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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. In the last decade or so I bought Xiaomi phones for mf gf and me. They do they job and the prices are reasonable. When I need a new phone I watch YouTube videos where they explain the differences between models. Watching those videos we can all think about our priorities like i.e. camera or other features. An easier way is: Look i.e. in Lazada for phones between 5000 to 6000B. Pick anything. It will do the job.
  2. R&R? Or "alone time"? "Alone time" in Pattaya? What would be the point to do that in Pattaya?
  3. Did anybody think about that the current rule might exist because of real life issues? Who will inspect all those packages and set a value? Who will collect the money? Where will all those parcels be stored until people pay? I am sure most post offices won't have the space to store all parcels for one week. And they certainly don't have the manpower to open them all, set prices, collect money, etc.
  4. Same with my gf in Thailand. And she has two major advantages. She speaks Thai, and lives in Thailand since her birth.
  5. Why? I know what a high IQ is about, and have an idea about emotional intelligence and street smart, etc. They are all different "things". As far as I know the subject of this thread is to define intelligence, not about street smarts and not about anybody with high intelligence is happier or more successful, etc. It should be obvious that high intelligence can be useful in life. But that alone doesn't make people happy.
  6. How does anybody measure this huge IQ of practical intelligence?
  7. So much about the definition of intelligence...
  8. If you have the money, then you change to a better life. It seems there are too many guys who spent all their money on "their" house and then there is no way out of that situation anymore.
  9. There is an easy solution: Spend all your times in the bars, then you don't have to pay for the AC at home. In case you go home make sure you are drunk enough that you don't notice the heat anymore. Apart from that: If not even 2000B additional cost per month is a problem for you, then you have more than above problem.
  10. Are those the same guys who tell us in this forum that they love their simple life in the rice fields?
  11. Now the police check if he is rich or has prominent parents. After that, they will decide how to handle this case.
  12. I see lots of taxi-no-meter blocking the streets all the time, and 99% of the time the police do nothing about it.
  13. Using that definition, there are many dumb as rocks foreigners here. After they let their small head lead the way they need the bigger head to manage the situation. 😉
  14. I thought the question of this thread is how do you define intelligence. What you write is that an intelligent person isn't necessary someone with common sense, success in life, etc. Yes, correct. But it has nothing to do with the definition.
  15. It's always great to see these shiny golden coins. But I still haven't seen any of those mining machines which spit out those coins. Strange.
  16. The problem is obviously the lazy and corrupt police. If they would do their job, then this, and many other problems, wouldn't exist. Maybe someone should explain this to the governor. Or maybe he knows that already...
  17. How about the government doesn't do that at all. No headache, no corruption (for this one), life just goes on.
  18. According to your logic the crime situation in the USA would be so much better than in the UK. Is that the case?
  19. A long time ago I looked at the climate data of all Thai provinces. As far as I remember Hua Hin has the smallest amount of rain over the year in Thailand.
  20. There are some advisors who do this since many years, and they know a lot about investments, risks, etc. Some even have qualifications from respectable organizations. But all of them make their money from commissions. And it is crazy how much commission is paid for some products. Sometimes the commissions for the agents are way higher than the (expected) profit for the clients. I guess one needs a strong character to not get influenced by high commissions.
  21. Education and intelligence are almost independent. Ok, you can't be highly educated and very stupid, but that is about the only exception.
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