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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Were there any fire protection regulations in that market? Did anybody check them? Was there a day and night rapid response team or something like that? Nobody who ever visited the market will be surprised by this fire. RIP to all the innocent animals. I hope the dealers will go all bankrupt and never do it again.
  2. IMHO Hunter Biden should be investigated and prosecuted and possibly punished. And we all should keep in mind that he is the son of the president and not the president. Whatever Hunter did is his business and maybe his crime - which is not the same as Joe Biden's crime. Joe Biden said already he will not pardon any crime of his son. Good. We can all guess what the orange guy would do if a family member or friend would be punished...
  3. I don't want to be the same. And I care about privacy. But I don't try to avoid what is impossible to avoid. Any PC which I used and installed for others in that last 10 years or more was connected to the internet. Updates, mail, www, whatever. It's impossible to lock down the system and keep everything private - except by disconnecting it from the internet and never connecting it. So, what exactly do you win by installing Windows without MS account? Maybe it makes you feel better, but that's about all.
  4. In principle I agree with you. But it seems at least a part of that LBGTQ+/- crowd wants to be something special. I think by now they added more letters to this letter soup. So, if they want to be something special and if they want their label, then let them have their label and everybody should have their letter.
  5. Isn't there a law in Thailand against outsider influence? And maybe sharing state secrets with convicted criminals? How is it possible that the guy who just promised a few months ago he wants to retire and play with his grandkids is again pulling the strings? Lock him up!
  6. So just to educate myself, how are men called who like mostly ladyboys? Are they already part of the LBGTQ letter soup? Or are they the + behind those letters? And are there different names for male transsexuals who like to keep their male part and transsexuals who cut it off? Difficult times.
  7. In theory you are right. But who uses a Windows PC without internet these days? Almost everything needs and internet connection, and many applications want an account. So having one (more) account and set it all up with an MS account makes life easier.
  8. One day I will check if there is still anything important on those.
  9. Did you ever try an actual eBook reader with e-Ink screen? You can read them for hours just like books. I wouldn't want to read anything for an extended period of time on a "computer screen" - especially in the dark. They are also available in different sizes - and obviously the font size can be changed.
  10. I read fiction and non-fiction. With non-fiction I might read when I know I have only 30 minutes time - maybe sitting in a taxi. With fiction, I won't start if I don't have at least an hour available. The idea is, to immense myself. How many pages? I don't really know. I read mostly on my eBook reader and sometimes on my Kindle phone app. They save where I stopped reading and I don't look at the page numbers. Currently I am reading Gerald Seymour - No Mortal Thing. I read many of his books over the years, but I didn't read any of his books recently, so I thought it is time to do that again. I just started this book, I like it. The last non-fiction book which I finished recently was Rory Sutherland - Alchemy: The Dark Art and Curious Science of Creating Magic in Brands, Business, and Life. I can highly recommend it to everyone who likes to think outside the box.
  11. Thanks, interesting. My experience with ladyboys is limited. I like girls. But it happened one time that I thought I found a sexy girl and then in the room I found out she wasn't born as a girl. But she had all the (artificial) female body parts and that was fine with me. I saw her again another day when I knew already that she was not born as a girl. For me it was like seeing a girl. There was nothing masculine about her. I would consider going again with a ladyboy, but only if I would be sure she didn't have male genitalia. If she would, that would turn me off. No way! Years later, I spoke with a friend who had a ladyboy bar. I asked him if they all had their male part removed. Somehow, I thought if they want to transit to be a woman, then the first thing they would do it remove that male body part. But I was wrong. He explained to me that most guys who are interested in ladyboys want that they still have that male body part. They don't want ladyboys who had everything removed. I found that interesting.
  12. Yeah, those lady boy bars should be in the LGBTQ+/- whatever area. They all pretend to be one big happy family - all against those straight people like us. Why are they not all together far away from straight guys?
  13. Just tell them thank you, and where do we go from here? Maybe they will suggest marrying you. Or maybe they suggest the next hotel nearby. Just try!
  14. I suggest look at something like this: Home - Architectexpo If you can go to the show that is best. But if not then look at the information on the website. I found a supplier for sliding doors that way. I am sure you will also find suppliers or windows. It seems that many importers or distributor don't want to work directly with the end customer. They want to work with dealers or construction companies. Anyhow, it will give you an idea of what's available.
  15. If I would have to live under those conditions over there, I would also be "Pissed. Sloshed. Stewed. Wrecked. Hammered. Bladdered. Plastered. Mullered. Pickled. Bevvied. Rubbered. Tanked. Cock-eyed. Zombied. Blootered. Trolleyed. Rat-arsed." every day.
  16. Good idea. So where are the statistics? How many users of more dangerous drugs, i.e. yaba, use now cannabis? How many people use drugs now who never used drugs before? How about changes from other legal drugs like alcohol? Are there lots of problems with people being admitted to hospital because of cannabis use? Who makes money with the cannabis trade? How was tourism effected? More quality tourist? I see the good sides from legalizing drugs, and I see the bad sides. It would be good to see statistics from Thailand. Or did nobody care about analyzing the situation and doing some statistics?
  17. And because it will fail, they can do it again in 10 years or so. Perfect!
  18. 1.4 billion THB or 1,400,000,000 THB Why not 1.2 billion or 1.6 billion. I guess it's just one of those not so important decimal digits. That would be only 200,000,000 THB difference. The problem with numbers like that is that most of us know it's a lot of money. But how much? I don't remember if it was Parkinson's law or something like that where they explained that people understand something like their own income and maybe 10 times as much. But if the numbers are 100 times more or 1,000 times more it's just a huge amount of money. Maybe the above project should be explained like 231,405 THB per meter of beach. That's the cost of a car for every meter of the beach for 6km. Someone will make a hell of a lot of money with that project.
  19. He goes to court and listens to a judge. Now that is definitely something new.
  20. I have only Thai credit cards and I get SMS when they are used (I think if the amount is over 1000B). I don't get too many SMS so it's not a big problem to look at my phone when one of those arrives. Until now I didn't have any misuse on any of the cards.
  21. I don't think there will be many guys who will miss her and her friends going to Africa to find a lover...
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