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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. I have previously said .. the only solution to the refugee problem is allow and make 3-4 islands in the Indian ocean become there permanent home. Build cabins, water treatment plants, power, roads, transport.

    Have them work to establish a viable community with the long term goal of self sufficiency. They can grow there own food, farm there own animals, fish & whatever else is needed to feed them.

    Each country puts in say 2% of their GDP to funds this project for the first two years and then after that it stops and they have to become self sufficient.

    After 2 years you would have viable communities living and supporting themselves.

    This is the way to go imo..... wai2.gif

    Steven, I hear your words however the problem with the hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees is the situation is of their own making. Have a think about where most of the worlds conflicts are. 90% are related to Muslims either fighting one another or Muslims trying to kill as many infidels as they can.

    THEN when they need help who do they turn to, of course the infidels. Once we have helped them, fed them, clothed them and housed them, they then set about trying to kill us once again. I'm not stupid enough to believe that they are all killers BUT the one's that are not are usually prepared to defend these killers.

    Have a look at which countries are producing most of the refugee's, yep they are mainly Muslim countries. Most are not poor but the rulers are not prepared to help their own people and if they are not going to help, why should we.

    Why are these boats coming to Thailand ?? They have to pass Malaysia on the way, a Muslim country !!!! makes no sense. As to your idea of giving them a couple of Islands there is already a place like that called Indonesia.

  2. A police spokesman said he had no idea how the suspect had managed to evade arrest as no advance warning had been given only the mandatory release to the media that they knew he was and were obtaining an arrest warrant.

    AND the fact that the police had to hire 60 taxi's as there were insufficient police cars. This all takes time. AND it is only possible to withdraw 20 or 30 thousand

    baht from the cash machines, this of course is not enough to pay for the hole in the police cordon. This also takes time to fix.

    Reminds me of Red Bull facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The 33-year-old driver was later charged with negligence and given a two-year suspended jail sentence with one year’s probation.

    He was also ordered to pay a fine of 50,000 Baht, approximately £950

    That right there tells you all you need to know about Thailand. In most civilized countries, this jerk would be facing two counts of vehicular manslaughter, and a very long jail stretch.

    I love this country, but at times it really is disgustingly sickening.

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The 33-year-old driver was later charged with negligence and given a two-year suspended jail sentence with one year’s probation.

    He was also ordered to pay a fine of 50,000 Baht, approximately £950

    That right there tells you all you need to know about Thailand. In most civilized countries, this jerk would be facing two counts of vehicular manslaughter, and a very long jail stretch.

    I love this country, but at times it really is disgustingly sickening.

    My wife was killed in Greece nearly four years ago by a Greek driver who was over the alcohol limit (apparently) but the case has not yet got to court in Crete. The latest date is 11th June for the court case but I am betting it will be postponed again. So there are worse countries (civilized) than Thailand. Believe it or not there is no compulsion for the driver to turn up for the case and if he does not turn up it will be postponed again. It was postponed previously because the driver's lawyer did not turn up.

    i wonder why Greece is bankrupt ???

  4. RIP, Derek and Mike.

    I'm disgusted with the sentence their killer got.

    We may not like the different attitudes in Thailand, but this is the standard sentence where there are no drugs/alcohol involved.

    AND this is probably why the road deaths are so high. The charge should have been causing death by dangerous driving however the is Koh Samui and

    the driver was Thai.

    I see the Koh Samui police just seemed to pass a message on the the hotel staff. They didn't have the ability to send a proper report to the Coroner but this was

    the Koh Samui police.

    This as we all know is the same police force who decided to arrest two boys from Myanmar because they are too lazy to do a proper investigation. crazy.gifcrazy.gif

  5. The countries from which they came have to take them back and deal with the issues in their own way.

    Why ????

    Mayamar is a Buddist country and these people are Muslims. In the great plan everyone should be able to live together however this is not possible

    if a minority group wish to impose their ideas on an unwilling majority.

    Extremist Muslims need to accept that the persecution of everyone outside (and sometimes within) their "religion" will result in repercussions.

  6. She sounds nice, can't see any problem, go for it...

    as for the braces on the teeth, they all seem to have that ?? you do get use to it..

    but she sounds kind and genuine... worth pursuing for sure..

    Don't worry about braces they are a fashion item, cost a few baht in market. If girl is Burmese then you need to check if she is legal in Thailand, ID's can be

    and are forged

    If she comes from myramar village close to Chang Mai then she may be Shane and unlikely to have proper right of entry.

    She may be lovely girl but you need to take care.

