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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. bradiston


    So does someone bring it over for you in a suitcase? My daughter always insists on bringing a kilo of mature cheddar and Cadbury's whole nut. But I could order from SB at no extra cost if over 1000 THB. Smoked mackerel, smoked salmon off cuts, smoked Pollock - cheap substitute for haddock, but just about acceptable, blue cheese by the kilo, unsalted butter, cream cheese etc etc. Thailand doesn't seem to do smoked. Sun dried, yes. I guess the smoke houses will need to get FDA registered. Is it a big deal? I imagined it could be.
  2. bradiston


    Yeah? Any links?
  3. bradiston


    Well, cheese and butter, and a whole raft of frozen foods. Fish, meat etc, to which this "order" applied. I meant as opposed to tins, packets, bottles etc etc.
  4. I rang 1155 from Pattaya and was routed to Bangkok. They told me to ring +66 61 146 1155 for Pattaya. YMMV.
  5. bradiston


    A mate reported that, during a recent visit, much of the fresh produce, cheese, butter etc, was covered and not for sale. This was apparently as a result of a visit by Thai FDA regarding imported chilled and frozen foods now requiring registration with the FDA. Details are a bit sketchy I have to admit. Anyone more info on this?
  6. How are any forgeries detected? Not by the human eye unless it's a really bad forgery. The sign at BKK said "Foreign passports". It didn't say which. Maybe the chip is what the scanners read? But that's not in the details pages. Ah well...
  7. And just what do I think? An IO would detect one? I think an AI scanner would for sure detect a forgery. Better than the human eye. Anyway, what the hell do I know? Or anyone else?
  8. Rescue included a free Man U lunch box?
  9. There is a standard agreed format for all passport details pages.
  10. The Philippines has been requiring a qr code for years. It started in COVID, with evidence of Vax, and has continued without that, and with fairly minimal input. It just gets checked at their immigration. Destination address and a few other details. Not a problem.
  11. No. The re-entry permit is only checked upon reentry. Entry and exit stamps are superfluous. It's all held on computer. I got neither leaving and returning.
  12. The departure automatic gates are working at BKK. Just scan your passport and you're through.
  13. Name the time and place!
  14. Gratuitous advice rejected. Take your own advice and get lost in the underbelly of whatever capital you reside in. Are you confused, by any chance? You don't know where I am, do you? Maybe right behind you.
  15. So you're prepared to make anonymous uncorroborated, baseless assertions about a man's guilt on this forum, but completely bottle it when making them in person in real life? Just as I thought. It goes for all the other weasels on this forum taking cheap shots at him. Easy from behind a keyboard.
  16. I bought land in my Thai daughter's name, or rather, I paid the asking price, and the chanote was put in her name. She was 20 at the time. I live in a condo where the foreign quota was oversubscribed so that went into her name as well. It's actually a relief to know I don't have to worry about those properties. Don't need to put them in a will, nor pay any death duty/inheritance taxes if such a thing existed here.
  17. Tell the RTP then. If you want to risk a libel lawsuit, go ahead, be my guest.
  18. So what do you know?
  19. Such wonderfully crafted logic. Almost certainly? A racing certainty? Are you opening a book on this?
  20. Not at all. But if he's found not guilty, what will you do? Slink away muttering about corruption?
  21. Oh so you believe headlines? Will the judge? It says in the headlines so guilty? DOH! And DOH! again.
  22. I don't claim to know anything but the lynch mob claims to know all about him. They don't. Only what they read here, and the assumptions they make based on "TIT". Until a proper case is made, there is no case. All that's happened so far is the other senior police have closed ranks against him. Why? What do they have to hide?
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