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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Change the font size or magnification on whatever device you are reading it. Most of the time that does the job.
  2. I think all those YouTubers in Thailand should apply for a work permit. No work permit, no publishing. End of.
  3. I never tried to call Kangaroo Bar. 😉 Are they still active?
  4. I think when you apply in neighboring countries 3 months is the usual.
  5. Is there a law that foreigners and especially tourists can't criticize their hosts? I don't know. But it seems most of us don't like it if foreigners talk bad about our home country or maybe people from our nationality or whatever group. And that is similar to i.e. a company. Is it possible to tell the boss that he has strains on his shirt? Yes. But better do it in private with him alone and not in a post on facebook or similar. That doesn't win you any friends.
  6. Don't forget to tell your "friends" your name and maybe some other personal details. It's somehow interesting when all those friends from some of the owners have no idea about their "friends".
  7. Personally, I understand that the condominium management has my passport data and maybe some more. And they should have that data so that they work according to the laws and protect the co-owners, etc. The problem in Thailand is that some people who work in offices don't understand the concept of privacy. Add all the data to facebook, send emails with all addresses in the To, maybe give the data to their friend, the nice marketing guy, etc. I asked the condominium committee about data privacy before I gave the management my data. I still wouldn't bet that they follow the rules, but there is little I can do to prevent any misuse.
  8. Thanks, I just looked it up and he has a very apologetic video on his frontpage. It seems he realized what he has to do to keep on staying here.
  9. It must be sad to be in such a situation. Maybe see an enlargement doctor. Or don't talk in public about your condition.
  10. I am pretty sure that is legal. Many condominiums have problem with illegal short time renting. To fight this, they want to allow only residents and owners to be able to come into the building. And for that reason, they want those documents. I am almost certain they have a right to see the documents and use them for this reason. They are not allowed to give passport information to other unauthorized people or companies. That's another issue.
  11. Maybe, but that doesn't mean he will give that information to anybody.
  12. Ok, so it seems you think that all those people in Thailand who don't wear helmets don't wear helmets because they don't have helmets, correct? Sorry, no, that is not the case. Many don't wear helmets because it is bloody hot. It's nice to feel the wind in your hair while riding with a bike. It's considered cool by some people to ride without helmet. And the list goes on. And with safety riding gear it's similar. People don't use it because it would be very hot. And most people don't buy it because they know they won't wear it because it is so hot.
  13. It's almost like those pubs where suddenly, years later, someone discovers they don't have a license. TiT.
  14. If he does that all the time, then people should not be surprised. I wouldn't do any kind of business with such a person.
  15. It seems to me there are often self-fulfilling prophecies. When people treat the landlord like: He will never give me my money back, I will do this and that, then don't be surprised when you don't get your money back. Recently I got my money back, all of it. I paid until the last rent, I paid the electricity and water bills, and I treated the landlady with respect. All fine, everybody happy.
  16. The big difference is that now the companies must inform you that they (want to) use your data. And maybe you have to check a box or two before you can continue. Years ago, companies just used your data and they didn't tell the user. I think that is the biggest difference. Europe introduced big fines for the misuse of data with the GDRP. But as far as I know those regulations and especially big fines are not common in other parts of the world. General Data Protection Regulation - Wikipedia
  17. You should know that stupid people exist anywhere in the world. Many of them.
  18. Somehow I imagine it is more difficult to sell those specialist items.
  19. Now he can think about how much fun he could have had if he would have sold the gold and party in Pattaya.
  20. To be fair, it's the job of the police to investigate what happened and collect evidence.
  21. Independent of the noise maker, I know from "my" condominium that some people don't pay what they should pay. And as far as I know they can get away with such behavior until they try to sell their unit. It seems they can't sell it before all the bills from the building are paid. And it seems some people let out their units through agents. The people who rent only know the agent. And when the condominium management asks the agent about the owners, they don't give that information. Can the agent be made responsible for paying money which the owner much pay? Can the (probably rent paying) people who live there be fined or thrown out? It seems legally that situation is not so easy in Thailand.
  22. She killed someone, because she "thought" her little phone world is more important. She should go to jail!
  23. I don't know if the management has the owner's names. But I am pretty sure sometimes the management does not have any contact details from owners. Bad management, bad records, new management, records get lost, people don't communicate, ...
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