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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I am not sure if you are joking or not. Recently I bought a new office desk and a chair which can be adjusted in many ways. I made sure the desk has the optimal height for me and I set all those settings on the chair the way they are supposed to be optimal for me. At the beginning I was not really sure if those settings are really the best for me and I experienced a little. Buy now my chair is set nearly according to recommendation but a little different - just like I like it. The problem with the kitchen is that with 99% of the kitchens the height is fixed once it's installed. It is very difficult to decide later to change the height. That's why I thought/think it's good to ask here about peoples' experience. Because on a European or American website I won't find information about the optimal height for a 150cm person.
  2. With all the speculation here how she made all that money I think this is a perfect job for a girl. If her parents ask how she makes money she tells them: I serve beer and get tips. And that will be the truth. Maybe the whole truth, maybe not. At least the parents will have this great feeling that they have such a good daughter who would never ever work in a bar. ????
  3. I think it is interesting that she shows all those bundles of money and she writes she use the money she made while she studies. When did you take these pictures? Once a month, and then she spend that money? Or did she make double the amount and the pictures are only from the leftover after doing that job and living from the money for years?
  4. There is more than one "you" like I described above. And my question is/was about other peoples' experience. And I think experience like that only comes after using a kitchen with a certain height for some time. I.e. if a user writes: "we have xx cm and after a while my small gf and I got used to it" that is interesting information. Or maybe: we need different heights. She is not comfortable with a high surface and I am not comfortable with a low surface. Experience, that is what I ask about. Thanks.
  5. The kitchen working triangle is a well known concept. It seems in general almost all the details of kitchens are researched. This is one example: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/files/pdf/23/2c/232cec10/your_new_ikea_kitchen_bg_aug-2019-n.pdf This drawing is from above:
  6. That sounds strange. I prefer my personal VS show any time of the day or night.
  7. Do you want to switch off the lights all the time? I prefer young and sexy. Just looking at her is a pleasure. And I am happy to train her. What's the point of an experienced old woman? She is still an old woman!
  8. No, I certainly don't know everything. But I talk and listen to my doctor and one of the symptoms he regularly askes about are "needles and pins". I find it often confusing when members in this forum ask other members about symptoms. Just ask a doctor, they normally know what they are talking about because they studied these things for years...
  9. It seems there is a new (?) standard called ADA Toilet, or maybe different names in different countries.
  10. If you have diabetes then you should know that this is a typical symptom.
  11. That's a reason to avoid it. Who wants to be in a place full of "must visit destination"-tourists?
  12. Ok, fair enough. My gf is a very good cook and I want that she is comfortable in the kitchen actually cooking. ????
  13. Children - 17?, 15?, 11?, 7? what children? When are children children? According to Wikipedia: "Biologically, a child (plural children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty, or between the developmental period of infancy and puberty. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority." And this: "most jurisdictions set the age of consent in the range 14 to 18". Obviously nobody should try to persuade children to do anything they don't want. But IMHO there is a huge difference if someone does this with pre puberty children who don't know what this is all about or with late teenagers who have anyhow sex with other teenagers and maybe others.
  14. Would the wife be somehow better if the Ferrari guys did it?
  15. I guess when the bars open again they are a couple of years older and they have to send their little sisters.
  16. You have a tall wife - at least compared to my one.
  17. What is your experience with the kitchen working surface height in Thailand? As we all know there are many couples with a tall farang and a short Thai girl. For me standard height kitchen surfaces are fine. My gf would like to have them lower. And she is the one who does most of the cooking. How did you solve this problem? I think for a new kitchen to maybe have normal height on one side and "Thai girl height" on the other side. Is that realistic and a good idea? What are the options? What did you do?
  18. Wait a few years. When I arrived in Thailand I guess the average girl had at least 5kg less than now.
  19. Let me guess, you follow her because of the mango smoothies ????
  20. Thanks for all your information. One important part of my plan (which is just a plan in the moment) is to install a dropped ceiling in my apartment. Some are available which look a lot better than the boring office look. With a dropped ceiling wiring becomes something which can easily be changed in the hindsight. Planning is good but it will never be perfect or future proved. With such a ceiling It will be easy to add and change things (wires, lights, sensors, etc.) later. Some devices can use WLAN or LAN (wired). I will make up my mind if maybe I use LAN in some places so that I don't have to rely on WLAN. I will for sure separate my home automation WLAN from the Internet WLAN. This is just a sample picture.
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