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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Both seasons 1 and 2 available TG.
  2. Or India?
  3. Well, the statistics say otherwise.
  4. Now that I know I think I'll just join the retirement group on the right side where all the chairs are.
  5. It's a month since New Year and Xmas.
  6. But there's not more people. Tourists are still down 50% prior to Covid.
  7. That's outside.
  8. Not talking when, but now. Don't recall seeing many Chinese at immigration, I think most are on package holidays.
  9. I can never remember crowds like there are now pre Covid, and surely there aren't the same numbers of tourist here as before.
  10. Can't find what is an "authorised certifier" No, found it. Proof of life certificates must be certified by an authorised certifier as specified in the Social Security (Administration) (Authorised Certifier) Determination 2019. The following classes of person are specified as authorised certifiers. Persons recognised under Australian law: a person who is admitted to the legal profession, and holds a certificate to practise as a legal practitioner a Registrar or Deputy Registrar a judge, magistrate or justice, or a person with same status as a judge, magistrate or justice a justice of the peace a notary public a police officer an Australian Consular Officer, or Australian Diplomatic Officer a person who is in a place outside of Australia, and authorised to perform consular acts at that place a person who is a medical practitioner. Persons recognised in social security recipient's place of residence: a person who, under the law of or applying at that place, is currently authorised or entitled to practise in that place as: a legal practitioner (however described), or a notary public (however described), or a medical practitioner (however described), or a police officer (however described) a judge, magistrate or justice a registrar or deputy registrar
  11. What proof do they ask for on the letter? Otherwise anyone could fill it out and return it.
  12. How difficult/easy is it for a novice to fully load one of these boxes? I'm tempted to buy one just because it will play most video formats, but it would also be nice to watch whatever else I can add to it.
  13. Thanks, I'd be happy to pay 8000 baht for the convenience. Do you have the name of the agent?
  14. That's why I said an agent (or someone).
  15. Which mulberry bush is that?
  16. It seems the bedlam at Immigration seems likely to continue, so when my retirement extension is due in a couple of months I'd prefer to have someone just do the queuing for me, as at 80 it's getting to be a bit much to stand there for hours. I have the money in the bank, I can get the bank letters, fill out the forms etc, so shouldn't have to pay the full agents fees. Has anyone used an agent or anyone else just to submit the paperwork and pick up the passport with the new stamp?
  17. Never been asked to prove I'm still alive in 14 years of living in Thailand.
  18. I renewed my 5 year a couple of months ago and the perception test has been dropped. Only colour and brake tests.
  19. My ex wife owns her own house so has no rent to pay, yet she complains that she can't live on an Aussie aged pension, so runs credit cards to the limit, but then money management was never her forte.
  20. What is a box that can play all modern formats?
  21. I lived in Katherine NT as a kid and aboriginals weren't allowed to buy alcohol (they also couldn't vote) and there were no drunken aboriginals killing each other or neglecting their children as there is now. Alcohol has destroyed aboriginal communities.
  22. Semen found inside her and she wasn't raped? Are the police saying it was concensual?
  23. I didn't see if it plays HEVC, but I'm now thinking that it might be easier to just avoid that format. I read that you can add HEVC capabilities to VLC player under TOOLS but I don't see that option on my Android TV.
  24. What kind of Android box?
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