At the ripe old age of 80 I find 2 beers or one glass of wine is my limit, my metabolism just can't tolerate more than that without suffering a mild hangover.
Extraction 2. The director just couldn't help himself and had to make it a John Wick clone with similar body counts. The first was an entertaining, somewhat believable, action romp, number 2 is just another forgettable, over the top shoot 'em up.
Anyone else find the mini TV series "the Crowded Room" as dull and overrated as me? It receives rave reviews on IMDB but I had to give it away by episode 4. Tom Holland is the next Marlon Brando according to reviews, yet I found him aggravating and annoying, at least the part he plays in this series.
Again, putting words in my mouth. I said, I would like to see evidence that gays are bullied at school in Thailand any more than anyone else. Never said it doesn't happen.
Don't put words in my mouth. I said kids get bullied at school for all kinds of reasons, not just for being queer. I would like to see evidence that gays get bullied at school in Thailand more than anyone else.
There is bullying in schools for all kinds of reasons, being fat, short, mixed race etc. Kids can be cruel. Stop trying to make gays the victims all the time, it's getting old.