enough before I start. And for some/many issues and decisions I think it's a good idea to just take time. Do I still want to do it the same way a month after I had that idea? If yes, then probably that is really what I want. One other thing I did was that I bought home designer software so that I am able to create/change/see my new condominium in virtual reality on the computer. Obviously that is never the same like the real thing, but modern computer technology is pretty good in virtual reality. (this is just a sample and not my design)
  5. Thanks No, I have not worked as a general contractor. My Thai is limited. Maybe I should have added the following to my comment: I think about what I want and that is what I described. I have some construction and DIY experience from back home and I like to inform myself about how things are done. That doesn't mean I do it myself. But I want to have al least some knowledge how I would do it myself. I have an experienced Thai person who will handle most of the the renovation and contact to the construction people. Obviously I will ask this person for advice and let her handle this. But I also like to hear advice from others here. Because I think we can agree on one thing which was already mentioned above. Thais, and not only Thais, do things the way they always did it. Even if a construction experienced farang tells them how it should be done doesn't mean they will do it that way. If the Thai way works then I don't want to try to disturb a working system. But if I think there are some farang ideas which should be done, especially if the farang pays, then I want to know about these things and (try to) make them work.
  6. Before I make the same mistakes than others let me ask you what you think about this. I plan to renovate a condominium from scratch. I plan to hire and pay people/contractors job by job. I.e. one job is removing old tiles. Another job is to remove a wall, etc. And after one job, like removing the old floor is done, then examine the situation and hire maybe the same people or maybe others for the next job like i.e. laying tiles. Obviously this will take longer but I think it should guarantee that jobs are done better and people only get paid for each job. Worst case if one job is done wrong then I have to hire someone else to fix it or do it new. Is that realistic? And does it make sense to have i.e. one group of workers to remove an old floor and then one or more specialists to do the new tiling? Do good companies and specialist work like that? Or do many only agree to do the whole renovation job? What is the best way to make sure if something goes not according to plan it can be stopped? Sorry if I am a little naive, I am new to this in Thailand.
  7. In (high rise) condominiums? Why are they damp? As far as I know concrete can be damp if it is new but not after years. But please correct me if I am wrong.
  8. Yes, but then there advantages of a big car. My first car was big and old (and not powerful). I learned to get around all those tight corners and parking. And after that every other car was like a toy. Much easier to navigate.
  9. I just contacted a Thai company which sells some items from that German company from the video. Let's look what they say. Here is the SG page with some details: https://www.hager.sg/cable-management/lifea-trunking/2845.htm
  10. Thanks for your fast response. These system are available ready made at least in Europe, maybe all over the world. Here is a UK link which I found. https://www.prowlinglions.co.uk/product/dado/ If possible I want to buy a system with includes all the little details ready to install.
  11. I like electric installations like this which makes it very easy to add additional cables and outlets. How is this called in Thailand (in English or Thai)? Who sells these? I looked at the usual construction online (and offline) shops in Thailand but I didn't find them. Here is an article with lots of pictures https://www.flameport.com/john_ward_electrician/portfolio/2019a.cs4
  12. Contact your bank! And just to be 100% sure: Don't install any (updated) bank application if you are not 100% sure they are actually from your bank. If some application claims to be from your bank that doesn't mean that is true. And if you enter your username and password bad things might happen.
  13. Some people say all (Thai) women are bad. Some people say all (Thai) women are good. What's the point of this nonsense? People are different. And mostly there are not even good and bad people. People are complex. They have often good sides and bad sides. What matters is that each of us finds one or more individuals who are somehow similar or complement each other. There is no such thing as all Isaan girls have all these things in common. Except one: They are all from Isaan.
  14. Just take your time and keep your old phone and check every single app which you want to use. With some apps all data is transferred automatically, with others you have to do it manually. And about your new phone: Think about what you really want. Do you want a phone with is an expensive camera? Maybe yes, but maybe no. And if no, why pay for something that you don't want/need? I bought recently a Xiaomi Poco. I wanted a fast "phone" with enough RAM and memory and a good battery life. Personally I don't care about the best camera. Even in "cheap" phones the cameras are pretty good.
  15. That sound like the idea for a great party. Everybody wears headphones - and probably everybody with his own music.
  16. Maybe you should have a look at the beginning of this thread. It's about sound isolation and it's about making sure not to annoy the neighbors. If you want to listen with your headphones, fine. I also enjoy music and movies together with my gf and I am pretty sure it wouldn't be much fun without speakers and with both of us putting earbuds in our ears. And I care about my neighbors, this is why I started this thread.
  17. No, it's not so simple. Listen to music with headphones and listen to it with speakers. There is a big difference. If you don't believe me, ask Paul:
  18. Thanks. And I am reading the recommended book already. Interesting! And I have a lot to learn. And then there is of course the money issue. I am willing to pay a couple of thousand USD to have a good sound system. But when 3 or 5,000 is not enough anymore then at some stage the question comes up: How important is that for me. Am I really willing to spend huge amounts of money on that? Especially with the subs. One good sub is already expensive. Two or more of them cost a lot of money and then I can't even crank them up in my apartment. I guess one should be enough for me.
  19. Talking about nurses it's time to get back to the topic. ????
  20. Yes, that happens often enough. I find it sometimes funny when girls return to the same place many years later. Sometimes just for a visit to show all the old girls what a beautiful life she has now. And sometimes back to work...
  21. Thanks. Probably I will buy it sometime soon and then I will look at the possibilities, especially in the dropped ceiling. I suspect there are lots of gaps. I saw in a couple of videos that one big issue are gaps where the sound can get through. Let's look how that looks like and let's look how easy it is to seal it all. I am sure that will keep me occupied for some time.
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