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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. Nobody doubts what our police is saying.

    They never tortured anybody to get a confession.

    They never tortured the koh Tao Burmeese to confess.

    In fact they treat all suspects with the best manner, offering them 5 star hotel treatment.

    And the pigs keep flying and flying and flying all over Thailand.....are they ever going to land?

    A confession alone should never be sufficient to convict a person.

    The RTP are too quick to pass on half baked facts to the press and then end up changing the story 6 times. They also seem to have difficulty in

    sorting out DNA. The 2 Burmese boys were cleared at one time then I presume daddy bar owner said that if these boys cleared then my son in trouble !!!!!

    Thai law is not too different to UK law (that is until the judges are involved) so ALL confessions made while being interrogated should be taped.

  2. How is this news, and why does anyone care he has a BB gun? Did they become illegal?

    1: He tried to run off at a road check

    2: The BB gun was found once they chased him

    3: Further checking showed he had lived here illegally without a passport for 15 years

    4: He had an outstanding arrest warrant.

    Refugee's are guests in the country that helps and supports them. If they cannot behave in a decent and legal way they should be warned.

    If they continue to flout the law they should be returned to their country of origin.

    People may well say that is condemning to prison or worse. That may well be true but it is their responsibility to be a decent citizen.

  3. Your best option is to go out for the visa. It is possible to convert to a non immigrant visa in Bangkok if you have a valid entry.

    They often ask to see the original of the marriage certificate. Can you have somebody sent your original marriage certificate to you by EMS. You could have it tomorrow if they sent it today. Do you have copies or a scan of your wife's house book registry. You will need that and copies of her ID card to get the visa.

    Are you wanting a single entry or multiple entry non-o?

    I think you would find it less costly to fly to Udon Thani on Nok Air from CM. And then take the van to the bridge in Nong Khai and then cross the bridge to Vientiane. Nok Air also has a fly ride service to Vienitiane

    Although there is a coach that goes directly from Udon Thani to Vientiane you have to have a Lao visa before boarding the coach.

    UNLESS they have changed the rules

  4. "Her mother Georgina Martin was just 13 when she was snared by the paedophile..."

    There is a chance she was already an attractive young lady but no child anymore.xunsure.png.pagespeed.ic.E7Vo3qsmeCasd_p

    "He had sex with her more than 20 times over three years,..."

    There is a chance she enjoyed the "offence", at least to some extend.xunsure.png.pagespeed.ic.E7Vo3qsmeCasd_p

    Now there is a chance to squeeze out some money, or at least some popularity, after decadesbah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1LoERDvI-NyM


    I think it is wrong to imply that the mother was a willing participant, these pedophiles pray on the vulnerable.

    Your post deserves an unlike tab

    While I understand your sentiments, the fact is, she also had a boyfriend and they were sexually active. There is a strong possibility they were not alone.

  5. Oh, but think of the money they can collect. I have a feeling they are wishin' and hopin'.

    That awful man raped her lots of times Then she had a boyfriend with no money and they made love Then she went back to Saville and was raped some more

    Then to the boyfriend with no money and they made love Then to Saville for more rape !!!!!!!!

    Oh goodness, now who raped her and who made love. After 3 years she was confused BUT the confusion became clear. Boyfriend was penny less and Saville

    had money soooooo "even if my blond daughter is nothing to do with Saville" I can say I should get more money from his Estate as he raped me so many times.

    Of course common sense says that the boyfriend should also be tested as the likely hood the child is not his either.

    While I agree that children should be protected, lots of the current prosecutions involve young adults who while under 16 were fully consenting.

    • Like 1
  6. The only ones that didn't know that the situation hasn't changed in the South for the past 2 Decades is the Thai administration, there has been countless gum gnashing, thousands of statements ,change of commanders , useless bi lateral agreements with Malaysia and so it goes on , not one measure has been successful and it wouldn't matter if the Pope intervened , you are dealing with people that don't wish to use dialog and peaceful means to achieve their goals and truth be known peace in the South will always be a myth, face facts it ain't gonna happen.coffee1.gif

    The first fact is from the Qur-an :- Muslims can lie to Infidels and that's ok. So any agreement is worthless, unlesss it is entirely in their favor.

    The insurgents don't care who they kill as the Muslims will go to Allah and the rest of us will go to God. Oh hang, on Allah and God are the same it says so

    in their Qur-an.

    So I've now got a picture of an insurgent standing in front of Allah saying, Hi I'm a martyr let me in and where are my virgins. Of course everyone knows there are

    no virgins around coz IS and Boka Haram have killed them all. When the "marty" is told this he's says what must I do for eternity crazy.gifcrazy.gif

    Back to the serious bit. The Insurgents are truly animals and will not change, so what is a solution.

    The following idea is not ideal but is a way the construct a control of these states.

    Thailand gives up 4 of the provinces, that gives the Muslims an area far bigger that Singapore. The insurgents agree to stop the violence and anyone not wishing to stay in this new State can move back into Thailand.

    If the violence continues then it can legally be considered an act of war. As the only people living there will be supporters of their Government ???????

