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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Gave it 15 minutes, didn't grab me.
  2. No, you said that they are selfish and don't consider others.
  3. Might be a bit of a gory clean-up, but I doubt the guy felt a thing. Pills or poison aren't always successful and may just put you in a coma, not like getting cut in half.
  4. Bit difficult to put a dead person in jail.
  5. Agreed, but Emergency Services have to do it every day with road accidents. I guess suicides don't have cleanup furthermost in their minds.
  6. But didn't succeed, so he inadvertently ended the guys suffering. Nothing to feel guilty about.
  7. There's a very painless way to end one's life, unfortunately the means to do so is not easily available in Thailand.
  8. He actually helped put an end to the poor man's suffering. Act of mercy IMO.
  9. Has anyone had the Rezum procedure at Bangkok/Pattaya hospital, and who was the surgeon?
  10. Been driving a pickup in Pats for 14 years without a problem.
  11. Take Paradise and put up a Parking Lot. It's pretty much universal.
  12. Perhaps you need to be more clear, we're not mind readers.
  13. The rest of the world? Surely you jest?
  14. She's as black as Meghan Markle.????
  15. You can say you have, but have you really?
  16. No, you just cherry picked.
  17. Anyone can be an expert on anything on Thai Visa, you included.
  18. If you are going to quote someone, don't edit the quote to suit your reply.
  19. No, but I have read about the possible hazards, and in a country where it's already dangerous to drive, why would I want to increase the dangers.
  20. The risks are already high enough driving in Thailand, why would you add to them?
  21. Have you driven left hand drive in Thailand or anywhere else they drive on the left?
  22. Already been explained.
  23. Why is that? You don't see the difficulty of overtaking?
  24. You didn't seem to understand the problems of driving a left hand drive car in Thailand.
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