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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Have you considered committing a crime and going to prison. You can have sex every day, and for free. Enjoy!
  2. Maybe you should eat something decent so that you are able to fight that cat.
  3. Maybe someone should suggest to those supporters of the leader of the law-and-order party, that others, who broke the law, should also not go to jail. Like maybe let all those people cross the border illegally and just let them do it. Robbers, rapists, whatever, no jail please. Somehow, I don't think that is what the rednecks want. Punish all the others, hard, but not our guys. Pathetic!
  4. It is a different kind of sex if you marry a woman and have sex with her all the time or if you have short time sex with many different women all the time. It seems you don't understand the difference. So much about "Alpha"...
  5. Pasta with mushroom cream sauce. Just use the basics: pasta, cream, mushrooms, salt, pepper, parmesan cheese. My Thai gf also likes it.
  6. Yes, but to be fair she can sing and rap and dance. Add to that millions for video production and promotion and it can't go wrong.
  7. I also thought everybody knew that. But a few years ago, when the criminal was still in the desert, I wrote from time to time comments about him and him pulling the strings. Lots of members in this forum told me to let go, he was someone from the past and the past is over. I had often confused emojis like AN members couldn't understand why I will mention that guy. I didn't see too many of those confused emojis anymore. Now even the Nit and Noi influenced AN members understand that Thaksin is in the center again and that is bad for the country. It's sad that this wasn't obvious for everybody since a long time.
  8. Isn't one of his bail rules that he is not allowed to meddle in politics. He is in the front and center of that picture, and it seems he is in front and center of his party. How much more does he have to do before he will go "back to" jail because he doesn't follow his bail conditions? I am not surprised what he wants to be the big leader again. But why do others let him take that role? Arrest him and throw him into jail where he belongs!
  9. I am older than middle age, but I wouldn't call me old yet. And somehow, I feel the same. Apart from the wars and many incompetent and sometimes crazy politicians, in the future we will experience AI more and more. And I fear the bad guy will use that more against us than the good guy can use it for us. And I guess this will get worse and worse. Our future...
  10. I live in lower Sukhumvit in Bangkok, and I am aware that this is a little different than the rest of Thailand. But here it seems weed is available on every corner with big advertisements. That looks like 100% recreational usage to me. Personally, I think having it legal is better than illegal with gangs. But it must be properly regulated. Advertisement and open sales everywhere are not good for the nation's health.
  11. Maybe start with a Thai girlfriend and renting a place. Then look how you like it for a few years. And then you can decide if you want to spend many years in Thailand, like having kids. When I moved to Thailand about 30 years ago it was my intention to live in Thailand, probably for a long time. And I am still here, and possibly I will be here for the rest of my life. But at any time, I could have decided that I want to go back home or to somewhere else. And luckily, I can get a job anywhere in this world. So, take it easy. A month, several months, a year, another few years, see how you like it.
  12. If it is illegal, then he shouldn't do it. He could move to somewhere else where it is legal. Or he can ask a doctor to give him (other) drugs.
  13. It's not just legal or not legal. It's also about who can buy it and where. And what will be done to protect vulnerable people? Illegal drugs are often dirty and because it's illegal there are huge margins for criminals, including killers. Legalizing drugs can solve part of those problem, but obviously it brings new problems. It has to be thought through in detail. That's what most politicians don't want to do, and many voters don't understand.
  14. Just send your documents. If the receiver has to do anything then DHL will inform him about that.
  15. Another relative of Thaksin, the man who is out of jail under the condition that he doesn't meddle in politics. Sad, really sad. TiT
  16. Why? I think it is amazing that there are many people who don't like both of them. And Americans who vote have to choose the lesser evil. How did "we" get to a point that with a country of over 300 million people those two are (almost) the only choices left? How many Americans are out there who would still vote for Biden if the DEMs had a better candidate? And how many conservatives, who support the party of law and order, would vote for Trump if there would be a decent alternative? As far as I remember from the time when I still lived in Europe, we had many candidates with different opinions, but nobody crazy like now. All political parties made sure that any unsuitable candidate was removed in the early stages.
  17. 1.20 USD per piece. I wonder how much the orange one charges his MAGA fans in the USA.
  18. But then, are those winguts not the people who wear those hats?
  19. Ok, you are right. I guess if you vote Labour that means you vote more or less for Keir Starmer. Do you "like" him and the Labour party? Or do you think they are not really good but better than the alternatives?
  20. For this poll it doesn't matter which country or if you are allowed to vote there. I.e. looking at the UK and the USA election, do you have any candidate which you really like? Or are all candidates bad, but you will vote for anybody than that very bad guy, or something like that. Personally, I am not from the UK or the USA, but I follow the elections - at least the daily headlines. I don't see any good candidate in any of those countries. Only bad and worse. How about you?
  21. Huge quality differences. IMHO blind massage is often good quality. You can find them i.e. on google maps. Avoid places with pretty girls. They are not employed because of their massage skills. 😉
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