    Thailand will lose a tiny piece of land but currently the lose of life and financial burden make the lost worthwhile.

    • Like 1
  7. BUT THEY planted the .38 on him to make it look that he was armed. THEY did not know he had a pistol Duh.

    OR were they going to suggest he shot himself with the .38 and the guard though he would help him to do the job properly.

    OR the Turkish man realised that the shotgun had blown his head off and did not want to be left disabled.

    only in Thailandcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

  8. Totally thick stupid Island police. Even the dimmest police investigators would view the CCTV tapes as a number 1 priority.

    We all know that the defense will be, that the Turkish man was armed and they shot him in cold blood because he could have drawn the gun, maybe or at sometime in the future.

    AND the Mayor of Koh Tao thinks we are being unfair to his police force. Remember the Burmese boys were supposed to have had their day in court

    2 months ago, until the prosecutor realised the evidence was rubbish.

  9. The pictures included in this article, along with the original video, will be given to local police… let us hope that they will do something about this

    Wouldn't surprise me if the local police are the owners.

    If the RTP have not done anything by now then they will take no action.

    Tourists bring billions $$$$$ to Thailand and they have a right to be protected from these idiots. Take a look at Jontiem the swimming area is

    completely separate from where Jet Ski's and Speedboats can land.

    The Islands seem to think they can do as they like, up to and including murder. Well I believe that needs to stop. If the Police will not sort it out

    then boycott all the Islands.

    • Like 1
  10. "They will medically treat him to at least the humanitarian level of an indigent, won't they?"

    Thats not a given.. They usually dump these deadbeat cases on a Thai government hospital.. And from there his options and chances of decent treatment and good outcomes drastically reduce.

    I think your being unfair to Thai National Hospitals. I've used a couple and been to others with friends and the treatment is similar to private.

    Yes, it's not flash and unless you pay 7 / 800 baht a day for private room it can be crowded. As these hospitals do the whole job ( there are no GP's surgeries)

    it can take a little while to be treated but at 30 baht it's a bargain.

    As for the Ukrainian boy, he must have treatment soon. The article does not say what the hospital have done to stabilize his leg. I think he needs to get off

    Samui and find one of the small village hospitals they may find it in their hearts to pin the break.

  11. I'm sitting at home in the cold UK amusing myself with thoughts of the High Speed train leaving Bangkok heading towards the market on the

    railway lines.

    The market people have a lookout 5 miles closer to Bangkok but it is touch and go whether the stall holders can move their stuff in time. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    I just thought it funny coffee1.gif Ah well where's my overcoat. wai2.gif

  12. Whatever, its their country.

    Barring gay men from enteting the country and especially working with children +2.

    Don't they have enough toilets and parks to pick up strangers and enough glory holes to visit at home? Why come here to exploit young men half and one third their age?

    I needva shower...ugh.

    Men cken Strange name for a homophobic bigot. I ask why are you in Thailand ?? are you a Jesuit trying to convert all Buddhas friends to some other

    faith ??

    You seem too know lots about how to pick up men !!!.

    Or are you one of the many anti gay who used to play doctors with their "boy" friends when younger and now deny it ever happened.

    • Like 2
  13. (1) Supplied with 3 square meals a day (catering to halal demands, of course) at tax payer's expense.

    (2) Access to the prison library and opportunities (at tax payer's expense)

    (3) Opportunity to study courses (tax payer's expense) a wide range of subjects that law abiding citizens in the real world don't have money / time to.

    (4) Access to a prison prayer room and visits by Imams if requested.

    (5) Access to councillor visits (at tax payer's expense, while joe public has to pay for that from their own pockets)

    (6) Politely reffered to as - "Mr Khawaja" by prison staff (no joke).

    (7) Opportunities to mix with all sorts of other jihadis and reminisce abouyt days slaughtering Christians in Syria.

    It is going to be a well fed cushy 6 years with no financial concerns, while many law abiding citizens scrape by on minimum wage on 12 hr days.





    Angry yet?

    I think he has to serve a minimum of 8 years HOWEVER

    I would rather say he had passed on useful info about IS, then take him back to Syria into the hands of IS.

    He would learn what it felt like to be burned alive or beheaded.

    • Like 1
  14. Thanks for the reply Ozemade. Yes i borrow the truck from the Thai cousin, i thought the same thing as you with the poor maintenance when i tasted water as engine coolant.

    On the other hand the pick up is going very well with its 3336xx kms which is considered high mileage in Europe. No oil leaks, clean engine, so it must be looked after.

    We are not used to Chevy in Europe and i am very impressed with this one. Just drove it to Chiang rai and back from Buriram.

    Again the sticker on the radiator looks very genuine and according to the GF and Google translate it says : Water only, no antirust...

    I will take it to the shop tomorrow.

    The main reason for using inhibitor in the cooling water is to protect the Aluminium Cylinder head and or engine block. If plain water

    is used a sludge can form which blocks the radiator.

    Of course Thailand does not require antifreeze but inhibitors combine both requirements. I do not understand why GM should say ONLY

    use plain water !!!

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