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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. It's what I suggested in a separate post.
  2. Must be them then.
  3. So what? The UK and Thailand are both constitutionsl monarchies but with vastly different implementations of that concept. They are also both democracies to whatever extent you believe it worthy to afford them. The US elects it's representatives via universal suffrage. In that sense it's a democracy, and one they fought hard for and at great cost to themselves. What do you think the slogan "No taxation without representation" meant? The UK parliament taxed the American farmers even though the farmers had no representatives in the UK parliament. An extremely important principle was established in the War of Independence. The UK doesn't have a written constitution. We have a set of laws which parliament is able to amend, repeal, or add to. That is their primary function. Demos kratia is just greek for the rule of the people. It remains an ideal in most cases, but a worthy ideal, and one worth defending and fighting for. There are many tyrannies in the world. We need to protect democracy from those that would destroy it.
  4. You don't have the freedom to incite violence, get that straight, if that's an example of what you mean by freedom of speech/press. The US is no different to any other western democracy. Why do they think they are? Home of the brave etc etc? Clap trap.
  5. I'm not being ridiculous. I was just stating there are limits to freedom of speech, in the US like anywhere else. The poster I was replying to seemed to think in the US there were no such limits, but in the UK there were. I'm ignoring your final statement. It's a troll.
  6. Well, thankfully that is very far from the truth. Qv Alex Jones and other conspiracy theorists. Musk might let you say what you want up to a point, but if what you want to say is "Shoot all Muslims" even he might draw the line. The US has laws protecting free speech, but also laws curtailing the right to, for instance, incite racial hatred, or any other hatred, homophobic, mysogynistic, religious etc etc. I'm aware many US citizens view these laws as evidence of a nanny state etc etc. but if you've never been the target of such attacks, how the heck do you know what you're talking about? White male? Yeah, right!
  7. Where's ganja mentioned? Did I miss something?
  8. Not quite Beach Rd. He's caught a baht bus with his companion from Soi fat cow to tops and changed, presumably on 2nd Rd, and got off at Soi 6, where he's staying. Can't see the problem there. Hardly asking for trouble, though he seems to have found it. Then he makes his way back to the police station on Beach Rd, and then presumably back to Soi 6 somehow. His only encounter with trouble was on the Tops to Soi 6 stretch as I see it.
  9. As much evidence as to believe her husband claiming she jumped off. You the jury decide!
  10. His hotel was there
  11. Does it involve visiting all 1,600 restaurants to ensure quality? Pumtham again. Every day he's up to something.
  12. What about Pattaya? Yes, yes, I know, whataboutist, but seriously?
  13. What??? She suddenly jumped off the balcony in a fit of rage? Errr, hello? He's thrown her off it. End of.
  14. A Bolt cab would probably have only cost 80 THB door to door. Home and dry, phone and bag intact. Still, no prizes for wise after...
  15. The article says they changed at Tops. Pretty cheap Charlie, I'd say.
  16. I agree, but it does happen, but more usually in the street, people walking behind you in a gang. You get distracted, maybe they walk in front of you and hold you up, while one slashes your bag on your back. They're professionals. Done it a million times. I lost my phone in broad daylight in a Philippine mall like that. People all around. Security cameras got one of the gang on camera. That was the end of it. I lost another phone in a jeepney (filipino baht bus). Again, organised gang sitting extremely close and opposite to you. One drops some change on the floor. You bend down to check where it went, and bingo, there goes your phone. That's it. Twice, and I learnt my lesson. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
  17. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 52 seconds  
  18. Kind of proves your point. It's like Monty python. This isn't an argument. Yes it is. No it isn't....
  19. I may be wrong but I'd say the photo shows a slashed bag. You think he did it himself?
  20. Yeah, it has it's own forum. Please stay there.
  21. Moderators. Do we have to have this garbage dumped on our doorsteps? Why copy their rubbish to the news pages? It has nothing to do with ASEAN.
  22. I'm not sure how up to date that is. We're into the 2017 constitution now. And does the Senate still have a say?
  23. Same for me, but bathroom accidents like slipping over. It's what prompted me to get insured. My balance isn't so good 100% of the time.
  24. The NACC refuses to release their report unredacted, which names names and has witnesses testimony. It's been raised so many times, and they just shuffle the paper around and stare at their shoes. There's no will amongst the judiciary or the legislators to upset the apple cart nor rock the boat for fear presumably that they too could face their public one day.
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