  7. Ladyboys are dangerous .The Irish man with a hole in his head will never try to push a LB again in his lifetime.

    At least he didn't get his pictures plastered all over the news so Mr. Marry can go safely back to Ireland.

    Katoy's are no more dangerous than any other Thai who feels slighted. He shoved him hard enough to cause a fall, therefore he started it.

  8. Does every second man have a second job as hit man in this country.

    Seems to be a hired gun on every corner.

    Learned long ago that for 10,00 thb and an airfare I could get anyone ended anywhere in the world.

    Are you seriously suggesting Thai killers will go anywhere to murder people and for Bt1000. It was a typo yeah?

    1000 baht and a holiday. That's 3 days money if your on minimum wage coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

  9. These drug smugglers are no more responsible for the actions of irresponsible drug takers than are gun dealers for the irresponsible actions of gun owners.

    So the suppliers of drugs are not responsible for the deaths they cause and the robber is not responsible for murder just because the householder woke up and he "slapped" him.

    What a thick ????????crazy.gifcrazy.gif

  10. I keep saying the same thing :- the solution, is to give them 4 of the provenances but on the understanding that Thailand will provide nothing from the date of exchange.

    Let the separatists have their state but warn them if there are ANY acts of terrorism it will to treated as an act of war.

    It must be far cheaper in lives and money to police a border between the sea and Malaya, than it is to keep walking among the enemy.

    • Like 1
  11. Yes, the Germans are coming!!! 555

    Aldi, Lidl, .....

    Time they comes to Thailand too

    If I go shopping in Tesco I need to take my computer and walk round the store 3 times to TRY and make sure I'm not paying too much. Although they are not alone Tesco service is rubbish, they mix up offers with full prices.

    If you are shopping for one, you pay over the top for some items because of the number of items offered on a buy 2 get 25% discount. When you live alone

    it is not always possible to take advantage. Then we get to the check out and we are expected to do that ourselves hmmmmm

    Tesco's of course are not alone. Morrison's fruit shortcake biscuits 45p for 1 pack 75p for 2 packs Mc Vities fruit shortcake 1 pack £1.02.

    If they selling their own brand at 37.5p then they probably pay 20p sooooooo how much is a Morrison's buyer going to pay Mc Vities per pack 25p?? 50p??


  12. This is alarming - those in Power have so little knowledge or understanding of history and how potentially damaging to society such policies may be.

    I've just come back from a trip to Poland visiting a camp that my father was in during WW11. I agree what happened must not happen again but of course

    it is happening today and will happen tomorrow as well.

    All Thai's have to carry ID cards so why not legal migrant workers. Does it matter if the ID is in the wallet or on the wrist.

    The UK does not have any official ID card and the illegal's run the Border Agency ragged. The Government was going to introduce ID cards years ago but some fool reckoned it was going to cost billions. More or less every other country in the world have ID's including EU countries.

    ID's mean control, of course the people who do not wish to be recognized will object. But the rest of us will cheer when the UK illegals cannot claim benefits etc and the Police and Border Agency can catch these people.

  13. I used to smoke, then stopped, but it didn't stop me getting COPD. This is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

    Symptoms are wheezing, coughing. It is caused by damage to the lungs primarily caused by smoking. I think the damage varies and it comes and goes and sometimes gets infected - what they call an exacerbation.

    It can't be cured - but there are inhalers that help. My Doctor gives me antibiotics that I can use if I get an infection on my lungs when on holiday.

    So I am ok with it most of the time.

    I got a copy of my medical records from my Doctor and interestingly there was a note - years before it became apparent to me - saying "Possible COPD?" I would like to have been aware of that.

    I have been a lot better recently and use Tiotropium (Spiriva) inhaler and more recently I have an inhaler for Fluticasone furoate (Relvar) which helps a lot.You will understand that I am not a medico - just a geezer with a similar sounding problem. Yours might be quite different.

    Three months in Nong Khai 2014/15 and not a wheeze - well from the chest anyway!

    He needs an X ray to specifically check the Lungs and Bronchial bits. As you say there is no cure for damage already done however there are

    treatments to keep us going.

  14. Good bust.

    All from a 4 gram seizure.

    And they love to grass-up their uplines.

    Yes it is a good bust.

    Why after being caught with just 20 grams would she give up the rest of her stash?

    Good police questioning methods or threatened with torture?

    Thais (and Burmeses) confess too easily.

    It always amazes me how Thai's always confess. I'm thinking of starting classes to teach them the British method.

