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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Like I said, the girls in Pattaya haven't been sold into slavery,they are there by choice. Same as Al Pacino's gf chooses to give BJ's to an 83 year old c*ck. She just gets paid a lot more to do it. Is she being exploited/abused? No one said a word about wrinkly old Hugh Hefner bedding women young enough to be great grandaughters when he was 90. Why? Because he was rich. So drop the hypocrisy.
  2. No one forces girls to sell themselves in Pattaya, there are plenty of other jobs, but they choose to take the easy way. The only difference between Pacinos girlfriend and a Pattaya hooker is the price.
  3. Torrent Galaxy is what I use.
  4. I've bought several things from Ali, mostly watches, never paid any duty, but all under 5000 baht.
  5. Same, same. Still money buying young pus*y.
  6. Yes, I found it everywhere, but no seeds, so dowload would take forever or not happen.
  7. Where is this available for download?
  8. Just because he said it doesn't make it true. Murderers lie.
  9. What about for using a fake passport, surely that's an offence?
  10. Yeah, I'd love to hear his "self defense" argument. That's what Shane O'Brien tried when he slashed an innocent man to death wiith a box cutter. He's now serving a minimum 26 year sentence in the UK.
  11. Why was he only charged with assault, the guy was dead. Should have been manslaughter at a minimum.
  12. The guy has confessed, both here and in Norway, and are you forgetting the eyewitness, the wife?
  13. People have been known to confess to crimes they didn't commit.
  14. When he admits to killing the guy? And the wife was an eye witness? Or maybe it was his twin?
  15. He murders a guy who complained that he was making too much noise, and now he wants to dictate where he does his time so he can be close to his daughter. I'm sure the guy he killed would have liked to enjoy life with his family as well.
  16. giddyup


    Different brand, same thing.
  17. giddyup


    Seven Eleven.
  18. And I never got an email saying been approved this time either.
  19. Lawyers couldn't care less about innocence or guilt and they will lie, hide evidence and fabricate a defence in order to win.
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