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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. In the places where I go regularly, I "know" many of the riders - at least we recognize each other. Mostly I am on my own bike. Sometimes there is nowhere else to park and I ask the riders if I can part in their area. Mostly they allow that. And when I park in "their" parking spot, then I give them a tip. Win/win. All is fine.
  2. In my condominium was a Russian family. The two parents and all three children were nice people and kids. They exist.
  3. Let's say you see a group of bikers, and you have the chance to a) ignore them, b) respect them, or c) piss them off. Which option do you think you should consider? And which option would let others consider you are an idiot? It's not really that difficult.
  4. I don't think he deserved to be beaten up. But he should have expected that to happen.
  5. At least in Bangkok I saw many motorcycles taxi riders cooperating with the police. I.e. when the traffic is bad, the motorcycle guys regulate the traffic, just like the police. Often police officers sit together with them and drink alcohol together with them. Probably the police will also ask the local motorcycle guys of what is going on here and there, they are the eyes and ears of the police. This obviously does not mean the police will use that information only to catch criminals, I am sure they will also use it for other, not so legal, activities. So how high is the chance that the police will make trouble to the motorcycle guys? And just in case they have to do something to show that they do something, will it take more than a week before things are back to normal? TiT
  6. Obviously, that should be no reason to beat up anybody. But also obviously, nobody should be so stupid to expect they can provoke those guys and just walk away.
  7. I remember a rich Thai guy and his rich Thai girlfriend. They were both from HiSo rich Thai families. And both of the families were concerned if the other family was good/rich enough. It seems many of those rich people has their own kind of problems. And if any farang here thinks about having an affair with a woman from a rich = influential Thai family, I think better think twice. Because if she is angry about you, for whatever real or imagined reason, what will she do? Talk to her dad about that guy who only wanted to f%#% her?
  8. Once I looked up and found two of my favorite girls from when I was still "back home". I found them. They don't even look too bad - considering their age. And then I had a look at the last school reunion picture, I think it was 20 or 25 years after leaving school. There are lots of old women in that picture...
  9. I like to report that Thaksin violated his bail condition. One condition is that he won't be active in politics. Will he be arrested now?
  10. Good luck with that! Your goal sounds idealistic, and I wish you luck. But, IMHO, you need a lot of luck to get where you want to be. There are so many prominent cases in this country, with well-established facts, where justice just doesn't happen. Look at Thaksin, look at "boss", who killed a police officer with his Ferrari, and look at many other cases. There often is no justice, even when the facts are in the open and the facts are obvious. So, if you try to win and you want to spend time and money to do that, sure, go ahead. Maybe you will win. But maybe not. How would you feel in let's say 5 years when you realize you spent a lot of your time and a lot of money, and you lost. And maybe then you look back and see yourself: There was never really a chance to win. Or maybe only a 10% chance to win. Do you accept that? Or do you want to think again and accept now that you lost. Forget about it. Don't spend more time on it and don't spend more money on it. And don't worry that someone puts a gun to your head and tells you to stop it. I know a guy who was in such a situation with that gun. He didn't like it. So, think it through. And good luck.
  11. I bought an UNI-T a couple of years ago. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003183205804.html Not a high resolution, but it does the job. I bought it to check temperatures (and problem areas) in electronic devices. I also used it to check the temperature of LED lights and of my ACs. Not really necessary, but nice to have.
  12. I guess now it's too late. They should have invited him to spend a night in Bangkok. Imagine the news: After more than a decade in confinement Julian Assange spend his first free night in Nana. He said it was the time of his life. Now that is the kind of advertisement which Thailand needs.
  13. I think they don't like the cash part; they want to sell you finance and get a commission on that one. I bought two new bikes in the last ten years or so. I think I was always asked for 1 and 2, never for 3 to 5. I would be surprised if you need a work permit to buy it. But I think you need a work permit (or maybe other options) to register it in your name.
  14. https://www.lenovo.com/th/en/ You can often choose extended warranty for a good price. They have notebooks and desktops, etc. JIB is also good. I don't know if they are also in Pattaya. https://www.jib.co.th/web/
  15. News about bad food is not unusual in Thailand and looking how they "store" it and the local temperatures nobody should be surprised. My Thai gf eats regularly Thai seafood from the market, and once in a while she still gets sick. It seems she considers that is normal. I am not a fan of seafood, so I don't even try. It seems some Thais don't even understand the concept of the cooling chain. I know a shop where the main fridge didn't work for about a week. They kept the milk and many other products in that damaged fridge for a long time with room temperature. Then, maybe a week later, the compressor was fixed, and they just continued selling everything. Like: The use before date on that milk is tomorrow, and it's cold, it's fine, don't worry. And unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the exception.
  16. Yes, Biden is old, and not a good candidate. But that doesn't mean anybody else is better than him. At least Biden has a team of smart and reliable people. Some of them work with him since decades. The orange one hires the greatest people he can find. And then, a few months later, he fires those losers who have no clue what they are doing. Why don't Americans vote for competent people who are a little younger. It shouldn't be too difficult to find a couple of smart well educated honest people in that big country.
  17. Good idea. Then maybe they should find someone who knows how to recognize problems, analyze them, and fix them. A serial liar with a big mouth who runs for president, so he doesn't go to jail is not such a person.
  18. It seems you didn't try very hard to find something better. This is my chocolate favorite in Thailand:
  19. I think the problem is that many people like mudslinging. They don't like reasonable debates. Or why else would so many people support the orange guy? Because his arguments are so good, and he is reasonable? Sure not!
  20. It seems to me most delivery guys wouldn't be able to find any other jobs. They are just too stupid. So, don't expect too much from them.
  21. Nobody can solve the ZC ok, ZM ok, CM ok, but never ZCM problem, so one more comment about the quality. It can't be really so bad. We can be pretty sure that KFC and other fast-food venues have certain minimum standards, also in Thailand. It might not be the best food, but it won't kill you and normally you won't get sick. I remember I once saw a food vendor early in the evening with sticks of meat at a Sukhumvit corner. At some point all of it fell down in the gutter, just next to a sewer. And what did he do? He picked it all up and put it back on his food cart. Then he wiped away the oil and the dirt and that was it. I don't think he even threw away one of those sticks. Happy eating all night long... I am pretty sure that is something that wouldn't happen in KFC and other international fast-food places.
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