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Posts posted by Travelman868

  1. anyone ever heard of this company?

    "arrange loans"

    they seem a Russian company based in Pattaya

    Sounds like a loan "broker"...hooks up someone who wants to borrow money with someone who is willing to loan it....the broker takes his loan commission upfront and then backs out of the picture after all the loan paperwork is signed. Very common in the real estate business.

    Then the person who borrowed the money would be dealing solely with whoever loaned him the money. Maybe a reputable financial company, maybe Somchai the Loan Shark, maybe Vladimir the Loan Shark, etc.

    15% seems low interest for loan shark unless it is 15% per month. I presume the loan is for 500,000 baht so around £11000.

    If you are Farang who owns the land and the house? What is the business and who are the Thai's involved in that?

    How much money are the Thai's going to borrow for your joint business ?? If nothing then I think you have answers to questions.

    It's all very well Farangs going into business with Thai people however when the house goes up for security and you do not own the land thats when problems start.

    If you cannot afford to lose £11000 then don't borrow the money or you WILL lose the house.

  2. Good article.

    There has to be a realisation that, while the terrorists have to be treated as they deserve, the grievences of the people in the south are genuine and have to be addressed.

    Those who use violence to achieve them are following the wrong path, but that does not mean the grievances themselves are not real.

    They don't justify violence but there has to be solution found to resolve them, one that is acceptable to all concerned.

    This is not a religious conflict.

    Religion obviously plays a role but it is not the root cause or the only one.

    Of course it's a religious conflict AND other than African tribes Islam is the only religion that likes to kill young children. I give you the examples of the 9 year old boy beheaded in Thailand and the 14 year old coffee boy in Syria.

  3. I'm glad to hear that the "happiness to the people" campaign is alive and kicking.

    All the Thai employers, will be over the moon after hearing this.

    I'm not against raising the minimum wages but first wait and see how the economy is progressing and then put through populist suggestions.

    What can happen is, there will be no enterprises left to pay not only the minimum wages but any wages at all.

    Talking like a true 'elite" supporter!!

    Never mind if the poor are hungry, as long as we can afford gasoline to the Lamborghini...........coffee1.gif

    There will always be "the have's", "have some" and the" have very little". When the minimum was increased to 300 baht per day from 200 it put a strain on lots of companies. Yes there are some that make big profits on the back on the poor but these are the exception rather than the rule.

    If the EU increased the minimum wage by 50% how many jobs would be lost.

  4. I know this happens elsewhere in the world, but these 2 x paragraphs sum up Thailand's transportation exactly:

    "Accidents involving boats, buses and other forms of public transport are common in Thailand, where safety standards are generally poor.

    Overcrowded tourist ferries and other boats are notorious for capsizing, catching fire or hitting rocks, especially during peak tourist season when vessels are pushed to their limit."

    A while ago I was walking past a truck making a delivery to Mikes in Pattaya. The front nearside tyre was bald and the tread delaminating. The policeman who was passing the truck at the same time did nothing.

    In the UK the driver would have been fined and the truck taken off the road immediately. Road deaths UK 3000 Road deaths Thailand 30000.

    • Like 2
  5. Many island residents are airing grave concerns for road safety in Samui

    It will only be when the politicians give a crap about what other people say things will be fixed. They don't care about this now, they won't care about this in the future. Conduct yourself accordingly.

    Everyday big bikes scream past my house here at Hua Thanon doing 150 kmh plus but a complete absence of law enforcement, after all this is Koh Samui, The worst are the frequent Malaysian big bike tours (look at me) forcing everyone off the road and behaving like they can't back home!

    I presume this road is a 70 kph limit but it's certainly is not a motorway so max limit is 90kph but hey this is Samui so another person killed, no matter.

    A general problem in Thailand is that the traffic police do not work at night.

  6. Perhaps if folk like yourself fronted them and went to the police station stuff might become more sensible.....

    When at the police station you could ask why the fines are different at the roadside with no receipts....

    I got stopped twice in 5 km told the second one I had no money because the first one took all. He ok and off I went

    • Like 1
  7. Not really too much force, I never even heard about this till thus afternoon.

    Though the Mrs said there was a lot of police presence last night and the night before.

    But usually just attributed to trying to catch yaba couriers.

    Seems to me they wanted to sweep up a network all at once

    with enough visible force to make armed resistance seem futile or fatal.

    The nature if the assassination a short while back was so brazen and so public,

    I think bringing the biggest hammer was a logical message bring sent to more

    than just this network of sociopaths and gangsters, that there are new limits to

    what society will tolerate.

    With 1 suspect in custody and his perp walk reenactment and the name of his accomplice known,

    they were able to target which network heads were behind it. And decided to really send a message,

    that tourist business is worth far far more their their interacting squabbles for turf and influence.

    Good comment from someone being sensible.

    • Like 1
  8. I would smack my child for stealing. Better that than prison later. I don't know what the big hoo Haa is about. If you think that is bad. Just how nice do you all think it's going to be in a Thai boys orphanage.

