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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. Yeah, well, the Israelis already sorted them out I believe. But is all freight being diverted via the Cape? I very much doubt it. Hey, Houthis, leave my cheese alone!
  2. Maybe I should have mentioned, I was advised by a much better CSR to formally notify HMRC I left the uk permanently 9 years ago and to appeal the fines on the basis I no longer had to file a self employed tax return.
  3. That's good to know. I've only needed a doctor occasionally. I always catch a horrible cold on arrival which sometimes needs something more than paracetamol. My inpatient insurance covers me here. I got all my dentistry done in Philippines, 5 or 6 implants included. Much better than Thai dentists IMHO, and experience. I've only been to Dumaguete once, but it has quite an expat population I heard. Ferries to neighbouring islands, a domestic airport, and a charming harbour promenade a bit like Cornwall! Good bars and restaurants too. Probably a very economical place to explore. And maybe live in.
  4. Is the Suez canal still blocked? A war zone? Pirates?
  5. And brake failure! Twisty roads. Rain. Other drivers.
  6. Slightly OT, but I'm sitting in my rented for 23,000 PHP excl taxes pm 11th floor condo in Bacolod. The sun is shining. The pool and gym on the 14th floor are empty. I have excellent internet, such that my TV box is in constant use for uefa, pl, MLB, NFL, sky, hbo etc etc. Breathtaking views of sea and volcanoes. I breakfast every day at a 12 PHP AC bus ride away cafe, eggs, bacon, toast and coffee, 230 PHP, and dine on excellent carbonara and lasagne at a bistro 3 minutes walk away, also 230 PHP. I'm 20 minutes from Silay airport from where I can fly cheaply to almost anywhere in Philippines. Mindanao, Palawan, Cebu, Siargao etc. People call it a dump. Good, then stay away!
  7. Maybe it's because it comes around on such a regular basis. Many antifreeze options and alternatives have been proposed over and over again. The chances of it ever changing are really minimal. Yes, unfair it may be, in fact, undoubtedly is, and totally illogical. But HM government is not rational and thick as, as we all know. You're dealing with an immovable object, so find a way round it!
  8. Actually this thread was about US citizens having problems with US banks. Non-US have the same freedoms and liberties, so your smug suggestion we are some sort of poor distant cousins living in the dark ages is well wide of the mark. But most of us don't have the idiot's charter, which is 2A. I don't know what makes you think the chaotic gunfight that the US seems to be, is somehow superior to the relative calm in Europe and elsewhere!
  9. Totally agree, every nation in the world is made up of diverse cultures, races and peoples, the results of centuries, millennia even, of human migration. Multiculturalism is a hated concept amongst many, but it's driven the human race forward, encouraging diversity which is essential for survival. If your gene pool dries up, inbreeding and stagnation is the result. Monoculture spells doom to artistic expression and creativity.
  10. It seems that policy is applied discriminately. Some get named, some get shamed, others, dead silence.
  11. Yes, but it's not just here the pensions are frozen. But there are still plenty of alternative destinations, and many antifreeze options.
  12. So who are the ringleaders mentioned in bold in the article? We only have the names of the networks.
  13. Haha! I know the type. But I recently received, maybe 2 weeks ago, a letter here in Philippines from HMRC telling me I'd been fined £100 for a late (unnecessary) tax return. Date on it was June 6th. When I rang the number on the letter, I was told the fine was now £1,000 and I'd better do something about it quick or HMRC would be issuing a red notice blah blah blah and notifying the Philippines government etc etc etc.
  14. A Wise Euro account you mean? A Wise $ account is held in New York. A £ one in City of London.
  15. I agree with him. It's not a yellow box junction. If people stopped on a green light waiting for their exit to clear, there'd be hell to pay from the traffic behind, and you'd probably never get to turn right! If the lights were working properly, there'd be a right filter light, which there appears to be, showing green upon entry to the junction, and allowing the right turning traffic priority. So what's held the traffic up? Probably somebody jumping their light going in the other direction. I protested a supposed red light violation ticket. Cop claimed I'd run it, pointing to the cameras as evidence, which he didn't have. He said ok, go to the cop shop on beach rd and tell them. I did, and they showed me a huge wall map of the cameras at that junction (Thepprasit and Thappraya). None were pointing in the direction I was alleged to have been driving. They tore up the ticket and sent me on my way. Thais can be extremely helpful if you keep your cool, explain in simple terms your problem. Don't disrespect them, treat them as you'd wish to be treated. And don't behave like you do on this forum!!!
  16. A4 documents, 10 days roughly to and from the UK via EMS. Costs about 700 THB. Small package from India, $23, about the same timescale, including customs clearance and taxation. The tracking was hopeless. By the time I got notified by the sender it had been delivered to the post office in Pattaya, it showed as still at Mumbai customs.
  17. ..and I've answered, it was a hoax, if you go to past threads on the subject the recipient (he did quote earlier) admitted he volunteered information to DWP for them to take action(wanted that letter). You will see comments like "bingo" and "wow" from him, but you will have trawl through past quotes Posted 4 hours ago I have already posted it, just for you again It was hoax,ask him,his details are above I don't follow. What exactly are you saying? You're saying it was a hoax, but your explanation is unfathomable. Jealousy? you don't provide any evidence it was a hoax.
  18. I'd like to see the original letter. This appears to be a mock-up.
  19. And here's a list where it's NOT frozen: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/state-pensions-annual-increases-if-you-live-abroad/countries-where-we-pay-an-annual-increase-in-the-state-pension
  20. No. You're resident in Philippines if you live there for 6+ months of the year. Or that's my understanding. I simply rang DWP and gave them my address and a phone number in Philippines. They were very friendly and totally unconcerned. Sure, you could check with DWP what the exact rules are. For instance, I'm not sure if it has to be a block of 6 months or is it just total days spent there. Of course there are many other countries where your UK pension doesn't get frozen. I posted a link higher up. Turkey has always seemed a possible alternative. Here it is again: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/state-pensions-annual-increases-if-you-live-abroad/countries-where-we-pay-an-annual-increase-in-the-state-pension
  21. Well, not knowing seems to be your excuse. Is it a valid one? You're a grown man. You can take care of yourself. You can do your own research. Yes. I'm calling you a fool!
  22. You could have found it out before coming. Not stupid, just careless.
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