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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Someone just reactivated that old thread. Today I found the following on my YouTube page. I am sure you will like it.
  2. Yes, someone will know. But do they want to know? Maybe they can sell Thai rice for a good price over there. And I guess on the final package in the supermarket there won't be a warning: This rice is over 10 years old. Make sure you wash it at least 15 times.
  3. That doesn't improve the situation. It seems that damaged cable is a problem for all local providers.
  4. how long "ex" already? It could be that she keeps her options open. That would be sad, if you are married and have a child together. Another option could be, that that other guy was just a nice guy. I.e. she could communicate with him about the children, maybe he is also married now and has children - maybe. Or she might say things like: "I miss you too much". Big difference!
  5. Pretty busy at that time. I think I remember that the Pattaya police was out maybe a week ago. And they closed the only bar which they found was still open at 2:30am. Strange...
  6. I wonder if they will tell them the history of this old rice.
  7. Do you have a breaker box right next to that? And earth? If you use a RCBO right there, then I guess that would reduce any risk considerably.
  8. Was he ever convicted for fleeing Thailand to avoid criminal prosecution? What's the punishment for that? Or is it just fine to run away for many years, spending ill-gotten wealth? Lock him up!
  9. Didn't they read the labor law? It is well known that some activities are reserved for Thai people. They can't just come here and take over the jobs of the locals!
  10. He bribed a lot of officials, and later he fought against many corrupt officials. I wish he would have more time to expose more of the corrupt. Years ago, Chuwit was sentenced to jail in Thailand, and he didn't flee the country, and he spent (I think years) in jail in Thailand. And then he came out of jail again and exposed more of the bad guys. I wish more influential people would accept the consequences of what they did and learn from it. I hope he will have peace and not too much pain in his remaining time on earth.
  11. I am always confused about those pictures for reference only. What's the point? It's obviously not a picture of the actual event. Luckily someone added a video later. It seems to me that the above picture is just to confuse everybody. I think most of us will be able to imagine two crashed cars without a random picture.
  12. Do you know how to do that, at least in theory? Do you have time to supervise the construction? If no, then you need someone who has experience with that and can do it all by "himself". If you know what to do and you have the time to be part of the project, then you "only" need a good builder who listens. Both will be difficult. But I think you should think about this first. Because if you expect to give someone a plan of what you want and then in a couple of months you expect a finished product according to what you want, then you will have a very difficult time before you. If you are willing and able to get involved, then it will be a little easier, but still far away from easy.
  13. Yes, that is the big issue. Building a house, there are thousands of things which can go wrong. And many of them will go wrong when we don't monitor it closely or have someone we can trust who monitors if closely. I made also one of those mistakes - ok, not just one. The one mistake was that I somehow assumed that I don't have to explain to the builders that walls have to be straight and plumb. Somehow, in my naivety, I assumed that is obvious, even if we don't talk about it. It isn't. At least it isn't to the level which I assumed. It seems Thai builders, and probably not only Thai builders, think straight and plumb is good enough if it isn't so obvious that you see it right away. The problem appears if we try to install i.e. kitchen cabinets on a wall. And suddenly we see that we have to do some shimming to get it right.
  14. Ok, that's a reason not to vote for Biden. And now? What are the alternatives? What would President Trump do? Would he block weapons to Israel? No, he wouldn't! So, what now? Vote for someone else who has about no chance to become president? Luckily, I don't have to vote over there. It's a tough choice between bad and even worse.
  15. Is it really a problem? Or is it well known how to do it, but it costs time and money? I guess "digging deep" is part of solving that problem.
  16. I think to be fair, Biden just can't win with that war and whatever he does. Many Americans support Israel, many others support Palestine, and many support a little this or that. Biden will lose voters with anything he does and with anything he doesn't do. His opponents, anyone of them, can always claim they would do it somehow better. It seems many voters vote against some politics, like supplying unlimited weapons to Israel. But they don't ask themselves: What would my favorite candidate do. Or even: What would I decided if I could? And how would that improve the situation.
  17. I guess you heard this before: Nations have no friends, they have interests. Biden does what is in the interest of the USA and the military industrial complex, and obviously he does what the rich Jewish donors want. He wants to get reelected; it would be stupid of him to oppose the people who donate millions and billions. Sure, there are also Americans who don't support the war. And there are DEM voters who don't like what he is doing. But what is the alternative for those people? Vote for Trump, who supports Israel even more?
  18. I did it all by myself the first time. It should be good for a long time. But just in case something should be changed, no problem, I have pipes in the walls and the cables in the pipes. It's easy to change anything if I want to.
  19. If you have someone who knows what he is doing and you can trust that person and he is doing his job and the supervision all the time, then all is fine. But how many people know such a person? And that is exactly the problem. It is very difficult to find in Thailand someone competent. And obviously it is even more difficult to find such a person who you can trust and who is all the time checking that things are done right. Just one example from my renovation: The drainage pipes from the ACs are in the walls, not on top of the wall. First, the AC guy didn't know where the drainage pipes should start at the AC units, because he didn't look in the manual where it was exactly described. And then he needed a pipe from the middle of a wall to one corner. What did he do? He put a pipe just straight from the middle to that corner. Bad idea! It should be nearly horizontal, with a little slope, or vertically (for lots of reasons which I won't explain here). He didn't know. I had to explain it to him, and he did it again. If I wouldn't have looked, then all would be closed and hidden. That is just one of many (possible) problems. Many construction workers just don't know what quality work is - even the so-called good workers. Many possible future problems can be foreseen and addressed in the initial building process. But obviously only if someone knows how professionals do this and what problems could happen - not exactly something many Thais think about. You mention one very important part at the beginning of your post. "of course we are far more regulated" Because of the lack of regulations here it seems many just do what they want to do. And you can't tell them later: Why didn't you do it according to regulation x, y, z. Because those regulations don't exist.
  20. No, it's not. It can be the same. But if anybody cares about quality, reliability, maintenance, etc. then he will not use cheap (small) cables, bad connectors, etc. If that is not obvious to you then maybe you should look at some cheap and some professional good installations. There is a huge difference.
  21. How often does that happen? At least I don't see reports in the press - but I don't check the US press.
  22. I think about 100% of the guys around me like pretty sexy young girls - it doesn't really matter where they come from.
  23. Do you think anybody who thinks rationally will start a nuclear war? So that leaves the people who are not so rational, others might call them crazy ...
  24. What's the point of this? Americans had President Trump for a couple of years and President Biden for a couple of years. Look at their records, look at their speeches, follow fact checkers how much of what they say has any resemblance with the truth. Anybody who votes for Trump wants a crazy ahole for president. It tells us a lot about America that this is what many millions want.
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