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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And 10 years in the future she would be 26. And 20 years ago she would not have been born. What kind of logic is that? Many 16 year old girls have sex. And it seems she was online, and it seems she "convinced" him to marry her. So, it seems she wasn't the innocent child. And according to the story the parents agreed to the marriage.
  2. I was surprised the other day in Nana. In one of the big bars one customer thought he is generous, and he gave several dancers each a 20B note. I would have expected that they ignore him best case or throw the notes back at him. But no, they excepted the notes and smiled. Amazing.
  3. And then there are those special lady drinks like maybe whisky coke. Some bars and some ladies interpret that as one glass of whisky and one glass of coke. And then you pay for two lady drinks. A friend told me recently a girl asked him for a coke. He agreed and she received a tall glass of coke. And then he had a look at the bill: 2 coke, total about 400B. He asked and they explained to him that was a double coke. Luckily that happens not in all bars. But unfortunately, it happens at all.
  4. I am serious. That was a few years before Covid and a very large bar.
  5. If she was sitting across from you then you did it wrong.
  6. The ladies make money from those drinks. Some time ago they received about 50% of the sales price. I don't know if that changed over time. And, to be fair, the rent from some bars/areas is outrageous. I know from one bar in Nana that they paid 40,000B rent. Per day! You have to sell a lot of drinks to make money in such a situation.
  7. Who has those stupid ideas? Next: We will launch rockets to the moon from the middle of Bangkok.
  8. I give up with this thread. My intention was just to say: Don't believe you know what happened from a 10s video. But it seems now people think I defend guys who beat up women. No, I don't defend guys in general. And I also don't defend women in general. At least for me there is no rule that whatever women do, guys can never ever react with violence. If you want that rule, then how about men can never ever react with violence against anybody, including other men? Let us all live together in peace, happily ever after. Yeah, sure.
  9. That's the theory. It seems to me in Thailand there are often more direct "solutions". It's not that my lawyer calls your lawyer, and we go to court and years later someone will be punished. Here it is more often: Action, reaction, done.
  10. What I wrote above should be clear. From a 10s video we don't know what actually happened. I would love to hear his version of what happened before that video and why he did what he did. Maybe what he did was wrong. Probably what he did was wrong. But maybe he had a good reason. I saw enough lying women. And I saw very aggressive fighting women. Looking at the press, lots of women ruined the lives of innocent men. Not all women are innocent - that is my point.
  11. I understand retaliation. Many women want to be equals everywhere. Let them be equal everywhere.
  12. If you plan to use the tablet while traveling, then yes. Otherwise WIFI is basically available everywhere. I have a tablet without SIM, I only use that tablet at home. My gf has a tablet with SIM, because there is no WIFI if she visits her father up country. I think her tablet was about 2000B more expensive.
  13. So, you did use your imagination. Good, you understand the concept.
  14. Use your imagination. There are too many news stories where we see a short video and read a story from one side what supposedly happened. Most of the time we never hear again more about what happened. But sometimes we hear more information, and from another perspective, and suddenly things look very different. I don't try to imagine what may have happened in the case above or other cases. It is pretty obvious that something must have happened previously. What's the point of guessing? We will likely never hear the whole truth. Let the police investigate what happened and how to handle the situation. That is their job.
  15. I bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab A8 some time ago, for 6,450THB. It works just fine for me. Looking at websites, YouTube, MS Office, etc. Do you need a big screen? Do you want to play games which need powerful hardware? Do you need a SIM card in the tablet? If you don't need all those things, then there is no point to spend a lot of money.
  16. How do you know that he is the problem? Some women have a big talent to piss people off and then, if there is any reaction, they play the innocent victim. Maybe he did what he did for no reason. But somehow, I suspect there is more to that story.
  17. Is it crystal clear what he should have done and didn't do? It seems often "our" expectations are not the same as what they think they have to do or get away with. I.e. with my condominium renovation I expected straight walls, but I didn't specify that anywhere. Like, sure they should be straight, isn't that obvious? It seems the contractor and the construction team had other standards than I imagined. Luckily this was sorted peacefully, but it is one of those things. Good luck!
  18. And obviously ALLWAYS believe women. Yeah, sure, they would never lie.
  19. Many stories like that don't make sense. It is very likely that something happened before he threw her to the ground. Did he have a reason? Maybe. Maybe not. I.e. maybe she slapped him 5min ago for whatever (imagined) reason, and maybe he asked her to apologize, and she didn't. Maybe she was just a sweet innocent girl. Maybe. Leave it to them to sort it out.
  20. I hope he wrote a big book with lots of details which will be published postmortem.
  21. Good post, there could be lots of things going on, including lots of shady things. Imagine she told him that her parents want to send her into prostitution. And she told the guy she doesn't want that and he can rescue her by marrying her. It could be. Lots of other situations could be. I think we should be very careful making up our minds about her and him and her family. All and each of them could be predators and all and each of them could be innocent. Could...
  22. And I guess not only the foreigners are the crazy guys. We read often enough with what rich Thais get away with. We can be pretty sure there are also not so old females involved. But obviously the Thai journalists know what they better don't publish. Talk instead about those bad guys from Burma and those farangs...
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