    His aunt is probably doing the best she can with very little family support or money.

    I hope he is sent back to her soon. I am sure she would be the better option of the two places. Most thai know that also. That's why they don't interfere.

    You don't know what the hoo haa is about?

    You don't see how tying up a child and violently assaulting them is a vile thing to do, no matter what they have done?

    You think that is the appropriate response? The best way to deal with a 7 year old child?

    Send the child back to an adult who has violently assaulted him, probably not for the first time? If a child learns that violence is the way of the world, how do you think they will act towards that world and those they see as w eager than themselves?

    There have been some crass posts on this thread already, but your's beggars belief.

    " you touch me and I'll report you, I know my rights and there more than yours" Is that what you believe is a good idea.

    I will agree that tying the boy up was wrong but he was wrong to steal. 300 baht is not a lot to us but it is equal to one to one and a half days work. (12 to 16 Hours)

    You seem to be giving the impression that the boy is an innocent victim and that is wrong. When I was 7 and did something wrong my father would

    smack my bare behind a few times with his hand. I presume YOU would say that was sexual assault !!!!!!!!!

    In Thailand corporal punishment is still used and if you look at the behavior when the kids are on a school trip it seems to work.


    • Like 1
  9. The bigger thieves are the shop owners/manager/employees who demanded 300 baht for a six baht candy the boy was caught stealing. They took advantage of the aunt and her problem nephew. Handled badly all around, including the police.

    I agree the boy learned nothing from the actions of the shop, but shoplifting is a big problem. If the shop did nothing then they would be

    considered as fare game for every kid in the area.

    I had two 9 year old girls come into my shop and steal an item that cost 10p I called the police and they took them home in a police car.

    No one was fined, no one was arrested but I think the girls learned a lesson.

    If I had done nothing, all the kids in their school would know that if you got caught nothing would happen.

  10. The bigger thieves are the shop owners/manager/employees who demanded 300 baht for a six baht candy the boy was caught stealing. They took advantage of the aunt and her problem nephew. Handled badly all around, including the police.

    I agree the boy learned nothing from the actions of the shop, but shoplifting is a big problem. If the shop did nothing then they would be

    considered as fare game for every kid in the area.

    I had two 9 year old girls come into my shop and steal an item that cost 10p I called the police and they took them home in a police car.

    No one was fined, no one was arrested but I think the girls learned a lesson.

    If I had done nothing, all the kids in their school would know that if you got caught nothing would happen.

  11. 230,000 people have signed an on-line petition demanding his reinstatement according to BBC news.

    Could be expensive if they force him out.


    Doubt they will ever have to pay him a penny, punching a producer I am sure they will have a gross misconduct clause in their contract.

    As for the petition (over 300,000 now), I would like to set up a counter petition (sure I would get more signatures) "that he should be stripped naked and shoved in a box full of fire ants", no need to film it, just a live audio feed to Radio 4 (after the watershed).tongue.png

    News at 6 PM BBC say allegedly threw a punch. No mention of it landing.

    What's the difference???

    If he he intended to land the punch, then sack him...

    If he hit the producer, then it should be a police matter.

    If he was just threatening the producer, then just maybe reinstate him with a final final warning... but I would not.

    Clarkson is a self centered plank I'm sure the BBC could produce a better motoring show

  12. It Might be a publicity stunt to prop up Jeremy's irreverent image.

    Top Gear would be very different without him.

    I,ve more or less stopped watching Top Gear. The show is getting to be a joke and Clarkson is a plank.

    It was interesting the other day. Clarksons idea of testing the Corvette was to smoke the tyres for 10 minutes

    and declare that it was quick. The Stig did a timed lap and there was no smoke AND he was driving far faster

    than Clarkson.

    As for Top Gear as a program. Fine to show the Porsche, Ferrari etc but most of us cannot hope to ever own any of these

    sooooo they need to test some more affordable cars without Clarkson taking the pee.

  13. Hi Thanyaburi. I did read that post before posting. It is only about HIV though, so I wanted to make sure I found some information that dealt with the other STIs we want to get screened for as well.



    If you want a full range of tests I would be inclined to use Hospital. All main Thai national hospitals have clinics for STI's ask on reception and they give you

    price and point you in right direction.


    There are some proper Lab/Clinics in most cities. I would not use any of the ones that have a list in their windows.

  14. brit doggie so how did you solve that problem with the girl that happened to you?

    also to those that say she is using me then why didnt she come with her on the first time that we met?

    I don't think it is unusual for a friend to join date. Did the girl say friend was Tom ?? If she did then it may indicate that

    she swings both ways.

    Stop being picky and enjoy (both) coffee1.gif

  15. The scary part is that these are fairly young people. They are going to be around for a long time.

    I used to think the scariest thing was going to be some sort of highly infections flu, or Ebola or some other Virus, now I am starting to think it's going to be this firebrand of Islam that will infect (or infest) and eventually kill us.

    Mainstream Islam needs to condemn these madmen, if not then the consequences will be a religious war not seen for a few hundred years.

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