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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. I'm not pro or anti Taksin. He's a strong presence in Thai politics, and obviously has a lot of clout within PT, and influence on his daughter. People condemn and deride this without mercy, but in itself I don't see a problem. She is young and inexperienced. Just like Pita was. And look what happened to him. He got mangled. Not much difference in age, but look at where they are now. He's gone for 10 years. You might say, what an incredible waste. We'll never know. If she survives everything they throw at her she'll come out all the stronger.
  2. But not relative to the earth. It appears to rise and set, but as we've known for 600 years, this is an illusion, as you say, caused by the earth turning on its axis. 600 years ago the Catholic Church burned people at the stake for proclaiming this "heresy". They're still pretty much at it today, maybe only metaphorically. But the current Pope's unwarranted lobbying is extremely unwelcome, to me, at least. Millions, if not billions, of people live in dire poverty and ignorance because of his outrageous bs doctrines.
  3. Yes, and an extremely highly qualified woman at that. A Democrat until she met and married Vance, she switched sides thereafter. Seems the Dems lost out. I wonder how she rationalizes the tide of filth that accompanies, propels even, Trump's candidacy.
  4. Trump has an orange tan. And a sphincter for a mouth. Maybe he was created in a lab out of other people's body parts. His movements, his body language, his whiny voice, his badly programmed adolescent utterances all suggest the early results of a create a human txrd development program. I guess that's his appeal. His supporters love that he represents a low water mark below which life doesn't exist. It's the Trump feel up factor.
  5. It's depressing, but this is the new norm, it seems. On the Bangkok Post forum it's the same.
  6. Well actually, no. The sun isn't moving anywhere. We're moving. Ask Galileo!
  7. I don't think this is Iglesia ni Cristo. Another racket entirely. Same MO. Catholic scare mongering.
  8. If you read the party manifestoes of almost every major party in the election, they all offer "bribes". In fact, PPRP's were extremely attractive. 30,000 to 7.5 million farmers, plus 2k per Rai, old age pension to all 60 yo and above from between 3k and 5k pm, 10k for pregnant women, 3k pm for all kids up to 6. You can read all about it here. Then tell me PT are the only villains. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/election-promises-thailands-major-parties-2023-05-10/&ved=2ahUKEwjz7YL1w8CIAxUfdfUHHWX8J-44ChAWegQICxAB&usg=AOvVaw2RglclXqtgkLSXqGQ8mdzN
  9. Are you and @sscc by any chance related?
  10. Er, you mean Taksin is a ventriloquist and she's his dummy?
  11. My choice for PP leader was always Sirikanya. What a shame she was shoved aside to make way for Thanathorn's protégé whatever his name is.
  12. Is there life on Mars? And please note gg, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person plural form of the verb 'to be' in English is 'are'. This Filipino guy is total low life. The rest of your questions are irrelevant. Your workmate has obviously been brainwashed by this devil worshipper.
  13. Shouldn't that be the Ministry of Human Development and Social Security?
  14. It was merely ironic to highlight bigotry.
  15. I saw 2 Russians, or maybe Chinese, or maybe Americans, pushing a baby in a buggy the other day. They sure looked like they were going to eat the baby. I was on my way to work too. Funny coincidence.
  16. Whoever did it took a lot of care. The tape isn't wrapped round their fur or their muzzles directly, but they've put some gauze around their muzzles first and taped that. A very neat job, but perhaps not a sustainable solution.
  17. ...you can be pretty sure it isn't Tesco. And where would your neighbourhood be? Tesco.com takes you to Tesco UK. https://www.lotuss.com/en?srsltid=AfmBOoobzvvq0bwagKdlv0Onr-EfCsDH1g_iwNm4x4BwpXHSsJpjUheR
  18. It's not Tesco Lotus any more. Tesco sold out to CP ages ago. Notice the signs? Lotus's?
  19. How about Bangkok Pattaya Hospital? Private room, lovely nurses and if you kick the bucket, I'm sure they'll know what to do. Order food from Grab.
  20. Tesco? In Thailand? They sold up years ago. You mean Lotutttt?
  21. Surprise, surprise she's cheating on you too. Been doing it for years. Great lay, great fun @BarBoy.
  22. It was founded by a German guy in 2012. Bought out by Alibaba. HQ in Singapore. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lazada
  23. Paid for might come under laws about prostitution which is another area. In any event it seems it's just the two owners of the bars in trouble. No punters mentioned.
  24. A minor in Thailand is a person aged under 20. 20 being the age of majority. It's probably not the age of the girls in question, nor even relevant here. The age of consent is 15. Under that and you're looking at statutory rape, unless the parties are married. However, this seems to be a human trafficking case, so I guess the laws differ.
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