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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. There are also studies out there that smoking is good for your health...
  2. Great, then I am sure they will give at least 15 years warranty on their batteries, correct?
  3. Yes, correct. But it doesn't mean that for all batteries that information is available. From what I read and saw the car/battery manufacturers (i.e. Tesla) don't allow outsiders to get that information.
  4. Yes, the BMS might do that. But that doesn't mean this information is available to anybody. And about the range: It seems that is often overoptimistic. Or not?
  5. How do they do that? Do they have any detailed information about the battery? Where do they get that from? Just something like a manufacture date and the physical condition is just a tiny part of the condition.
  6. According to my current information, there is no such thing as an independent SoH for batteries. The car computers or the manufacturers might have such information, but it seems that information is not available for the car owners or anybody else. I.e. it would be useful to know if the battery was often fast charged. It seems in the moment buyers can only ask the previous owner and hope to get a correct answer.
  7. My first car was older than 10 years when I bought it. It still worked fine. Some minor repairs. And many cars also work fine when they are old. It's good that you can afford a new EV. But if someone is young and wants to buy a cheap car, which he can possibly still use for years, then an EV would likely be a bad choice, and possibly a total loss.
  8. I repaired, mostly together with a friend who is car mechanic, a couple of cars. Mostly there is some (little) part broken. It is seldom necessary to change something which is 1/2 the car's cost. But that is exactly the problem with an EV battery. If it has to be replaced, then it will be very expensive. And, unlike for ICE vehicles, you can't just buy a used battery. Because basically nobody is able to know how good any used battery is. Maybe let's ask like this: Would you buy an EV which is maybe 8 years old? Even if the car has <100,000km on the clock? Do you trust that the battery will last 5 or 10 years more?
  9. How about if you often fast charge the car? How long is the warranty from the manufacturers? 10 years or > 500,000km? I recently saw a video where someone had a minor problem with the battery, I think he bumped against something. He asked the dealer to repair it. Result: It can't be repaired - at least that is what the manufacturer and dealer say. He has to buy a complete new, very expensive, battery.
  10. It depends. If you know the app and you want the full functionality, then press Yes. If you are not sure, then press No. Best ask questions like that with exact information like which app, and the exact message. Or google with those exact information. Then you will likely find already some information.
  11. It seems a lot depends on your local situation. Some time ago a client complained about slow internet. He had TRUE with LAN and I had TRUE with LAN. He subscribed to double of the speed. We were on the phone and clicked the button at the same time. My connection was a lot faster. He was living in Rama 3, I in Sukhumvit. So, whatever you see on the connection which you use most, i.e. at home or in your office, it might not be representative for that provider. And, like others mentioned already, there is a problem with (at least?) one important international internet cable since weeks.
  12. Really? And I thought most of the members here are a little bit more mature. I know the feeling of hard acceleration from riding motorcycle, and it can be fun. But I don't even remember the last time I accelerated full power up to 100km/h or even more. And with an EV there is not even sound combined with the acceleration.
  13. It seems whatever happens these days, the media like to describe it like some extremist event. Because the media want to sell to their bubble customers. We are good. The others are bad. Repeat it often enough and loud enough and the situation gets worse. As far as I know the above is not a friend of immigrants (especially from Africa, etc.). And then there are many politicians who pretend that immigration is only good, perfect, we should all embrace it. Personally, I think the truth is somewhere in between. But being considerate and somewhere in between doesn't sell.
  14. Good that we have contributors like you with well researched answers and statements. 😉 That's the beauty for those EV sellers. Many of their buyers are those do-gooders who want to be seen as the smart green people who save the world. But somehow their longing to be one of the "look, I am the good guy" people is higher than their capacity to see reality.
  15. In Thailand? And did you buy that land in your name? No. Case closed.
  16. Who expects batteries to last 20 years? And who expects that combustion engines fail after 3 years? Greta?
  17. Manufacturers want to sell more. And more. They don't want things which last forever. Sure, new technology will replace old technology - in new vehicles. And that makes the old vehicles even more obsolete. There are very few examples where devices with old technology are adapted to work with new technology. Old vehicles with old carburetors still work - and are relatively easy to repair.
  18. My own theory? Official justification? There is no logic in Thailand. And for that reason, it doesn't make sense to search for any logic. It is not there, it was never there, and for that reason it can't be found. The only constant logic in many Thai laws and regulations is that it helps the police to collect money for not enforcing the laws. TiT
  19. Does any of the EVs now have a battery which the manufacturer claims will be good for 10 years or more? If the repair cost (buying a new battery because they can't be repaired) is more than the vehicle's value, then it just doesn't make any sense to buy the new battery.
  20. I really like to see how the EV market will develop over the next decade or so. Who would want to buy i.e. a 10 year old vehicle which needs a new battery when the battery costs (almost?) as much as a new vehicle? I watch a YouTube channel where a guy restores old BMWs. Some of them are 30 years old and he restores them to a condition similar to new. Can you imagine that with any EV? No. Best case you can make it look like it is new and then park it and never touch it again.
  21. In general I agree with above. But be careful what you leave and if it can be identified as your property. Imagine someone thinks he gets a working [insert whatever]. And they it is not working, and they bump it somewhere in the woods. And they it can be identified as your property...
  22. I ride motorcycle since almost 30 years in Thailand. Over bridges, in tunnels, and all that. And mostly I don't really care if it is legal or not. I think I never saw any standing bike or someone pushing a bike in tunnels or bridges. The idea about tunnels and bridges is to make traffic smoother. That works with any kind of vehicle. Sure, motorcycle riders have a higher risk. They all know that, and they accept that. Next.
  23. And is that only the case in a tunnel or anywhere on the streets?
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