    "Even when on CCTV with hands in cash-draw tell them it was not you"

  15. Sounds to me, since the amount is only 4,000 THB, that you are having to pay your annual deductible. Don't know Thai health insurance but in the West most health plans have an annual deductible amount

    Have your wife read your policy, it should be clearly stated what the deductible is

    As far as not paying, I doubt if it would be a police matter but you can be assured that you will never get health insurance from another company so long as you are here, they talk to each other and share information. There are no health privacy laws here so they are free to disclose any information about you

    No deductible. This was an error from the agent, because I had the option to do it on a less expensive hospital, and I did even extra exams because she said was covered. The hospital release me because got confirmation from the insurance company that everything will be paid.

    About losing insurance rights, I know that. For what I paid every year I can travel to my country and do it all for free. I was ready to cancel this when I decided to test it one more time. If that will be the only problem, I will not paid. Was not my fault.

    I just do not want any trouble with police or with my immigration retirement extension.

    It still sounds like a deducible. The bill is less than £90 so I would be inclined to pay then have a friendly chat with the agent to go through ALL the terms of the policy.

    I do have to say that Thai people are not very good at customer service. After they have the money the service very often stops.

  16. Crazy Brit. You don't visit a foreign country, rent a car, and drive with reckless abandon. You don't know the roads and you are a guest.

    I hope they lock up Mr. Benjamin in a Thai prison cell for a few years and not just let him go back to the island after paying off the officer's family.

    My condolences to Police Lance Corporal Wiroon's family and friends. Terrible that this happens at the end of the Songkran holiday.

    Who said the car was rented?

    What makes him a tourist? Maybe just his visa?

    The police officer's motorbike had no license plate at all

    Yet, you condemn the guy to a prison sentence. What if it's found out that the car driver had not a trace of alcohol or other substance and that it was an accident at 2:40am.

    Then again, i'm sure you'll find some other answers.

    The fact of the matter is :- There is a 90kph maximum speed limit on regular duel carriageways and he was travelling way over this. The damage suggests he was going VERY fast therefore it was his fault.

    Did it make a difference because the police bike had no number plate ?? of course not.

    Should he go to prison, yes he caused a death by dangerous driving.

    HOWEVER I am not suggesting that speed is the only factor.

  17. Just one point, pay as the house is built. If possible pay so much after an agreed amount is built. For my house, I paid 20% after the foundations were in. I think 40% after the roof was on and 40% on completion. That way the builder won't take off with a bunch of cash in his pocket and no work done. I know three people who had this happen to them. For one it was his wife's family doing the work, so don't feel safe even if it's family or a friend doing the work. If the builder can't finance it in advance, buy the materials ahead of time, then when they are used, pay for the labour and buy new materials. Protect yourself. It's no different than in your home country, except most home countries, have laws that will protect you and are enforced, not so much here.

    "most home countries have laws to protect us " cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Not in the UK, we have laws, they have limited companies. £1.9 BILLION in building ripoffs

    every year. these companies just change names and carry on.

  18. A few years ago I had a similar experience, with the exception the Thai motor-bike rider did not die. He did brake both legs.

    After going for my insurance company for untold compensation, which he did not get, the end of the story is I got 2 years jail. My lawyer got the sentence suspended for 2 years.

    The motor-bike rider pulled straight out in front of me, but in court, being a foreigner, I was slaughtered. My legal costs were not small. My eventual fine was minute. I had my passport confiscated, which meant I was unable to leave Thailand.

    I had the floor wiped up with me. Why ? Because I was a foreigner. Was on a hiding for nothing from the moment of impact. The police dealt with the matter in a very 2-faced way.

    The bike riders body was "200 metres " from the car after hitting the windscreen. How fast was the car going ??????? The wife said he tried to stop so at impact

    was braking "the body was 200 metres" from the car How fast was he going ???????

    I know we all travel over the limit but if there is a bike on the same road it is up to us to slow down, in case. This guy did not slow and he was going VERY FAST.

    As for Pattaya 28 he has only told his side of the story.

  19. Wearing a crash helmet?

    Likely not and trying to make a dash for one of those notoriously dangerous uturns...fast lane to fast lane.

    there's a fast lane in Thailand?

    It's worth remembering that there is a 90 kph limit on all main roads except the motorway. The body was 200 feet from the car and the driver had started to brake !!

    I do understand that motorcycles are very often stupid in Thailand but 55 miles per hour with the bike maybe doing 35 mph does not equate to 200 foot separation.

    Methinks car driver could be in deep poo and quite rightly so.

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