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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And how about the GOP? Are they still the conservatives with conservative values? Or are 90% of them Trump fanboys and/or scared of losing their jobs.
  2. I think the main issue is which politician from the DEMs would anybody in the MAGA crowd vote for? And that is a serious problem. I have no insider knowledge from those MAGAs but I find it hard to believe that they would vote for any DEM. So, yes, Biden is not good, but who would convince any of those 70,000,000 Trumpers to vote DEMs? I know the numbers look bad. But I would love to see a third-party candidate win. Then maybe, maybe the two parties would start to realize that it's time for them to listen to the people and not only to their rich donors - or should I call them investors?
  3. I have to admit I always like it when I find a reason to use that tool. 😉
  4. Was this always like that in the hot season? Maybe it's good enough to clean everything to make sure there is no dirt to block the clearance. If the heat is the problem, then you should be able to close those doors at night when it's not so hot. Can you?
  5. I don't know if Russia will stop. There is no satisfying realistic solution to this bad situation. I don't follow all the details, but it seems the front lines are more or less stable or Russia won a little over the last year or so. So, what are the options? Give more money to Ukraine and let more of their soldiers die to keep the existing lines? Even more money and more dead to win back some territory? Even more money and troupes from other countries to win back Crimea? It seems sometimes we have to accept that there is no good solution. And continuing with one of the bad "solutions" has only the "look, we do something" effect. End the war. Try to make the best out of a bad situation. It's not easy, nobody will like it, but what's the alternative? The west can still stockpile more weapons and have more weapons to protect the borders of the existing NATO countries. That might help for the future to make sure the situation is not getting worse.
  6. But does it really help Ukraine to be stuck in a war which they can't win. It's time to accept reality. Russia won't give all that land back to Ukraine. Accept it. Life goes on. Or will the situation be any better if more and more Ukrainian men die at the frontlines without any change?
  7. I heard about complaints in "my" building. Some building have unfortunately thin walls or not 100% closed walls near the ceiling. I think best is you try to compromise with your neighbor. Maybe he regularly sleeps at a certain time or something like that. As far as I know there is no fixed rule that x db sound pressure level is too much. And base noise penetrates walls a lot more than high frequencies. Maybe it's not easy to compromise with the neighbor, but constant fighting is also not a good situation. It seems that makes the lives of too many people miserable. Good luck.
  8. I suggest play your music as usual and then leave you apartment and close the front door. And then listen how much you still hear from that music. Personally, I think if you hear a little that some music is playing, then it's not too loud. If you still hear the music in the hallway, even if you are 10m away from your door, then probably it is too loud. 80% max volume is meaningless. I am sure 25% of my (1000W) speakers is more than enough to entertain the floor.
  9. There must be >10,000 restaurants in Thailand. And you have trouble finding one which you like. Amazing! P.S.: If you want that we help you to find one then a location would be helpful. I can recommend this place in Soi 11, good food, and no music.
  10. Possibly he has even more than 10 of them. He is not stupid. He is just a narcistic axxhole.
  11. Yes. And I am pretty sure that Trump will support Israel even more - but those little issues are obviously nothing the "Biden so bad" crowd will think about.
  12. Now imagine the USA wouldn't start and/or support all those wars... They are the biggest warmonger on this planet. Someone has to keep the industrial military complex running. Because someone has to pay for all those politicians. The USA could stop the wars in Ukraine and Israel almost immediately. They obviously don't want that.
  13. Not really. Most of my life is productive and I live happily with my longtime girlfriend. Sometimes I visit a couple of bars and I look at sexy girls, and maybe I buy them a drink or two. I don't remember any of them telling me they don't want the drinks and they don't want to be touched. Most want more action and more money. And they pretend to like me. That's their job. Many men, including me, like to see pretty young girls, and they don't care about old women. And many men accept that 99% of girls are not really interested in "old men" - and anybody over 40 is old in the eyes of a 20-year-old. Old men who are strong and win fights and all that are still old men. So, from their point of view there won't be much difference between you and me - even if you think they admire your old strong body.
  14. I guess even if he would admit under oath to every charge in every case and even if they would think he told the truth and he did the crimes, they still would want him to be their president. I am sure many of them are stupid, but even then, I guess the majority of MAGAs have an idea that he is lying and that he committed crimes in his life. They just don't care.
  15. I think lie-detectors work only on people who are aware that they lie and/or have a bad conscience. I would be surprised if such test would work with Trump. Lots of BS comes out of his mouth. And much of it was probably never examined by even one of his brain cells.
  16. Is Trump acting rational? No. Are his supporters acting like rational people? No. Mostly rational people, like many of us, don't understand the not existing logic of the MAGA crowd. That is Trumps power. He understands or feels what he has to do to rouse that crowd.
  17. I live in Thailand since 1995. Not much money, working to make a living, still young. I personally didn't notice any change before to after the crisis. Maybe I didn't notice anything because at that time Thailand was new to me, and I wasn't working for some big international company. Easy life, 60B lady drinks in Nana, times were good.
  18. I wouldn't trust that thermometer - at least the way you have it "installed". There should be air flow and probably some other conditions to have good measurements. I see on my ACs the outside temperature. Currently it changes between almost 40 high to around 30 low in the middle of Bangkok.
  19. I don't think I was ever part of a survey, at least I don't remember it. But sometimes I hear about results of some surveys, and I think: They should have asked me. 😉
  20. For some constantly annoying people that is a good way to make sure they never do it again. The important part is that there is not always the same solution. Sometimes A makes sense, and sometimes B, and sometimes maybe C or D.
  21. And is that a problem? If a survey requires answers from i.e. 1000 people, hire some people who call 1000 people or let the AI do the job. Possibly AI can do that by now. Faster, more efficient and probably more accurate than humans.
  22. Maybe it's only me, I don't judge people who commit suicide. I am sure they all have their reasons.
  23. I remember I had a conversation with a committee member about the management. He asked me: Who wants a job like that? It's unlikely that highly skilled people want to work as manager of a condominium (without making illegally extra money). I think that is part of the problem.
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